
my love(taehyung x y/n)

xkookiex · Người nổi tiếng
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11 Chs


Taehyung pov

It was another boring day , I was so bored that I decided to see y/n she was my friend and I liked her, but no one knew that I liked her. anyway once I got there I knocked on her window so she could let me in, once she opened the window, and I got in we started talking for a while.

y/n: hey tae bear

me: hey y/n and just a quick question

y/n yea tae

me: why do you call me tae bear?

y/n: I don't know I guess because your personality is like a bear

me: I'll take that as an answer

she looked so cute giggling.

y/n: anyway so what do you wanna do

me: I don't know whatever you want I guess

y/n: ok but are sure you're ok with what I want?

me: well it depends on what it is

y/n: ok so how about we go out for a while?

me: ok

me and y/n sneaked out of her house I don't know why we just did, once we got to a cafe we decided to go in and order some food since we didn't realize how hungry we were until we got there.

-25 minutes later-

When we got out of the cafe I froze when I saw them, Soobin and Felix, my ex friends.

y/n: you ok? you seem mad

me: yeah I'm fine

y/n: stop lying I can tell something's bothering you

me: ok but promise not to tell anyone else ok?

y/n: yeah now tell me

me: see those guys over there?

I pointed towards where Soobin and Felix were standing, she nodded.

me: their names are Soobin and Felix, they're my ex friends

y/n seemed surprised at the fact that I was friends with them.

me: why are you so surprised?

y/n: It's just that I didn't think you were friends with those idiots

me: you know them?

y/n: yeah but I'm not really friends with them

me: well can you tell me how they act now or if they're still the same dumb idiots

y/n: well they have all the girls all over them and there's nothing attractive about them

me: yea I don't know what girls see in them either

y/n: I hope you don't mind me telling you this but

she paused.

me: what is it y/n you can trust me

y/n: yeah it's just that they always try to flirt with me and it makes me get this weird feeling I know this might bother you but I can ask you for a favor

me: sure

y/n: so I told them I have a boyfriend so they'll stop flirting with but the thing is I need one

me: so basically what you're telling me is that you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?

y/n: yeah is that too much to ask for?

me: no not at all I don't mind

y/n: perfect

me: ok and I think I'm gonna head back now

y/n: ok see you tomorrow

me: bye

y/n: bye tae

-next day-

I sneaked out to y/n's house again and she was waiting for me, I was wearing a black shirt and black ripped jeans, and I also wore my glasses, her parents weren't home so she was waiting for me outside, anyway once the bus came we got on and started talking about our plan to Sobbin and Felix jealous, I was so in to this plan, so the plan was whenever they would start flirting with her I would just come in to the place they were and say that I was her boyfriend and if they touched her I would beat them up. I loved the plan I would do anything for her. Once Soobin and Felix started flirting with her that was my cue to enter.

me: keep your hands off her

Soobin: what are you her boyfriend?

me: if you really wanna know, yeah I'm her boyfriend

Felix: oh yeah? then prove it

I kissed y/n and we both melted into the kiss, Sobbin and Felix looked shocked.

me: you need anymore proof?

Felix: no I think that was enough proof right Soobin?

Sobbin :yeah

me: that's what I thought now keep your hands off her, or next time I'll beat you up , do I make myself clear?

Felix: yeah

Soobin: yeah