
My lovely second husband

I was abused mentally and physically then betrayed by my first husband. He used me as I was tissue paper and threw me away. I thought my second marriage was also going to be like that but....My second husband is too lovely. He loves me as if I am a precious treasure.

Alika_Rijal · Thành thị
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31 Chs

I love you!

"Ahem..Ahem What did you say pregnant! You not only got married but you are soon going to be father too."


"So did you married her just because she is pregnant (serious)."

The mood suddenly became serious.


"I am happy that you got married but if you are doing just for the child then..

"It is not that."

"You know yourself don't you. You know the best what those type of marriage may result into."

"I married her because I love her."

He loves me? Is he saying just to calm his father down.

"Then how do you expect me to believe that you love her and didn't marry her for child."

"Not all women are same father. I know Wei Jia. She is someone who will sacrifice herself for the happiness of others."

"(teary).",...Wei Jia

"She was abused by her previous in-laws and husband. I helped her to settle with them then we were staying together for a while that was when I fell in love with her."

"(shocked)You were married before?" She was abused too.

"(scared) Y..yes sir!" He looks scary. What if he says that he will take my child away.(placing hand in stomach) I will never give up my child.(Caishen holds Wei Jia's hand)."

"Dad! I love her and I want to spend my life with her. I did not married her just for the sake of child. She is the love of my life."

"(his hand is trembling)!"

"Oh my! Poor child. Sorry I was frightening earlier. I don't want him to repeat the same mistake I did so I was like that. If you two love each other then I have nothing to say but just don't let the child suffer if you ever break up in future."

"(nod) Y..yes!"

"Ahem! Then let's eat dinner. I can eat this for my grandchild. And congratulations to both of you for your marriage"

"T..thank you!(smile)" He is really not like how I thought. He even congratulated us.

"Eat Wei Jia you have not eaten anything."

"(eating)",...Yes I have to at least eat something.

"We will have party once mom comes."

"Yes we should do that but with limited number of people."

After dinner

"Have a good night.",...Fu Jengshen



In Caishen's room


"Yes Wei Jia. Do you need anything?"

"W..was it true?"

"Huh? What?"

"T..that what you s..said at dinner, t..that love m..me!" I need to know this now I can't just keep on having uncertain conclusion just by me. I have to know what he really thinks of me because his treat for me is not just a treatment that someone who is not important.

"Wei Jia that... It is true. I thought you would feel burdened if I confessed to you suddenly and would not believe it. But it is true I love you Wei Jia."


"You don't need to return my love if you don't want and don't feel pressured by it. I just wanted to let you know that I am deeply in love with you."

"S.. sorry (teary) I really d.. don't know what t..to do it is my f.. first time someone has c..confessed to me. I..I don't know how t..to react."

"You don't need to Jia. Just tell me how you feel about me when you realize it. But keep this in your mind that I love you very much and I didn't married you just because of child."


"Don't cry now and go to sleep. I will sleep in sofa you can take bed."

"S..sofa why?"

"Then do you want to sleep with me!"

"A..ah. that(blush)!"

"(smile) Just sleep!"