
my name is Divyansh verma please my book or story read

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What is my name is Divyansh verma please my book or story read

Đọc tiểu thuyết my name is Divyansh verma please my book or story read của tác giả Divyansh_Verma_2826 được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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The thing i love About is pretty much everything

Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because when I cry, he doesn't smile Money and interests make people animals. Where love is rare My best friend is the mirror because

Md_Rishat_Shorder · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


Ini adalah kisah seorang anak yang dianggap lemah, sering dijahili oleh beberapa temannya. Tapi saat ia dijahili, ada Lica, teman sekolah yang selalu membelanya. Di sisi lain ibunya pun selalu percaya bahwa anaknya kelak akan menjadi anak yang tangguh. Maka dari itu ia menamainya Tangguh Perkasa. Akibat ulah ketiga temannya, yaitu Badrun, Jamal, dan Tohir, Tangguh harus dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Ia pun pergi berdiri di atas batu karang di sisi laut tuk menenangkan diri. Namun tiba-tiba ia tak sadarkan diri dan terjatuh dari atas batu karang ke lautan luas. Ombak membawanya terdampar ke suatu pulau yang asing. Di pulau itu ia menemui pengalaman-pengalaman baru dalam hidupnya. Di sanalah ia bertemu dengan guru yang mengajarinya dan melatihnya untuk menjadi anak yang tangguh. Sementara itu, mendengar anaknya hilang, ayahnya berusaha keras mencari Tangguh hingga mengarungi samudra luas. Sementara ibunya pun selalu berharap Tangguh segera kembali. Badrun, Jamal, dan Tohir yang dahulu merupakan anak yang suka menjahili Tangguh, rupanya setelah dewasa mereka menjadi orang-orang jahat yang haus akan harta. Mereka tak peduli walau harus menghancurkan desa tempat mereka belajar di sekolah demi keuntungan yang mereka inginkan. Mereka juga tak peduli dengan warga desa yang tinggal di desa itu. Setelah belajar dari gurunya di pulau asing, kemudian Tangguh kembali ke desanya. Dan betapa kagetnya ia ketika melihat kondisi desanya hancur tergusur. Ia juga tak menemukan ayah dan ibunya di kampungnya itu. Bersama gurunya, dan kedua sahabat lamanya, Tangguh berjuang tuk mengembalikan desanya seperti sedia kala. Mereka sempat menggelandang di Jakarta, sempat pula mereka merasakan dinginnya ruang di balik jeruji besi. Di sisi lain, di tengah perjuangan itu, ia bertemu kembali dengan Lica. Tangguh pun sadar kalau ia memiliki perasaan mendalam pada Lica. Tapi ia terkejut karena Lica yang dulu selalu membelanya ketika ia dijahili, justru saat ini bersama Badrun. Namun ternyata Lica terpaksa menikah dengan Badrun karena suatu alasan. Mampukah Tangguh menyelematkan desanya dari kehancuran, dan membela seluruh warga desa? Akankah Tangguh bisa menyelamatkan Lica dari cengkraman Bandrun? Apakah Tangguh bisa bertemu kembali dengan ayah dan ibunya yang telah lama tak ia jumpai? Dalam buku ini ada untaian-untaian kata yang bermakna dan penuh inspirasi. Ada pula kejadian- kejadian lucu yang membuat kita tertawa geli, emosi yang meletup, serta semangat juang.

rivalardiles · Võ hiệp
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44 Chs

Menikah dengan Dewa

Jiwa Jill Adelaide melakukan perjalanan ke masa Yunani kuno dan terlahir kembali dalam tubuh seorang putri. Karena suatu hal Jill kemudian menikah dengan Ares sang dewa Perang. Dia meninggalkan dunia manusia dan menetap di Olympus sebagai istri Ares. Dalam berjalannya waktu, Jill pun jadi mengetahui fakta-fakta tentang jati diri para dewa Olympus sebenarnya. Yakni bahwa mereka bukan berasal dari bumi. Jill berjuang untuk bertahan menghadapi sifat suaminya yang meskipun tampan dan berkuasa, namun tidak setia dan berselingkuh dengan Afrodit sang dewi kecantikan. Namun di sisi lain, Ares kerap menunjukkan sikap romantis dan menghargai Jill. Jill seringkali takut akan Ares karena sifat aslinya yang kejam dan mudah membunuh manusia lain. Ares juga adalah dewa perang dimana musuh dan monster berbahaya kerap berkeliaran di sekitarnya. Jill menahan perasaannya dan tidak mau mengakui kalau dia mencintai Ares. Selain karena takut disakiti, tubuh yang dia huni juga bukan miliknya. Jill memutuskan untuk fokus mencari cara kembali ke tubuh aslinya di masa depan dan mengubur perasaannya. Di sisi lain Ares tidak mau melepaskan Jill dan tahu bahwa lebih baik dia membunuh Istrinya ketimbang ditinggalkan olehnya. Ares menyadari perasaannya pada Jill dan berjanji untuk menjadikannya satu-satunya kekasihnya. Tapi apakah Jill bersedia meninggalkan kehidupan lamanya dan selamanya menetap di Olympus bersama Ares?

kanina_anindita · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Mr. Fu, You've Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!

"Sir, your wife says she's out of money." "Hurry up and transfer 200 million yuan to her account." "Sir, your wife is being given the cold treatment by the agency." "Buy the agency and make her the boss." In the previous lifetime, Li Beibei's life was ruined by a b*stard and a b*tch. After reincarnating, she became the apple of Mr. Fu's eye. Figuratively speaking, if she wanted to torture scumbags, Mr. Fu would give her a knife; if she wanted to set something on fire, Mr. Fu would give her firewood. She turned the showbiz industry upside down. When Mr. Fu said, "I got used to it", countless jealous people shuddered. *** Everyone in Yuncheng knew that the decisive and fearsome Mr. Fu had only one weakness, and that was Li Beibei. Their families decided they would be married to each other since they were kids. Even if she wanted to step all over him, he'd let her. Not only that, but she'd even find flaws in him when outsiders thought he was perfect. She complained that he was too old, too rich, and would always step into a room with his left leg first. In fact, she even complained that the moon didn't look round enough from the top floor of his house. Everybody decided enough was enough. "Mr. Fu, you've spoiled your wife rotten!" "I'm happy about doing it. Does anybody have a problem with that?" He asked. She was his wife, and he'd spoil her rotten for the rest of his life. *** I like you. I'm serious. I always have, and I always will. - Fu Jingmo.

Feng Family's Seventh Child · Thành thị
40 Chs

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