

“So you can be beating me up every day right? Take that lunatic out of my sight!” he commanded and they drag her out of the room.

People at the hotel start gossiping

“I don’t blame that lady the boss deserves it he is a playboy, he will never be able to stick to one woman.” One of them stated

“You are right since that new girl came, he started acting lovey-dovey with her, he is a nutjob.” Another one added.  

Anna move slightly on her bed and wake up she remove the blanket from her body and sit up from the bed and she saw Cole resting on the wall.

“Cole who was that crazy woman,” Anna ask curiously        

“She is my ex-girlfriend I dumped her ages ago but she just doesn’t want to let me have peace of mind,” he muttered striving to leave the room.

“What! Anna muttered closing the door, didn’t you ask me to meet you in your room tonight.” She asked gazing into his green eyes.

“Yes I did but…Anna put her fingers on his lips

“No but come here boy,” she said pulling him by the hand to the bed.

She pushes him on the bed, he lay roughly on the bed and glances at her.

“What are you doing we are both hurt.” he lamented

“It’s just a small bruise how does that matter.” She said removing the button on his shirt

“Since when did you become so hot and bad.” He asks starring at her body lustfully.”

“Since you became rich.” She replied starring at him and his eyes widened

“What!! He yelled in a surprised manner.

“Just kidding.” She chuckles and stares keenly at him.

He overpowered her, and push her to the bed and rip off her cloth with her red bra being exposed.

“You are acting like you have been waiting for this moment for a long time now.” She grinned softly

“Have been waiting for this moment since college.” He muttered and reach for her back removing her bra he put his mouth on her left nipple sucking and licking her breast, she smiles and gaze at him.  he kisses her neck gently. With his right hand on her lift nipple caressing it.  

Anna massage his back with her hand firmly she raise his face up and started kissing him continuously

She slowly removes his pants he wearing only boxers, she gazes at his bulge and he stops kissing her and kiss her body down to her clit her remove her pants roughly.

“Should I stop,” he asks softly

“No,” she replies with a grin resting comfortably on the bed. With her leg wide open on the bed.

He started licking her clit softly she moans and hold his hair she was having extreme pleasure and didn’t want the night to end. She tightens her legs on his head. As he continues sucking on her clit.

Minutes later

he takes off his boxer and brings out his dick, she stares at his dick.......

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