
Chapter 8

The teacher that helped Daniel completed the emergency quest was his history teacher, Mr. Jin. His potential was close combat with his focus on speed. Out of all teacher in K middle school, Mr. Jin was the top 10 strongest teachers in the school. He was at peak of Rank C.

Everyone in the world have their own rank. Daniel was at Rank G as his level was in the range of 1 to 100. Rank F will be level 101 to 200. Rank was determined by their main level. Main level was important as raising one level will give chance to increase one level of skill and 1% of stats. Other than that, main level will limit what stats someone can raise. Take Daniel as example. Daniel was at Rank G. Without the help of his quest, by training without increasing his level, he can only raise his stats until it reached G+. He won't be able to increase his stat grade to F until he reached Rank F.

Daniel followed Mr. Jin from behind to the principal office. Mr. Jin did not say anything and Daniel did not want to say anything either. So, he quietly followed Mr. Jin. In his mind, he was thinking a lot of excuse if they asked about the level limit increase that Mr. Jin got.

Daniel and Mr. Jin arrived at the principal office. They entered the office and the principal was sitting in front of his desk. The principal's name was Wujin. Wujin looked at Daniel and smiled.

"You can sit here Mr. Daniel," said Wujin while smiling. Daniel sat on the seat in front of Wujin. He was totally nervous as he can feel how strong Principal Wujin was. Before he awakened, he can't feel anything but after he awakened, he can feel how strong someone else was. While Daniel sat on the chair, Jin was standing beside him.

"Thank you for your info. The girl is fine now. She was depressed when she awakens useless potential and under lots of pressure from her family so she decides to take her own life. Luckily, we managed to stop her," said Wujin and smiling. Although he was smiling, Daniel can feel an ominous aura from his smile.

"I am just doing what is right," said Daniel.

"Who told you about the suicide?" asked Wujin.

"An unknown number message me. The message immediately disappears once I read it," said Daniel. Disappearing message were not uncommon so he did that so Wujin won't asked to see the message.

"Hmm~ is that so? Then, what about the quest completion reward?" asked Wujin again while smiling.

"Quest. Completion reward? Is this a quest. Is there a reward? Will I get a reward too?" asked Daniel excitedly. Wujin and Jin stared at Daniel.

"Yes, we will be given you rewards for giving info on this and since this is a quest, obviously you will get extra marks for your admission to your high school," said Wujin.

"Thank you, Mr. Principal," said Daniel. He stood up and bow to Wujin as thanks.

"You can go now," said Wujin. Daniel walked out of the office and walked as fast as he can to his classroom.

"He is a good actor but with my power, nothing can be hide," said a woman who suddenly appeared from the wall. She was Raina, one of the top 10 strongest teachers of K Middle school.

"So?" asked Wujin.

"He lied about everything but I can say he is a good actor," said Raina.

"Is this his potential? But he awakens a shooting potential," said Jin.

"Well, whatever he got, it is something I never ever seen before. We all suddenly got notified by the system and receive a limit level increase for completing this request. Not 1 level but 3 for me and Jin but 5 for Raina. Maybe because Raina is the one who found the girl," said Wujin.

"It is better to keep this a secret. If people know about this, Daniel won't be safe," said Jin. Wujin and Raina agreed with Jin. They decided to keep Daniel's secret a secret to ensure their students safety.

Back to Daniel. Daniel did not go back to his class instead he went to the toilet. Inside the toilet, Daniel was thinking a lot of things.

"Why in the world did Mr. Jin tell the principal about that. He should just keep quiet about it," said Daniel. Daniel was unaware that everyone participating in the quest got a reward.

"… Sigh… this quest menu is much more powerful than I thought. So, anyone can complete the quest if they knew about it. They will also receive the rewards too. Does that mean that when I formed a party in the future, if they know about the quest, they will receive the rewards too?" said Daniel.

"I need to research about this more but I will need cooperation from other people. The best choice is my family but… If I want to tell someone about this, it should be someone I can fully trust. I should tell at least dad," Daniel decided to tell his dad about his quest menu. His dad was a general as well as a Rank S. If he knew about this, he was more than capable to protect Daniel. Besides, Enzo was Daniel's father and he will absolutely protect his son.

School finished without anymore incident and Daniel went home without any problem too. Once he arrived home, he went straight to complete his daily quest. He waited for Enzo to come home but unfortunately; Enzo did not come home that day.

The next day, Daniel decided to go to the military base after school to meet Enzo. He used to go there when he was in the elementary school. Its been awhile since he went there. Daniel took the bus and went to the military base. The bus stopped at a bus stop near the base.

"I should call dad first… I should call before I came here. I'm really shortsighted. What is the point of having high intelligent?" said Daniel to himself. He took out his phone and called Enzo. After a few seconds of ringing Enzo picked up the call.

"What is it?" asked Enzo.

"Dad, I am outside the base. Can I meet you now?" asked Daniel.

"Huh? Why are you here?" asked Enzo.

"I told you just now that I want to see you. You did not come home last night so I come here," said Daniel.

"Can you just tell me on the phone? I am busy right now," said Enzo.

"This is not something that I can tell on the phone," said Daniel. Suddenly, a notification arrived and in red. Daniel was shocked but immediately opened it.

'Ting~ Emergency quest. 30 Rank A Flame Wyvern headed towards Waston City. Kill all of them before they reached the city. Time Limit: 3 hours. Reward: Level limit +30, attack +1%, speed +1%, magic +1%. Grade A Flame Wyvern magic core'

"Dad! There are 30 Rank A Flame Wyvern headed here!" said Daniel.

"… How do you know that?" asked Enzo.

"Huh? You already know?" asked Daniel back.

"Why do you think I am busy now?" said Enzo.

"Ah! So, you are busy with this… Can I still get inside the base? You are not going to fight it, right?" asked Daniel.

"No. Why? They are only Rank A and there are only 30 of them. No need for me to go," said Enzo.

'So, it was not an emergency? Why is the quest menu create this?' thought Daniel. 'This is weird'

"Well, if you are busy, I will just go home. I will tell you later," said Daniel.

"Okay, then," Enzo ended the call.

"What happen? A bug on the system? But the quest menu never wrong about this. Hmm~ if everything fine, that is good too," said Daniel relieved that everything was under control. Daniel was going to go home when suddenly something hit near the bus stop and a huge explosion happened. Daniel was there and got caught by the explosion. The flame from the explosion burned Daniel and Daniel flew away from the forced of the explosion.

"Urghh!!!" screamed Daniel in pain while being blew away from the explosion impact. Daniel fell on the ground rolling until a boulder stopped him. Daniel's body was in flame and he rolled his body on the ground to extinguish the flame. He succeeds but he suffered a third-degree burn. Daniel was writhing in pain. 'What happen? What happen? What happen?' thought Daniel. He tried to open his eyes but before he able to do that, a roar was heard.

"Roarrrr!!!" a roar in the sky. 'Bam, bam, bam' more and more explosion happened. "Roarrrr!!!" more roar can be heard and then more explosion.

Daniel opened his eyes, "Wyvern!". Many flame wyverns appeared out of nowhere and spit out fire from their mouth. Daniel was shocked. "The quest is right. This is an emergency!"

Suddenly, a flame wyvern flied towards Daniel while opening its mouth.


thank you for reading :)

MuZikrcreators' thoughts