
The Plan to Destroy Mosquitoes Is...

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

"Elder, you should go to Heaven-Breaking Peak first. I will return to the peak to cultivate soon."

He had just entered the mountain-protecting array and entered the mountain gate carved out of white jade.

Li Changshou handed the Soul-Bewitching Pearl and the treasure pouch containing the battle spoils to Elder Wan Linyun respectfully.

It was not that he did not want to hide and keep any of the treasures for himself.

Most of the storage Dharma treasures that he had collected this time were destroyed in Elder Wan Linyun's poisonous flames. There was not much value left…

Moreover, it was a matter that concerned the survival of the sect.

It was not easy for him to have someone to rely on in the vast Primordial world.