
Just love

??:I m the king of dead Kim Hun aka Luchifer 😏😏.


she got shocked but

Alina:....😶😶huh really 😶😂😂😂I mean seriously 😂😂😂U u r king dead.... U look like a lil gummy boy and u r saying u r king of dead

While ignoring his expressions and all she was just laughing because in her perspective he was so cute

Hun: Suga: 😄😄😏😏😏

He chuckle and smirk at her cuteness because actually he liked her at 1st sight that is the why he saved her

Hun: then what about this huh😏😏

He came to his real form

Alina: ....😂😂😂U r looking cute and handsome boy and trying to make urself look scary. Because king of dead should be seen scary but u r so cute

Hun: shey..😂...u r not gonna scare by me.....i shouldn't be that kind toward u 😑😒

He is cursing Himself for being nice

Alina: Hay, don't say like this mr. cute king of dead...😄😄😄U r so nice

Hun: Yeah yeah i know that😁..... And u r the nicest girl I have ever met...

Hun: So what about date a king of dead huh😏..... No one get that chance. ... And may be ur problem will also be gone😏

Alina: i will think about that mr.cute king of dead😉

She whisper in his ear and start going

Hun: 😏😏😏

But suddenly an air came and just lift her

Alina: Hay, u r taking advantage of ur powers

She is shy and was blushing

Then he just dropped her infront of her house and she could feel that the air has gone

So after that time skip

It has been 2years of that incident

After that day they used to meet everyday. They fell in love. Then one day they also get married . And she got to know manny thing about him, his power and manny mythical things..

And now she is gonna be mom....it's 7 month

So one when they were spending quality times. And

Alina: Hay, Hun what do u think its a boy or a girl😄?

Hun: umm.🤔🤔🤔..It should be the girl....It will be her father's girl😉

Alina: Ok ... If its a girl then give her a name😄...

Hun: umm.....let me think...🤔🤔🤔.....um....she should have a peaceful nature but even also a rebel , she should spread trust everywhere, protect everyone and who is fearless😄 so it should be 'Aman'...Yes, it should be' Aman'

He touched the baby bump

And suddenly it kicked

Alina:Ahh😐😐...😄...Even baby like the name

Hun: Yes. Oh I need to go to the shop so u plz take care ok I will be back soon

He peck the baby bump and left

But when he was on the road he heard the sounds of bell ringing which was coming from the underworld which means there is a problem. So he immediately went there

So after that time skip he came back home but he is totally changed his behaviour, his expressions his everything. It was looking like he is not that Hun it is some one else who just have his face.

He came and went to Alina with a happy and charming face. Looks like he has got what was he was dreamt for so long.

Hun: Honey honey honey 😄😄....I got what i wanted ... oh my god i can't even think

Alina: huh😶😶😶

Hun: oh i have come here to inform u something after that i will leave😉,leave forever

Alina: ...going where🤨😐?

Hun: Going to my world....Because I m gonna get what i want....

He is smiling like a mental

Alina: ....what..?...what.... R u saying....? Hay, stop joking😐. I don't like this kind of jokes.😐

As she hold his sleeve

Hun: i m not joking....😏

As he release his sleeves from her

Hun:😏i m not joking.... Now i gonna go to my world forever..... And there i gonna get marry with a Princess after that i will be more powerful and will get a new realm😏😏😏...wuhu😁😁

He is yelling in happiness

Alina: 😢😢😢😢😢 Please stop saying nonsense things....U r not going anywhere. U r joking😐😢

As she hug him

Alina: Why r u saying these all?😢.... Why r u making me cry. huh? STOP joking.

He just move away from her

Hun: i m not joking babes...It's true😏😏....it's my dream...I will be powerful won't u be happy huh?.....Woah....After a long time I gonna get this.... So I m going...And it's the truth...

Alina: u u love me. how can leave me..? And and our baby, how can u leave us😢😢😢? Hun please say its not true

Hun: It's 's the damn truth don't u understand 😑😑😑

He raise his voice

Hun: I m just here to tell u this... And now I m gonna go....So bye😁.....It's ur baby so u know what will u do with it...What of me 😑?

Alina: U cant leave us....U love us than how can u leave us? Is ur power more important than us? We r nothing to u..?. Our love is joke for u, huh?😐😐😢

Hun: I damn care..😏...I don't care about this all....And😏 yes, my power and realm is so important?😏

Alina: Don't leave us😢😢😭😭😭😭Hun. I love u, I cant live without u, plz don't leave..

As she hold his hand

But He just remove her hand from him

Hun: bye

As he started changing his form

Alina: Hun😭😭😭😭Hun stop. U can't leave us.....Hun Hunnnnn😭😭😭Hun Don't leave us Hunnnnnnnn

But he didn't listen.He just turn into a the air and just left

Alina: Hunnnnnnnnn Hunnnnnnnnn come back ahhhhh😭😭😭😭Hunnnnnnn come back. Hunnnnn come back. Where r u?

She started searching him here and there and while searching she went outside of house on the road. And she is running here and there hoping that he might be here yet.

And end up fall on ground and i faint....

But after a while someone came out of blue and lift her and start going to my home.....

To Be Continued