
1 connected life

Princess Margaret is sick with a high fever, she always goes to the castle to see the Queen and spends time with her parents when she is sick. When she crept into her parents' room, she hadn't seen anyone, not even the queen or the king.


She decided to hold off for a while. Maybe they're having a meeting or something. However, she heard a noise inside the chamber's secret room.


She decides to investigate it further. But she was terrified after hearing a strange noise.


When she sees the queen, who is laying on the ground, lifeless and covered in ice, she covers her mouth in shock. Her father was thrown out the door just as she was about to enter. Her father is now facing her with his back to her.

"Ace, you're not going to get the palace. You were not the right person for my daughter, I'll make a pit stop at the nearest wedding. You are incapable to rule the fire clan of wolves because of the kind of person you are! I would never allow you to marry my daughter! You murderer"

That's what she overhears her father saying to the person who clearly murdered the Queen. And she felt that his father's hands are being handed over something to her. And as she examines it, she notices that it is the Wolf King of Fire's ring. It has a large ruby jewel in the center, which was their kingdom's symbol. Whoever wearing it was thought to be a monarch or on his way to becoming one. And he's now given it to her, possibly because of the person with whom her father has been conversing needs the ring. Despite the fact that she knew she would have to pass the ring on to her soon-to-be husband. She accepted it. Wait, she heard her father say, Ace, right? For the sake of her parents and the castle. What about her soon-to-be husband? Why is he acting this way? Is he wanted to become king so bad?"

Your Highness, don't be a knucklehead. I've heard you want to call off my upcoming wedding since you believe my stepbrother and your palace's general are far superior to me! I'm not going to let you ruin my name just because you don't think I'm worthy of being your next heir." 

My father, who is currently speaking, is the man who murdered my mother, and if I didn't flee, I'm sure he'd kill me next. 

"Because it's true. Do you think I wouldn't be able to figure out what you did to the people or your subject around you, even if they only committed a few mistakes? In the blink of an eye, you'd slaughter them! If you are the king, you will destroy the palace."

This was her father's last phrase before she took the ring from his hand, and she knew it was what he wanted because she thought about the entire palace first. She flees as she hears a sword slash, knowing that Ace has already murdered her father. She desperately wanted to turn around, but she knew she would be slaughtered if she did. Because they are still engaged, the entire palace would be at Ace's mercy.

Her whole body is trembling as she runs back to her chamber. She's not sure if that was the result of her fever or something else. She is sobbing in her bed and wailing. She takes a long, careful look at the ring before slipping it into her necklace. She tucks it away under the collar of her gown.

Erox, her best friend, visits her later that night and gives her a hug while informing her of the news. And she attempts to tell him that she witnessed what happened and that she knows who killed her parents, but she's afraid Erox wouldn't believe her. Perhaps he merely thinks I'm just hallucinating because of her high fever. And beside Ace was his half-brother. What if Erox was Ace's ally? She would be in great danger if she wouldn't think what would be her next step.

When she got better the next day, Prince Aceller came to see her and ordered her to get ready since they needed to marry forthwith because the king's seat could not remain empty.

I want to scream at him, accuse him of what he did to my parents and inform him that she knows what occurred. However who, on the other hand, was going to believe her? All of them know that I was in my room all day long due to my fever. Maybe she needs to track out some proof. Aceller was the one who did it, according to the evidence. For the time being, she must go because the killer will require the ring if she does not allow the wedding to take place. In an instant, he was going to be a king.

But where would she be able to hide? If she hid around the palace, she would undoubtedly be found out quickly. 

What about outside the palace? No, it's riskier because if some rogue wolves spot her, they'll pass me over to Ace right away... So, if he ever caught me, what would I say to him?

Think, think, think... Ace exits her chamber after a minute and orders the servant to assist her in fixing herself.

She tells her servant that she has to talk with Ace again. So she'd have a reason to leave the place. Then she decided that she didn't know if it would work or not.

I went through the passage, which was near the water in the other dimensions. However, a swarm of sirens pursues me and tries to stop me. To get away, I use my strength. They are, nonetheless, extremely powerful. Before I could fight back, they knocked me out. I tried to touch some light when I saw it, and when I did, I passed out.