
Queen of Ocean

In the depth of an unknown ocean...

a body of a girl was floating gently following the rhythm of the small waves of the sea water. Her hair was swaying lightly. Her eyes were closed. She had a couple of beautiful eyelashes with two thick eyebrows, small red lips and a pointed nose. she had a pale white skin as if she had lost a lots of blood. She wore a white greyish long gown with short sleeves. Although she is not a heavenly beauty that could bring chaos to a dinasty, she should be considered to have some charm on her own. She had that kind of beauty that only belong to her solely.

"Unfortunately...she is dead." A sigh came from nowhere. It seemed that sigh was from an old man? But looking at the surrounding again, there is no one at all. Where was the sigh coming from?

"I thought we finally have a chance to rise again, oh my tribe...it seems like will be forever vanished." Murmured of the old voice.

Just as the sigh and murmurs which were full of regretful emotion was gone, something strange happened...


A blinding glowing light suddenly came out of the girl. The light had a greenish colour and it's source looked like it came from the part of the girl's heart. The girl was still unconscious but the emerald green-coloured light was getting more and more blinding. After a period of time, that emerald light had covered the ocean in all directions like a giant emerald blanket. That light even emerged through the the sea layers and arrived at the world above the ocean.

"This..." The same old voice could be heard again. But this time, it sounded so agitated.

In the southeast direction of the sea, there was a very big white rock the size around eight meters in diameter. Behind the big rock, it could be seen a black giant fish, it's size was more than ten meters long, peeking at the direction of the floating girl. That giant fish looked like a shark at first glance, but the strange thing is, it had three pairs of white wings on its back. The wings were about two meters long and one meter in wide.

That giant fish kept peeking at that girl from behind the rock. It's two eyes strangely looked like an intelligent being. It could be seen that it's pair of eyes contained many subtle emotions, such as worry, anxiousness, expectant, thrilled, hope, and many more. A fish with so many emotions? That was really incredible. But that was really what happened right now.

That fish opened it's mouth, and shockingly produced the human words. That voice was exactly sounded like the previous voice of that old man. "It couldn't be....?" That voice was very agitated, and it's expression became even more complicated. There was high expectation in its trembling voice. The giant fish waited for a moment and then suddenly emerged out from it's hiding spot and slowly headed in the direction of the girl.

The emerald beams still continuously spread in all direction of the sea. At the same time, all beings that resided in the sea including fishes, octopus, sea snakes, sharks, dolphins, and the other creatures, seemed to be awaken. Their souls and minds looked like being transformed into the being of intelligent creatures. Their dull eyes that only contained the gaze to find and chased after their foods, now, those eyes became lively and full of emotions and intelligence.

The moment they were awaken, they set their eyes onto the floating girl in unison. They also started to stop for whatever they were doing. Whether they were chasing after their preys, or being scared to be eaten, or whether they were simply taking a nap, they all instantly stopped their activities. Time stood still. Everything seemed to stop at the moment, even time seemed to be frozen.


Time began to operated again. The moment the freezing time came to live again, the sea creatures began to swam frantically to the direction of the floating girl, as if they will be punished if they were to be late, as if it was a blasphemy to the superior if they did not hurry. The ocean that looked like a peaceful paradise a moment ago, suddenly burst into frenzy like a lively market. Every fish, every snakes, every octopus, whales, shrimps, sea turtles, oysters, jellyfish, sea eels, dolphins and other sea creatures which some of them looked really weird and unfamiliar, began to swam frantically in the girl's direction. They looked like they were competing to be the first one to arrived and show their loyalty.

The first one to arrived was the giant black fish with three pairs of white wings. It was floating about five meters away from the girl. It looked at the girl with great nervousness but also high expectancy. It's wings sometimes closed and sometimes opened and spread like three pairs of fan. Not long after it arrived, the other sea creatures began to arrived one by one, including a pair of fishes that looked so similar with each other. They stopped about half to one meter away from the giant black fish, as if they already knew and agreed that it was their leader.

Not long after that, all the sea creatures had all arrived at their destination. They formed a circle and surrounded the unconscious girl. The sight of all the sea creatures in forming a circle was really shocking and majestic to be seen. Everyone who saw it would probably shocked and trembled. It was a very amazing sight. They were waiting patiently to the arrival of the sacred moment. They were excited, nervous, thrilled, but also had some worries that their hopes would suddenly shattered by an unexpected occurrence. This was the moment that they had been waiting all along. A moment of their queen to be born and awaken.


Yes! Queen!

The Queen of The Ocean!

In the heart of the sea creatures, the floating girl who was now turned into a mermaid with an emerald-coloured scaled covering her body, was their queen who finally arrived to bring their race into a prosperous era. This was their sacred moment. Their starting point to embark on their journey to the peak, to reached their highest glory, and to fulfill their hopes and ambitions.

