
The city

Two hours after my parents death I went to the tavern in the city for information I asked the bartender and he said he knew someone who might have some info. but when I got there she was dead. So out of rage I ravaged the room and once I calmed down I decided to get some gear for my quest for revenge , so I went to the black smith. There was a girl looking at armor she was Beautiful she had red hair an amazing face with red eyes thin lips and sharp fangs. She was a vampire named Lucy , I asked her if she would join me in my quest for revenge, and if she did she would be paid handsomely and so she agreed.

So before we set of on our quest I ask the blacksmith for the best gear he had he handed me gloves and a chest plate. The gloves were made with dragon scales and the strongest metal in all the lands and the chest plate was made with the bones of a giant and fangs of a dire wolf. He gave me a war hammer made of titanium, the wood of an elder tree and the hide of a king arachnid.

We went to an in on the outskirts of the city where I finally uncloaked myself revealing my true form. She was taken a back but curious.

This is my first time writing on my free time so I have no clue what I'm doing 👍