3 Chapter 3

"So?" Mo Wei An asked when she saw Ai Li entering her room. Her beautiful brown eyes still fixed on the laptop screen.

" Young Miss's guess was correct. The Young Master is having difficulty in buying the land in Malibu. There are a few land owners that changed their minds suddenly." Ai Li explained the situation to her.

"Hmm.. That's weird. Didn't they already agreed to the terms we offered long ago?"

"Yes, Young Miss. They changed their minds at the last minute."


"The amount that we give them is not equivalent to the profit that we will receive in the future." Ai Li answered while looking at her.

"Wow! Never thought they were so smart. Someone must have planted the idea in their heads." she guessed sarcastically.

Ai Li nodded his head. His young miss's guess was spot on.

"Uncle Lao, correct?" Mo Wei An sigh. She directly got up from her seat.

"Two days before the sale and purchase agreement was hold, the land owners was approached by two men. They claimed they were land surveyor from Country M. They said that the price offered by our company is not worth the profit that we are gonna obtain after the 5 star hotel is built." he explained further.

"So what do they want for us to get the land?"

"Four times the price we offered originally." Ai Li answered.

Mo Wei An laughs. It's so funny to hear this situation. Meanwhile Ai Li is surprised seeing the reaction of his boss.

"Hmm.. So what is my brother gonna do?" Mo Wei An asks.

"Still in discussion, Young Miss."

"The board director meeting will be held next week. If Xiao Ting can't solve this issue, Uncle Lao will surely bring this up during the meeting. This old man has got some brain apparently. He's trying to create trouble for Xiao Ting." Mo Wei An is already used to the tricks used by her uncle.

"What do you want me to do, Young Miss?"

"Let it be. If Xiao Ting can't find a solution by then, I'll help. Let him try first." Mo Wei An smiled at her trusted bodyguard.

Ai Li can only nod his head at his boss. That smile on her face only comes out when people try to mess things up for her younger brother. Ai Li knows how much Mo Wei An is protective of the Young Master.

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