
Petty - Prompt

Entering the dining hall I spotter Rah and Ness across the other side of the crowded expanse. Their hands moving animatedly, words mingling and indistinguishable to a novices eyes. As I got closer I heard an almighty huff replying to an eye roll paired with a groan. Nessy's words became more forceful, large and over accentuated. If I was a betting man I'd definitely put my money in an argument or in their words "a lively discussion".

"Hey my little ponies, " they turned in unison with identical death stares aimed at the interloper to their conversation. God these girls are so hot when they look like they want me dead. Yes, I know, I'm weird but that's not the weirdest thing about me so 😜.

"WHAT!!" Rah flicked my forehead bringing me back from my day dreaming.

"What you talking about?"

"Tell this bitch crunchy's the best" Nessy piped up. Poking harshly at Rah's chest.

"Nuh uh. Smooth."

"Wait wait. Back up." I throw my hands up, palms faces flat towards the girls. "We're arguing over peanut butter. Why?"

The girls look at each other. Nessy leans into Rana's shoulder and signs too quickly for me to catch. Well wouldn't matter even if I could catch it. Rah chuckles as Ness smirks at me.

"Yes my little pinkie pie." She pecks her cheek, "Your right. He'll never get it. He's a marmite person." She mocks disgust and flashes me a crooked smile which glues me to the spot as they walk off giggling, back to being all lovey dovey; leaving me stunned, stood next to my full lunch and their empty trays. Sometimes I swear they love picking on me. I definitely need to learn more sign language.

I spent ages trying to figure out whether an argument in sign language is illegible due to you reading sign language if not what would you call when their words over lap. My brain is now mush and I can’t even think of what it’s called when voices overlap in an argument or in a crowded room from the third party’s perspective. Yep mushy brain. Sorry in advance or maybe not as notes go at the end don’t they. Any way sorry.

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