
Mana Core Formed

Author's Note: Quick apology for the terrible book cover. Literally just took a pic of Kuroh Yatogami from the anime "K" and then a screenshot of the book title. It works for now though because that's how I picture MC when he gets older, just with bright blue eyes. But the sword, hair style and the body style all fits how I envisioned him in his teen years. Which is when the core of the story really takes place.

Hope you enjoy.


When I woke up I found myself now laying in my bed, slightly confused. Then it started to come back to me of everything that happened. I did it, I formed my mana core! I clenched my fist in happiness, as a feeling of accomplishment flooded my body.

Looking outside my window I saw that it was now night time, and then I was alerted to another presence in the room. The sound of breathing could be heard to my left where I found the head mother sleeping in a chair beside my bed. Another set of breathing showed that she wasn't the only one, as Maeve was curled up at the foot of my bed asleep as well.

A small smile graced my face as I took in the scene of the moonlight illuminating the 2. They really cared for me, and if I didn't believe it before I don't know what other proof I could need. Feeling a dryness in my throat I look to the table beside my bed where a full glass of water is sitting, but if I know them it's not just plain water.

With it being a medieval sort of setting their aren't many options for drinking unless you were rich, but head mother seemed to have picked up a few tricks in her years of living. Most would think the garden was just to look nice, and though it definitely accomplished that it also served another purpose.

I'm not sure if we had these type of flowers in my past life, but Meredith grew a flower called the Honey Suckle. And while you could get a sweet tasting nectar straight from the flower, it was much better once boiled and then let to cool as a flavoring for water. It had become my favorite drink during spring time when all of the Honey Suckles would be in bloom.

During my reminiscing, I had forgotten to drink the water I had initially grabbed, so without another thought I downed the whole glass. Finishing off with a great, big and exaggerated.


Before wiping my lips of the sweet remnants. This seemed to be enough of a commotion to wake the head mother, who looked around confused at first before quickly looking at me with a face filled with worry. This caused a pang of guilt to spread through my body, but before I could tuck my head and apologize I swept up in a big hug.

"Oh Jaron you're alright!" The head mother said in a whispery voice, but it was enough to wake Maeve as well who soon joined in on the now group hug. Moments later head mother pulled away from the hug and now a face that told of lots of scolding to come, Maeve was much the same. However before she could start, I used my most critical power that I've learned to use since coming to this world.

I cried.

Big fat tears welled in my eyes and my lower lip puffed as big as I could make it, trembling in the effort. Next I tucked my head down, and shakily apologized. While some would find this beneath them or humiliating, I saw it as a way to get out of countless sessions of nagging and scoldings. And it worked like a charm.

"I-I-I'm sor-ry f-for w-wor-rying you." I stuttered out, and then I braced myself. So far it had worked every time, but I couldn't be sure that it would work this time after how much I most likely worried them. From what I could remember, I had done some serious damage to the outside of the house and our garden. Then I remembered my sword.

Hurriedly I looked back and forth for my wooden sword, until I heard a small chuckle come from the head mother. I looked up at her with renewed tears threatening to spill, I couldn't seem to remember if the sword got caught in the explosion or not. However, fortunately for me my worries were tossed aside as she bends down and grabs it from off the floor beside my bed.

My eyes light up and I reach out for it, quickly bringing it to my chest before placing it across my lap. All felt right again. Another set of chuckles came from head mother and Maeve this time as they saw react so strongly to a simple wooden sword. I let out a bashful laugh while rubbing the back of my head, until head mother finally speaks up again.

"What will we do with you little Jay?" She says while shaking her head wryly.

"I say we tie him and throw him in the basement for all the worry he caused us." Maeve says with a big smirk on her face.

I feign a look of fright on my face, as I scoot closer to head mother. I know she's not serious, but I guess a normal 2 year old wouldn't quite know that. Head mother dashed my pretend 2 year old hopes as she nodded sagely while humming in agreement.

"Mhmm, that's the only real solution I can think of as well."

Once again I feign a look of fright before pulling my sword up in front of me ready to ward the 2 off. This however caused my true intention, which was for the 2 of them to laugh at my actions.

"Haha, no need to worry Jay, I was only joking." Maeve chuckles out. Next head mother cleared her throat and spoke seriously this time.

"The question still stands, what will we do with you Jaron Bordran?" It's easy to tell how hard she is thinking about this, judging by the furrowing of her brows.

"You are the youngest kid to form a mana core that I've ever heard of most definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the youngest ever."

