
That girl

We had a new student in high school, she's not too tall and she's fair in complexion, she's a kind of friendly, nice and honest. She smiles alot, I was really happy when the school principal Mr. Prevail led her into my classroom, like wise everyone, her smile alone drawled my attention closer to her, come on welcome her, the school principal said, we all stood up and sang a welcome song for she, then she introduced herself, my name is Vivian she said as she smiled to me, I had no option than to smile back, during recess the whole gales had to go to her and welcome her, the nice ones like her took her round the school so that she'll be familiar with all the school rooms and facilities, they also introduced her to the class teacher.

After school hours, Vivian would go out of the school to wait for her mom outside, I gently monitor her wherever she goes to without anybody suspecting me. When it was time for our private reading which is called prep, instead Of me reading , my thougjts we're diverted to her smile, her Angelic voice "my name is Vivian"began to re echo in my ears, I could barely hear what was going on around me, because the echo covered all my thought, I never had the chance to read or revise what my teacher had taught me that day.

There's this kind of gathering that happens In our class , its to express our minds, share our problems and give advise to each other. At this time the boys are differentiated from the girls to ensure easy flow, it is always done at our break period, this period is a time to rest and relax.

During the gathering, I as the captain of the class would always be the first to talk but that day I told the others to carry on with whatever they had to say, when I looked around the class, I realized vivian was not part of us, I wondered where on earth she went to, immediately she entered, with the look she gave it was obvious that she was surprised about what was going on, she then went to her chair and wanted to lay on her desk, immediately lily the assistant captain, went to meet her and told her to join them, I'm really sure while she was there they would have told her what the gathering was about.

Its your time to say something Richard said to me, I then told all of them I had a problem and my problem is Vivian, they we're all surprised as they don't really know maybe I was in love with her or just had an hatred for her, due to their laughter I had no choice than to round up the gathering.

Jeremiah one of my close friend later came back to give me an advice, he told me to be patient and watch her behavior for some time.

Alex is my name im from a very rich family, my dad is the executive governor in my state while my mom owns a very big and famous boutique, where she stocks and displays cloths she sow by herself or workers. I have sister name salomen, I'm about five years older than her, salomen is a kind of a caring sister, she loves reading novels, singing and dancing, mummy had complained alot of times to dad to warn salomen so that she can stop her stupid habit of dancing round the house but she'll never listen, salomen had collected alot of award for singing and dancing, most especially dancing, I guess if she had listen to mom she would have not collected award for her skills, about ten awards have been given to her from school, a times when its almost time for a dance competition and a lot of competitors hear that my sis is part of them some of them would drop put themselves with immediate effect. Sometimes mummy would ask me what my own talent is then I'll reply dancing but I would not be allowed to dance all because I'm asthmatic. This annoying illness happened to me when I was five, my mom herself could not say how it happened, my dad would say it just happened all of a sudden but the nurses never agreed they try to prove that the illness had been in my blood right from birth, so then it had to show up, I was given an asthmatic patient inhaler to use whenever I feel the symptoms, some different drug packages we're also given to me, I was given an advice not too stress my self much.

Vivian on the other hand aim from a normal family, I'm using normal all because I don't know any other thing to use, I mean her parent are not poor nor rich, they were leaving a neutral life, as long as they satisfy themselves, vivian is the only child of her parent, so her parent cherish her so, so, much, her parents taught her to be of good conduct , moral and to be honest, Mrs. Gloria, Vivian mom advise her alot and Gloria and her mom are like gisting partner since Gloria has neither sisters nor brothers.

I was laying on my bed deep in thought about how to get Vivian into my life when Jeremiah came to gist with me, hope its not what you told me you are thinking about? He asked, I answered yes as I re adjust to to sit, wowww it means you are madly in love, guy just be patient, that girl would surely be yours, Jeremiah said as he stood up to go to his room since it was late, good night we greeted each other as we went to sleep.

Watch out for the next chapter 'our first discussion 'the kind of love I have for Vivian is a kind of love thousand mouth can't explain.

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