

How The Eye use Fiend game and collect data is mysterious. Trully out of our reach. Also science didn't even found and created something like this before. They wirelessly connect game without using wifi is remarkable engineering. This kind of connection really useful for future development and progressive .

But they using it secretly and without our permission. We do order their game using our email and accept term and condition. Well maybe we were too naive and didn't read the term and apply first. It concerns our privacy and safety. Maybe i should check the agreement later?

But right now let see what this watch has to offer. I removed the watch from the box and began checking the quality. It really nice watch. It have smooth edges, futuristic design, shiny and polished dark red colour. On the back of the watch, there was 'Heavy Duty' imprinted.

A single button on the display monitor. Maybe to cycle the mode and display? I putting down the box at the side, then trying to wear the watch on my left hand. As soon as i strap the watch, my hand feel numb. I felt electrocute. The display monitor suddenly lit up on its own. A hologram of screen appeared on the watch.

Name: Kagashi

ID Number: 2501480

Element: NONE

Fiend: NONE

Skill: NONE

Points: 10

Strength : 2 Agility : 3

Defence : 1 Stamina : 4

I was shocked by the screen. It seem real. This is a nice hologram. The hologram menu is the same as in Fiend games. Then i thought, is it just a static or interactive hologram?

I tap on Agility. Agility increase by 1. It was an interactive hologram! A dream come true! This is the best watch ever!

My excitement didn't last long. I feel a sudden changes to my body. My body becoming taller, but skiny. My legs' muscle tighten and lighter. Powerful life energy circulate through whole my body.

I felt multiple feeling. A powerful, energized, excitement, worried, shocked, afraid by the changes. This is impossible logically. So this watch is my menu in Fiend games. I can increase my stats using this watch easily.

But what is Element, Fiend and Skill mean? I knew there are different kind of Fiend in the game, but are there real Fiends in Earth?


"Wait, hold on. Please say there are no Fiend's monsters in Earth. That would be ridiculous! Would it dangerous if monsters roam on Earth? I don't see any monste...." I suddenly recalled my encounter with half demon mask person. I fell down with my paled face on the floor. I want to denies the possibility.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Knocking sounds at my front door. I am scared, afraid and possibly feel threatened. I tried to calm myself, but the knocking making me nervous for some reason. I tried to get up and reach to the window to check whos at my front door.