
It Was You All Along

* This whole chapter will be told from Mi-Young's POV.*

"Oppa, I'm craving ice cream," I pouted at Hoseok Oppa.

"You want ice cream right now?"

"Ne. I wish they grew on trees so I can just pluck a cone off the tree and eat it."

I walked sadly away from Oppa.

"Um, you go to class first. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back shortly."

"Arasso. Pali Oppa."

I went to class and sat down in my seat and laid my head down on my desk. Soon the bell rung for the class to start and I looked up and Hoseok Oppa hasn't returned from the bathroom yet.

It was 20 minutes later that he finally rushed into the room and Mr. Yoo yelled at him. He asked where Oppa went and he wouldn't answer him. Mr. Yoo made Oppa go sit on his knees in the hallway and raise his hands up in the air.

Before Oppa exited, he winked at me. I got up and asked to go to the bathroom. I was excused and I ran out the door. I rushed towards Hoseok Oppa and asked him where he went. He took out a popsicle, that was still in its wrapper, from his pocket and handed it to me before putting his hands back up in the air.

"I couldn't get you an ice cream cone because I couldn't bring it unnoticed to you so I bought you a popsicle for now. I'll take you after school to buy an ice cream cone."

"Yah! You pabo! Why did you do that?!"

"You said you wanted ice cream..."

And he smiled his cute bright smile at me and my heart started to race.


"I want to go on this ride Oppa!"

"R-really? Are you sure you don't want to go to the merry go round?"

"No! This one! Come on, let's go!" I dragged him towards the high rollercoaster.

Oppa was nervously sweating while waiting in line and I found him to be so cute. I just giggled at him.

"It'll be fun Oppa. Don't worry."

We sat down and raised our hands up for our harness to drop and secure us in our seat. Once the ride start, Hoseok Oppa started screaming with his eyes closed.

He was so adorable that I couldn't help but laugh at how scared he was. I didn't know he was this scared of heights. When the ride ended and we got off he was finally breathing normally again.

"Oppa, are you afraid of heights? Why did you go on the ride if you were scared?"

"Because you wanted to ride it..."

De-geun de-geun...

Why is that smile so dangerously beautiful?


We arrived at the zoo and there was a crowd in the middle of the place. I dragged Hoseok Oppa towards the crowd to get a better look at what was going on.

One of the zookeepers had a huge snake and was asking for volunteers to hold the snake. I pushed Hoseok Oppa towards the center and the zookeeper chooses Oppa. He hesitantly walked towards the zookeeper and the zookeeper hooked the snake onto Oppa.

He whined in fear when the snake touched him.

"Oh, oh, oh!!!!" He called out as the snake looped itself around Oppa's thigh.

I burst out laughing at his reaction. He noticed me laughing at him and I saw a small smile on his face before it turns into fear again. When they finally took the snake from him he ran towards me.

"Oppa! You were so funny." I laughed and made fun of him.

"As long as I make you happy and see you smiling, I'm willing to do anything..."

I stopped laughing and stared at Oppa. Why has he been making my heart pump like crazy?

"Mi-Young, I love you..."

De-geun, de-geun, de-geun..

Why is this happening?

His face moved in towards mine and I closed my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine...

My eyes shot wide opened. It had all been a dream. I put my hand on my chest to feel my heart. It was beating crazily.

Why did I suddenly dream of the past? Hoseok Oppa never made my heart pound before so why is it pounding so much now in my dream? He never even tried to kiss me before in all the years that I've known him. Why did I close my eyes and waited for his kiss in my dream?

I sat up in Hani's bed and clutched my heart.

What is the meaning of this?

I tried to go back to sleep but my head was filled with thoughts of Hoseok. I smiled to myself as I remembered how scared he was of the snake. Everything that he has done for me up until now, I never bothered to look much into it. So why now?

Am I in love with Hoseok Oppa?

Love..... What is love?

I closed my eyes and saw Jimin Oppa by at the altar waiting for me as I walked down the aisle with my dad. The closer I got to Jimin Oppa, the more he looked like Hoseok Oppa.

When my dad handed me over to the groom, he had turned into Hoseok Oppa and his smile..... His smile is making me go crazy. I couldn't breathe as I held onto his arm and we walked up to the altar and faced each other.

"Do you, Jung Hoseok, take Song Mi-Young, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

'I do.'

My heart fluttered and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Do you, Song Mi-Young, take Jung Hoseok, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do," I said out loud as I opened my eyes again. I smile crazily to myself as I realized it's been Hoseok Oppa all along. The thought of growing old with Hoseok Oppa made me giggled to myself. And with that happy thought, I closed my eyes.

"I do. I do love you Jung Hoseok...."

I soon fell asleep with a smile on my face.


"I can't believe I forgot my phone," I mumbled to myself as the taxi made a U-Turn back to Hani's house.

When we reached Hani's house, there was a car parked in front of her house. The car looked familiar. The taxi parked a bit farther away from the car up ahead. Soon I saw Hoseok Oppa emerged from the driver side of the car and a smile formed on my face automatically.