There was no one knows how the sea creatures had that kind of thinking, and how they knew the existence of their queen. It was as if it was their knowledge to begin with that had been passed down generation after generation. And the moment they were awaken, they would possessed that kind of knowledge.



A loud roar suddenly sounded, and the emerald green beam that had been spread in all direction began to subsided and concentrated only around the girl. The floating girl began to stand in mid air...no-in mid water, but her eyes were still closed. The beautiful green light around her made her looked really holly and majestic. Suddenly, two pair of illusory wings began to sprout from her back. That green wings had a faint golden colour on them. They flapped elegantly on her back. After a period of time, that faint illusory wings began to faded, and the girl suddenly opened her two eyes.

What a beautiful eyes!

The girl's eye pupils had green colour, and when ones looked into them, they would suddenly planked in to daze and became lost. The pair of eyes seemed to contained a lot of sense of mysteries. It contained knowledge and a power to control. The moment the girl opened her eyes, she saw a shocking sight. Thousands upon thousands of sea creatures bowed their head and closed their wings or fins as if they wanted to clasped their fins into salutation. At the same time, they shout loudly on top of their gills, "Queen... Congratulation for you to be awaken!"

Then, suddenly...

The eyes of the girl who just opened a second ago, became shocked and terrified.

What happened?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Could anyone tell me what the hell happened right now? What do I see? A bunch of fishes...no, a hundred, no...a million? There were all kind of fish, snakes, jellyfish, turtles and many other sea creatures forming a circle around her.


Looking at the enthusiastic fellow oceanic beast in front of her, she nearly stumbled and tripped. The majestic sight that had been successfully built from the beginning nearly crumbled and shattered into dust because of her stumble.

How can she not feeling terrified when she had just awoken, but suddenly found herself standing in the middle of an ocean and surrounded by a millions of sea creatures? There were even lots of enormous fish or snakes like shark, whales, and many strange creatures that she had never seen before. The main point was that they all surrounded her as if they would never let her go no matter what.

At this moment, all she was thinking was how to escaped from her predicament, but no matter how she thought, she could not even came up with a single plan. 'What to do? What to do?' She began to felt anxious.

The giant black fish with three pair of wings, upon realizing the anxious expression of their queen, it suddenly had a strange gaze. It wanted to explained but do not know how to do it. Moreover, if it had to suddenly explained, with all of the sea creatures currently gathered in a sacred moment, it would not be good to the image of the queen, right? The giant black fish were very thoughtful. It suddenly thought an idea and stepped up to approach the queen, and then shouted loudly.

"To all the civilians of the Batutha Ocean, bow to the queen!" The old voice of the black giant fish sounded very sonorous and full of charisma. The moment the voice ended, all sea creatures began to bow again.

The black giant fish bowed first and then swam slowly to approached to queen. Meanwhile, the mind of the 'just enoble out of nowhere queen' was in chaos. She had heard the word 'queen' several times spoken by the sea creatures the moment she awoke. Only at this moment she had the time to register the meaning of the word.

She had suddenly became their queen? What a plot twist. She thought she had became a great criminal in the ocean and would be eaten on the spot by that bunch of fish, ah. Never in her wildest dream that she actually had became their queen. Didn't it mean she would not be eaten? And it meant she had the greatest power in the ocean? How amazing! How thrilling! Suddenly, she felt her blood boilt from excitement and nervousness. She began to look forward to her bright future.

While her mind were wandering here and there, a certain black giant fish suddenly approached her. She became terrified again, wondering what that giant fish wanted to do to her. Would it suddenly wanted to eat her to replace her position because it wanted to become the king of ocean? The thought of being eaten resurfaced again in her mind. She felt scared. She tried to control her emotion. No matter what happen, she wouldn't be able to escaped with all the creatures surrounding her. She needed to calm her little heart down. After a moment of heart meditation, she steady herself to look at that giant fish.

"As expected of the queen... even tough she felt nervous, she could calm her emotion very fast." The black giant fish sighed in it's heart. Then, it's enormous body stopped about less than one meter away from the queen. It began to whispered something to the queen in a low voice that only it and the queen could heard. After a brief of whispering, the queen finally nodded her head solemnly. She strode to face the civilians of the ocean and declared.

"I, your queen, am back!"

Suddenly, silence ensued.

But after a few seconds later, a cheer erupted.

"The queen is back! The queen is back!"

All kind of sea creatures began to shout and flap their wings, fins, and tails. They swam here and there, looked at their companions and then looking back to the queen with a compassionate gaze.

"For our glory!" The queen declared again.

"For our glory!" Cheers erupted everywhere.

Meanwhile, that girl cursed her precarious situation inwardly. Glory your mother!