
My Story

I'm Rayshawn Butler, and I enjoy watching anime as well as drawing them. I love listening to old school music, particularly Janet Jackson. My favorite manga team is the all-female group CLAMP who is known for Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, ×××HOLiC, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, RG Veda, X/1999, Chobits and many others. Clamp was my huge inspiration for writing my own stories because their works cover themes such as fate, love transcending age, gender, and identity, human relationships and the idea of soulmates.

When I was a young child, my family and friends we're the most important people in my life because they encourage me to become a successful adult in the future. While growing up in High Point, I was born as the middle child of the Butler family; my brother is the oldest and my sister is the second oldest. Since eleven years has passed, my youngest sister was conceived at the High Point Regional Medical Center.

During my childhood, I moved quite frequently: I used to live in a two-story apartment known as Beamon Courts where my aunt's mother lives in. Her name was Ms. Byers and her daughter is named Jackie Byers. Since then, I would often go to her house and spend quality time with her such as having conversations with her, watching TV, and treating others well. However, as time passes, I never saw much of her on account that she passed away in 2016. I felt heartbroken at the thought of her death, but I often remind myself that she's with God, and her daughter is still striving during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, my family guided me through life by setting good examples of maintaining a positive outlook during dire consequences, treating people with care and respect, and adapting myself in the real world. They also encouraged me to learn how to manage my money so that no one would cheat me out of my money.

Speaking of managing money, my family and I often go out and eat at public restaurants, most notably McDonald's. When it comes to eating as much as we can, I often finished my plate and let the food digest. However, I'm also aware that eating too much trans fat can cause people to experience a number of health problems. Due to this, my family have to save enough money to use for more important business such as insurance and savings. In order to be balanced with our money, we keep track of our income and expenses so that we stay on top of our monthly bills. Elaborating on my current health, I go to the doctor regularly because it's important for me to schedule an appointment with a doctor about my health.

One time, I had a surgery appointment at Brenners Children's Hospital because I had scoliosis. My spine was curved, which caused me to have a lot of trouble standing up properly. After the surgery, I had rods put in my back to help support my posture. Since I had rods in back, I never done any sports of any kind. This is also connected to the fact that fact my parents, despite the difficulties in their jobs, they work hard to value me and my siblings' life so that we can have a better future. Expanding on the impact they had on me, they also taught me life lessons on advocating myself to pursue my dreams, setting up future goals to achieve and strive for, and always be true to myself. I'm glad my family guided me through life because they talked clearly on making the right decisions to avoid any serious mistakes.

Since 2015, I enrolled at GTCC to study in the Advertising & Graphic Design program. My art teacher, Ms. Snyder, introduced me to the principles of art when I took up drawing classes. Currently, I am majoring in the Associate in Fine Arts program to earn my Fine Arts degree. Although, despite my ambition of becoming a professional artist in the future, I faced some major obstacles that hindered me from succeeding in my chosen field like taking in constructive criticism, approaching negative thoughts about my artwork, and demonstrating poor behavorial skills. My profession is to be a successful graphic designer and open up my own business in the future.

Since 2019, I have participated in Portfolio Day and discussed my design process to the viewers who came to look at many designs. I am a graphic designer and the techniques that I use involve using Adobe software programs and art utensils. I also uploaded artworks on Behance for audiences to review and be influenced. What inspired me to create my work is researching Japanese artwork. One of the inspirations that pique my interest in studying art is Japanese manga (comic books), particularly Clamp. My inspiration came from researching and reading about how Japanese art influenced me to create art that will catch the audience's attention.

When I create art, it makes me feel inspired to create original pieces that relate to my inspiration. Because of this, I create art to convey the message that, even if art does involve drawing and brainstorming concepts on paper, it is visual communication that revolves around the idea of addressing themes that relate to how society functions. The major themes that are present in my artwork are perseverance, being a goal seeker, dealing with everyday life and the joy and pain that it brings us, and finding hope in a harsh world. The themes revolve around the idea of finding your purpose and how you can subvert that purpose into something meaningful.

Media as a whole influenced my way of viewing life because they last a timeless impression on how I view the world from a fictional or musical perspective. One of the R&B singers that I often bring up in conversations is Janet Jackson because I admire how she tackles various social themes that are still relevant in today's society such as racism, domestic violence, gang violence, school shootings, sensuality, poverty, and hope. I'm inspired by media because they help me reflect on my individuality (social wellness). Because of this, I'm capable of befriending people and sharing my feelings with them. This encourages me to be brave and make good choices that will benefit my future goals. So, for the near future, I'm going to improve on my health by getting a proper education, getting 6-8 hours of sleep, having access to health care, maintaining good income, and maintaining a healthy social relationship. These impacts were important as they were in the past because they influence me to make proactive decisions that will help me succeed in my life.

Anime has been a huge influence in my life because I grew up watching and reading some manga stories that caught my interest in creating my own stories in the near-future. One day, when I get a job in Japan as a manga artist, my stories would be about children and young adults exploring their worlds, fighting against all odds, and learning moral lessons on sacrifice, love, fate, predetermination & destiny.