I asked the taxi driver to wait for me since I need to grab my phone quick. I was about to get out of the taxi when I saw Hani come out. I saw his beautiful smile, but he was smiling to Hani, my best friend. He opened up the door for Hani and she got into his car and they drove off.

I thought she was meeting Yoongi Oppa tonight?

I pointed at Hoseok's car and told the taxi to follow Oppa's car. We followed them all the way to Jung Hotel and my heart dropped.

Why are they here? She said she was coming here with Yoongi Oppa.

"Maybe he's just picking her up for Yoongi Oppa. He's just going to drop her off and he'll be leaving," I whispered silently to myself.

I tried to convince myself that there was nothing going on between Hoseok and Hani, but he parked his car. They both got out and walked in together.

I paid the taxi driver and followed the two but not too closely. They got on the elevator and the lift closed and I automatically started running to the stairs. I ran up 5 floors hoping to catch their elevator before it goes up any higher. Luckily, there were people waiting for the elevator when I got there and the door opened revealing more people in the elevator, but I could still see Hoseok Oppa and Hani in the back.

We all got into the elevator and I made sure they wouldn't see me, but I didn't even need to hide. Their attention was on one another and they didn't even bother to look anywhere.

There's nothing going on between them. There has to be a misunderstanding.

"He's just taking her to Yoongi...." I silently told myself as I watch Hoseok and Hani in the back corner. Tears start to form in my eyes and my heart started hurting when the doubt started kicking in.

Hani and Hoseok would never do this to me...

I kept my watch on the two, but when we stopped at the 7th floor, people started heading out pushing me out of the elevator. I turn around to try to go back into the elevator, but I saw that Hani and Hoseok were coming out so I quickly ran to the corner and watched where they went. They were headed towards the restaurant.

That's right, Hani said she was having dinner here with Yoongi. He's just showing her the way to the restaurant to meet up with Yoongi Oppa.

I followed the two to the restaurant and saw them being led towards the middle of the room. I followed after and was stopped by the host. She automatically apologizes when she saw me. She knew who I was. I was the future wife of Jung Hoseok. She called a server to come and seat me. They took me to be seated in a different room, but I asked to move closer to where the two were seated. They agreed and I sat a table away with my back to the two of them.

I could hear only part of their conversation. I heard my name being mentioned a few time. Laughter escaped both their mouth as they ate and sipped on wine. The waiter came to take my order, but I didn't want anything. I asked for a glass of water and resumed my attention on Hoseok and Hani's conversation.

"Mi-Young had been the only girl that I have ever loved...."

A small smile found it's way onto my lips when I heard what Oppa had to say, but it vanished when I heard what he said right afterward.

"But I think that might change after tonight....."

My heart broke into a million pieces. I couldn't believe my ears.

Hoseok Oppa doesn't love me anymore...??

"Huh?" I heard Hani asked.

"I said, you made me have a change of heart. I want you Hani. And if it's okay with you, I want you tonight."

Hani would never agree to it. She wouldn't. Would she?

"Ummm... S-sure??"

I covered my mouth and silently wept as I heard my best friend's answer.

I slightly turned my head to see Hoseok Oppa eagerly finishing his drink and he got up and dragged Hani out of the restaurant.

I got up and slowly made my way out of the restaurant. There could only be one place where he's taking Hani now, the suite in this hotel but I could be wrong. And I really hope I was wrong.

I pressed the up arrow and waited. The lift opens and I made my way inside. I pressed the top floor and every level that the lift climbed higher, my heart cracked a bit more.

The elevator door finally opens and I slowly peeked out to see that Oppa was pulling Hani towards the room. I made my way out of the elevator and Oppa finally manages to open up the door and they went inside. The door shut in my face and what I heard next completely shredded my heart.

"Last chance to run Hani.. Because I'm not letting you go if you stay any longer in this room with me....."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying..."

I broke down. I turned around and slid down the door in tears. I cried and cried, but the hurt and pain won't go away. I sat and waited. Waited to wake up from this nightmare, but 1 hour passed, 2 hours passed, and then 5 hours passed. I got up weakly and realize they weren't coming back out. I stood facing the door. Hurting and in anger, I thought of how much Jimin Oppa loved her and how I thought she liked Yoongi Oppa.

Yoongi and Jimin Oppa.. She got them both wrapped around her fingers. Ani, she's got all three with her body. I scoffed when I remembered how I happily and stupidly believed her this morning, how I got her all dressed and beautiful because I supported her when she said she liked Yoongi Oppa, and what she told me this morning.

'I'm not a two-timer.'

The last hope and trust that I had left in my heart for those two, broke when the door opened and I see the two of them together. It wasn't a nightmare after all.

"You're not a two-timer huh? What a fucken joke..."

And I slapped her, my so-called best friend who just slept with Hoseok. And I ran. I ran away from those two. Those disgusting people whom I loved so much and they destroyed my heart.

To Be Continued...

I cried while writing this chapter. I hope I did a good job portraying Mi-Young's feelings in this chapter. There were some of you who disliked her, but remember that Hani was the one who lied to Mi-Young in the first place. She never told Mi-Young that she loved Jimin or any of her plans and caused this huge misunderstanding for Mi-Young.

Shookieillegirlcreators' thoughts