
Arc company's board of directors

"The forest of death is as dangerous as I expected. But, I would be fine if I don't venture deep into the region." 

"And this company Arc also seemed to quite suspicious. For a company that deals with mining rare materials, collecting beast corpses, and manufacturing blank cards, its assets are quite astonishing. Its net worth is over 3.8 trillion credits. 

But, they got a clean chit from WAMO. That means their finances are legit. What's more, nine of their board directors are anonymous. Even WAMO could only find out a couple of their names. These two are public figures who enjoy high respect in society. They were also damn wealthy. Maybe, that is where the company's funds are coming from."

Azzy assumed that this was probably why Agent Alder wanted to get closer to Aaron and get into the inner circle as the latter suspect that the company is somehow involved with the dark organization 'Assad'.

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