
Saving it for Marriage

When she was done, she glanced her wrist watch. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon. She turned to him and smiled when she caught his eyes fixed on her.

"What are you thinking?" She asked him innocently.

"What do you think a man is thinking when he sees his woman's bare chest." he did not hide his desire.

"Oh, im not bare now. Just so you know" she lied. Actually she woke up at one o'clock in the afternoon and changed her pyjamas without minding about whether she wore her bra or not. Her loose outfit wont let others know anyway. She didn't expect him to have seen it.

"Daryle, they are bare." He said straight without any malice.

She blushed and felt ashamed. "Im sorry Charles. I didn't give any thought about it when I woke up this afternoon." She confessed.

He smiled and nodded. "So what do you think I was thinking?" he teased.

"Why? Do you want it?" she rode in.

"Daryle! Are you trying to seduce me?" He said warning themselves.

"What do you think?" She laughed as she grabbed the water at the side. She gulped few mouthfulls then passed the other bottle to him. "Drink some water, my love," she suggested with thinking that they will feel cooler after drinking.

"Oh, sweetheart, thank you! Can you help me drink. I don't want this one. I want yours." He smiled.

"Ehhh?" she thought its very unhygienic to drink from somebody else's cup let alone this bottled water. Nevertheless, she passed to him her bottle of water.

"I want it from your lips love." He said lazily. He was so touched by her calling him "my love" all of a sudden. His body's reaction was insuprressable.

She understood what he meant. She filled her mouth with water, gargled first before she swallowed. She filled again for the second time then lied on top of him. Her lips touched his then pryed to open them. He opened obediently to receive hers. She let go of the water bit by bit worrying that he might choke. When she drained all of it, their tongues were intertwining instantly. He moaned as she took initiative on top of him.

"Daryle, I love you!" He said again and again in between gasps for breath. Down there, his manhood was already revolting violently.

"Charles, I love you too." She said as she kissed his eyes lovingly. She felt his hands slipping inside her sweater and she became stiff.

"Daryle, I can't control this now. Just tell me to stop if you don't want it." he said as he flipped himself to take charge on top. She obediently lied in the ground under him. She looked at his snd thougt his eyes were burning with desire.

"Boss, you have a call from plus 63999....." His phone suddenly spoke from the side where they placed their stuff. He set this as his ring tone from the very first day he got hold of a cellphone.

"Hahaha! " Daryle covered her mouth as she struggled to slid away from him.

"Haaaa!!! " He sighed deeply revealing his frustration. " Yeah, let us save this precious moment for our marriage bed, love" He said as he pulled her to sit up. He stroke her hair lovingly and touched her chin before planting a light kiss.

"Boss you have a call from...." Rang again but before the phone completed the number, he grabbed his phone and answered it.

"Hello?" He said casually.

"Hello Sir, I just want to confirm if this is Mr. Charles Marquez" the voice of a lady came from the other line.

"Yes, who is calling?" he inquired.

"This is from the Philippine Heart Center....." Having heard of it, he rose up, covered the mouth piece then walked away from her. The call was actually a follow-up for his application for heart transplant. They have long applied for this since his high school years but there was no donor for him yet.

The caller informed him his need for check-up first. He went back to her side after the call ended.

"What was it?" She inquired.

"It was just a confirmation from some car dealers." he lied. He didn't want to tell her that his doctor has actually given him six years life tanning. Now was his last year since he was diagnosed with it during his junior high school. He just wanted to be happy with the person he had deeply loved since he knew his life span. What gave him purpose in life was that there will be a donor for him, yet until now, things were so uncertain.

"Charles, it's almost six o'clock, shall we go now?" She asked distracting him from his thoughts.

"Oh yeah? Another day closer to heaven." He smiled after gathering back himself.