
My Note System

Our hero is reincarnated in the body of a person named Nait, after he died in a world of magic and abilities, where miracles happen.  Summoning volcanoes, zero gravity, hurricanes...etc everything is possible in that world. The hero's journey takes us through his suffering, his misery, and his change of thinking. All this in order to find a place in that world of wars, to live in peace. [System] [Your ability has been activated] [It has been noted and a skill is created on it] *[Damage Resistance (level 1)] “Well, all that is required of me is to stop and be severely beaten.”

Dark_Moon_a4 · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Invasion (Part 2)

One of the tents, near the right wall.

"Lady Number 6… Lady Number 6… Wake up please we need you quickly… We are under attack."

A woman in front of No. 6's private tent entrance spoke in a loud, shaky voice.

"Uhmh… what is it? Why are you yelling like that Number 26." She rose from her bed, her eyes closed, and moved towards the entrance of the tent.

She moved the cover to look at No. 26's shocked face, "Hmm… why are you looking at me like that?"

"Lady No. 6… Lady No. 6 your clothes, you are not wearing clothes." Number 26 covered her eyes.

"You're joking, right?…" She looked at her sexy, naked body. Which was full in all places except the stomach.

"Eeeeee…." She screamed and quickly ran back into the room.

"She's always like this, how careless she is. Ah...but how I envy her for that body." Number 26 she said looking at her chest.

No. 26 was 1.60 meters tall and with short brown hair that only reached her neck, she possessed an unenviable body.  Her chest was a work of art, her curves haven't been formed even at the age of 20 now.

Indeed, if she meets someone who likes Loli, he will fall in love with her at first sight.

"No. 11, what does he like about me? They're all mercenary women, I'm nothing compared to them." Number 26 sighed and said to herself, It's not the time to think about these things.

"Enter number 26." Number 6 said after she finished getting dressed as usual.

She sat No. 6 with long violet hair that reached her waist and a violet robe with golden edges.

"What is there, No. 26? We are under attack? Who?" Number 6 asked Number 26 with a face flushed with shame.

"Oh… Lady Number 6, don't you have the skill to decide what we're directing right now. Also, not the time for the hell to chat."

"Eh… right." Number 6 raised her wand and cast a rank three skill, "[Mana Sensing]"

Her bright violet eyes shone in a dazzling brilliance. When she looked around for.

She rose in shock, her breathing hoarse as cold sweat trickled down her back.

"What's wrong with you, Lady No. 6?" No. 26 waved her hand at No. 6 in her face, but No. 6 did not respond.

"So, sorry Lady Number 6, get over your shock, you are a witch lady here, what a shameful act you are doing."

No. 26 raised her hand and sent it to No. 6's cheek.

Making this blow, No. 6 wakes up from her shock.

"Thank you, Number 26. What I did know was that something strange was going on in the forest. But not like that."

"Is my darling back from exploring the forest?" No. 6 she asked with a bluish face.

"No, Lady Number 6. Right Deputy Prang hasn't been back in a week since he went. I'm afraid he's…" Number 26's gaze fell to the ground.

"Don't say that... My darling is not such a weak person. He will surely come back. Now we are going to the right wall, its needs us very much." Number 6 said while holding Number 26's head and looking into each other's eyes.

"Yes you are right." Number 26 smiled, 'I think there's hope in the situation we're in.'

"Hold me tight, [teleportation]"

No. 6 cast a rank three skill, and they disappeared from the tent.


Mercenary camp, right wall, minutes before No. 26 meets No. 6.

"[Fire Arrows]" No. 15 cast a Rank 3 skill towards the group of wolves that surrounded her.

She quickly killed the wolf and burned the ones around them.

"Cheh...they don't finish. Damn them. [Fire arrows] Die!" The fire arrows sent out as if they were arrows of hate.

"Hahaha… Don't be like this Number 15. If you keep doing this, no one will marry you."

Number 11 slashed a row of wolves with his great sword, enhanced with the ability of {Metal}.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you very well. I'm too busy beside me. I see you having fun next to you. It's nice to have a metal skin that won't get scratched."

"Well... sort of. But my fun will come to an end." Number 11 looked at the dark forest with frowning eyes.

"Yes...but they are too many. I don't think we can resist. We need help." No. 15 said without arrogance

"This… we can't figure it out…. [Metal Leather], [Metal Fist]." Number 11 sent his right fist towards White Night Wolf's face. Who galloped towards him with great speed and bit off his left hand.

His fist sent the White Night Wolf out of the camp.

"Wow… very smart wolves. You are trying to corner me because speed won't work anymore."

Number 11 looked around to find 4 White Night Wolves.

"No. 11 help here." Number 15 said with fear on her face as she tried to cast a rank 3 skill, [Fire Pillar]

The white night wolf avoided her targeting, going towards number 15. She stepped back and released the rank 3 [Massive Fireball] skill.

Although it tried, unfortunately it was rated weak. So one of the White Night Wolves dared to use his skill.

As a result, Number 15 died by biting off her head.

"Ugh… sorry my friend, I have troubles as much as my hands and more."

One of the wolves tried to bite off No. 11's head. He succeeded and failed. His fangs couldn't bite through that cruel head.

Number 11 tried to stab him in the stomach with his large sword.

But the wolf dodged as much as a millimeter from a sword.

Another came and sent his claw towards No. 11. No. 11 did not fear, but on the contrary, he rushed towards the wolf and tried to cut off his head with his sword.

But a wolf appeared from his side and attacked him quickly, making No. 11 retreat back, and he did not succeed in his surprise attack.

"Che… 5 is too much for me. This way, my mana will run out and I will die." Number 11 thought as he got up from the ground.

"Hmm…" No. 11 smiled as he looked at an area on the right wall that was twisting and forming a whirlpool.

"Your lady here. Thank you to everyone who has contributed their lives up to this point. Now leave everything to me. [Slow Time], [Ice Age], [Rock Arrows], [Wind Arrows]."

No. 6 appeared with No. 26 in the right wall.  Number 6 casts many Rank 3 skills on the wolf pack on the right wall.



– Strength: 34 (+20)

– Agility: 32 (+10)

– Defense (Vitality, Resistance): 11 (+12)

– Intelligence (Magic): 10   


[Skills :

– [Skill I'm not thirsty (level 1)]

– [Skill II Accumulated Damage Resistance (Level 2)]

– [Skill II Large Cell development (level 1)]

– [Skill Muscle Effort (level 2)]

– [Skill Bleeding Resistance (level 4)]

– [Skill II Lightning Cheetah (level 1)] 

– [Skill III Muscles Rage (Level 1)]

– [Fatigue Resistance (Level 1)]


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