"Maybe we should Mr. Helstea. Surely he would know what to do, right?" Maeve added her thoughts.

"Vincent is indeed a good friend of mine, but I don't know how he would react to a 2 year old mage." She responded while eyeing me out of the corner of her eye. She eyed me for a few seconds longer before finally nodding to herself and standing up.

"Well it's late, in the morning we will make the trip to the Helstea's and see what Vincent and Tabitha think." Me and Maeve give nods before she as well gets up. They both give me a peck on the forehead and saying goodnight before walking out of the room.

Now that I was truly alone I could really revel in my achievement. I was able to form my mana core a couple months ahead of schedule, if I have the timing right Arthur won't form his core for almost another year. As the being said we would be born at the same time, and that would be at the end of May.

Officially at the orphanage, my birthday was set for May 30th, but I think that's just because I was dropped off on the night of the 29th. And seeing how it's currently the end of June, right at the cusp of summer, that means it's around 11 months until Arthur will form his core.

Another positive with forming my core is that I start my training in earnest. There are lots of dangerous things and people in the future and I need to make sure I'll be able to help Arthur. Not hold him back. This lead me to getting an even further head start on my only current advantage, mana core.

Knowing that the core at its peak is supposed to be white, it's easy to tell how impure it is at the moment as it's solid black. I'll start with normal meditation for now before moving on to the method taught to Arthur by Sylvia, Mana Rotation. This will allow me to meditate and absorb mana even while moving or in combat. Meaning I can progress my core even while I train, and expedite the process whenever I'm resting by putting all my focus into it.

I also want to learn his Mirage Walk, as it will be very useful later on. It will allow me to hide my mana presence, which could definitely help me in the future. For tonight however I will just meditate until morning and attempt Mana Rotation when we head to the Helstea's.

That idea was quickly shelved when I attempted on our walk and promptly face planted. Most people would get a laugh at seeing someone fall so I gracefully, but head mother and Maeve were more shocked and worried than anything. This is because in all my time walking I had never fallen or even stumbled that they can remember. Since I began walking I was very surefooted and took each step with purpose, not to say that I calculated the steps or any such.

Just from so many years of making sure to step out of people way, or walking in hopes of going unnoticed I developed a sort of walk that helped that. Light and soundless footsteps, that neither scuffed or scraped the ground. Most people thought it was a little eerie because it would seem like I popped up from nowhere.

In the end I decided to leave it for another time as to not garner anymore worry from my family. Family. It felt good to be able to say that again. A small smile crossed my face, as I walked down the street. Now with both my hands firmly locked into holds by head mother and Maeve.

It was only 15 minutes later when the Helstea mansion entered my sight. A nice sized mansion that certainly put any house I'd been in, in both lives, to shame. As we approached a maid came out to greet us, and ask what we were here for. A quick word from the head mother and we were ushered forward and into the house, where we lead up a set of stairs and asked to wait outside a door.

The maid then discreetly enters and the sounds of muffled voices could be heard before she stepped back out and waved us in. There was Mr Helstea sitting in a high back upholstered chair with a wide and ornate wooden desk separating us and him. Bookshelves lined the walls of the study and at hi back were large windows that could see out over the city.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you twice in as many days, Meredith?" Vincent asked quizzically while adjusting his glasses.

"It's actually about Jaron here." She said while placing me in front of her before continuing. "You see, something happened yesterday that I hope I can tell you in strict confidence." She finishes with a serious look on her face. Vincent's mouth is held agape for the briefest moment before recomposing himself with a clearing of his throat.

"Mhm. Of course, we have been friends for many years. This conversation will not leave this room if you do not wish it to." After recomposing himself, he spoke in quite the official tone as well. Showing that he wasn't just a noble in title.

Head mother pats my shoulder before bracing herself to speak once more.

"Jaron has awakened as a mage."

Vincent's jaw drops again, but this time he doesn't immediately recompose as he did the last time.


Author's Note part 2

Bit of an informationy chapter, hope it was still an interesting read.

Next chapter will finish the conversation with Vincent and setup the next portion of Jaron's life. I'm thinking of doing another time skip, with some small scenes described, as there really isn't much to be told while he's only 2. I say this while Arthur was sacrificing himself to save his mom and then saving an elven princess from slave traders at 4, but he's a protagonist damn it.

Jokes aside, I don't have anything that crazy planned for Jaron. For now. Besides I feel like most readers will be wanting some action already anyways, but don't worry we will get lots of action down the line. I have big plans for Jaron's future upgrades, that I hope you all will like.

Thanks for reading.


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