

Just because of misunderstanding they separate for 6 years, and on their reunion they met again. They become the ruthless CEO of the world and they killed their enemy without mercy. But would they fine who's behind their accident and who wants their head? Follow the story for your answer. Thank you for your time I hope you don't mind my mistake and please feels free to comment on my mistake so that I can improve. This is my first novel and I hope you like it. It's my own imagination, I'm sorry if it entangled with one's personal please take it as a story. Than you

Linzzziii · Thành thị
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56 Chs

Chapter-32-Morning kisses

Careen was awakens by the ray of sunlight from their bedroom window, she open her eyes and smile at her husband handsome face.

Her head was on top of his chest while embracing her, she feels her heart warm, even though they shared their bed together before, it's different right now as their were husband and wife.

She can't help but smile, she feels save and happy, this was her home were she wake up everyday with her husband and saw his handsome face every morning when she open her eyes, this was her man whom she's waiting for 6 years, now they finally got together.

She can't help but imagine how they would spend their days together, her heart feels with happiness, she blush when she remember their glorious night they share last night.

She could still feel her lower part sore from their exiting events, her face turn red and smile at his sleeping face. She can't help but give a quick kiss on his lips.

She was happy now he was finally hers and she was finally his priority. She drifted her lips away and touch his nose.

Kevin move his body and hug her, he pulled her closer to his body he smile at her dazzling face.

"Hmmmm I don't know that my wife love to steal kisses from me," he kiss her nose then caress her face he continue " good morning sweetheart, make sure not to do that again you know you will drives me crazy ".

She blushed in embarrassment , and hide her face in his arms.

Kevin chuckle he turned her face to him" now let me return your kissed wife" he started kissing her passionately and position himself on top of her.

She could feel his manhood brushing against her naked body, her face turned redder, she shove him away " stop it you will suffer".

He pouted his lips and Careen said teasingly " but I love it when you kiss me honey"Kevin chuckle and kissed her again.

After a while Careen said " alright now stop it you have to make breakfast I'm hungry".

Kevin nodded while teasing her breast "yes baby I'm hungry too, so let's start now".

Careen eyes widened in disbelief.

Kevin starts showering her with kisses ,she can't help but oblige, after their intense morning exercise Careen drifted back to sleep.

When she woke up again it was already noon she realise that it was time for lunch, she feels exhausted from their love making ,all her body were sore she can't move her own body.

She tried to move her body from the bed when suddenly the door of the bedroom open, Kevin came in holding a food tray.

"Good afternoon wife ,did you sleep well" he approach her and kissed her lips.

"Haven't you went to your office"she said questioningly.

"Why would I, you haven't wake up yet I don't have the heart to leave you alone, also I got many people in the company they won't need me".he said.

Suddenly his face turn dark, " I'm sorry we can't go to our honeymoon right now, I'm sorry sweetheart I will make up for you after I settle down my position first" he bend down his head.

Careen hug him and said, " you don't have to feel sorry for me, I know you were busy finish your job first before we will enjoy ourselves to the fullest " she giggle.

Kevin smile at her " I love you baby" he kissed her lips, " I love you more hubby " Careen smile.

They spend all their afternoon cuddling with each other, they roam around their new house.

Careen can't help but gasping at their home it was beautiful, mainly it was her dream house.

She cried because of her happiness, she hug Kevin and said" thank you so much hubby, thank you for everything "she kissed him passionately.

Kevin giggle" anything for my baby girl " they walk around the garden and chatting with each other about their past, they laugh at their own joke.

Meanwhile their friends were. . . .