
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
202 Chs

Chapter Forty Four. *

The party was loud and atmosphere very pleasant.

The music was lovely and I find myself with Liz, Miri and Setil.

We drink slowly while exchanging bedroom tips and swapping stories. Well all but, Miri who clearly looked more embarrassed with each word said but never left the table.

" .. cked me for like an hour. His tongue is officially my second favourite body part of his."

I laughed and let them made hungry eyes at what's mine.

I saw others dance with their significant others like Demelza who haven't left Alex or the dance floor, and seeing them suddenly got an irresistible urge.

It was strange feeling and the first.

I didn't learned any of the dances others did and had no reason to accept anyone request for a dance.

I finished my glass and went to grab my future husband.

He was sitting surrounded by his loyal acolytes hanging on his every word when he talked and did their best to keep him entertained.

With Lucian and Alex off somewhere with their significant others he was left alone by his brothers.

I stepped inside his circle and kissed him almost falling on him. He pulled me in by my waist and kept me steady.

" I want to dance.." - I whispered in his mouth.

He licked his lips.

" Let's go then."

He took by hand and pulled me away.

We joined those dancing and he grabbed me behind and pushed his himself so comfortably close.

I reached behind with my hands ran them through his hair. We were surrounded but, all seems so blurred. My skin was on fire and suddenly was spinning around by him.

I laughed at first and had to close my eyes because of the silhouettes of those around us started make me nauseous a little.

I was stopped just as suddenly as before, couldn't catch my breath because it was stolen.

We danced I don't even how long. But, I got so thirsty and disoriented, I had to rest my head on his.

" Whoaa..you ok love? "

" I just need some water..and air."

He gently picked me up while I locked my arms around his neck and let myself nestle in his arms.

" Hold on my love ....and hold your breath."

" Hmm.."

I did like he said and one second the sounds and heat got unbearable and felt nauseous.

Then, I felt cold air surrounding me then heard nothing but the seren sounds of the night.

I opened my eyes wide. We were down by the river where he first kissed me. About half a mile from the hall.

I looked up his perfect face with a matching smile. He let me down slowly kept his hands on my waist supporting me.

" H-how..?"

He kissed my lips gently and stepped one step back.

" Just wait here a second hon..."

He was gone the next second and the wind hit me.

I closed my eyes and laughed from the sudden sensation, it felt all nice and pleasant and just before it died down it picked up again and I felt a familiar hand on my waist.

" Here..drink."

I was handed a pouch filled with cold water.

I took it and drunk it gratefully. Those gulps felt refreshing and it made my previous dizziness lessen a lot more and settled my stomach too.

I finished and looked at the man who pulled me thorough space literally.

" Thank you my love. "

He took the pouch and threw it away. He closed me in his embrace and I rested my head on his chest my arms clutched in the front.

" I didn't know you can travel with others ."

I heard and felt him chuckling.

" Well...apparently took some..big terror lion above the clouds first try, so I had the feeling it won't pose trouble. " - he placed his chin on the top on my head "Boy..you are drunk. "

I used my signature move and bit his chest lightly.

Of course you can travel like some wind God with people in your arms. I smelled him deeply and enjoyed his natural scent.

" You were drinking too you know, 6 glasses..I counted."

" You had 8...I counted too."

I smiled because, we both did the same thing even apart, we both looked after one another all night even busy with others.

We sure had our priorities straight.

" What a beautiful night.."

I turned my head and followed his gaze to the moons..I saw his expression full of excitement and longing..even a little tipsy, I could read him...what an idiot.

" No, you don't try jump on the moons I forbid it ! Stupid Idiot.."

He looked down and laughed disbelief which slowly died down and ended with a guilty expression.


He didn't sounded all that convincing so I bit him again hard this time leaving my teeth marks in his skin.

" Ouch...alright,alright..it was just a passing thought."

" Passing like the one, that made you ambush some ancient snake monster? "

He just smiled like a guilty one getting caught.

" I guess..I need to you to keep reminding me of my own limits."

" I'll be happy to do so. Hey..take me to our home. I wanna se.."

My eyes were open this time yet couldn't really catch anything. My breath got stuck in my lungs.

We were down the river and the trees and then in the front our future home. I almost toppled backwards once he let me go but, he quickly reached and held me.

" Its like magic!!..I want to travel like this a lot from now on."

He picked me up pushing me upwards. " Then let us thank Ehlite, I can make my wife happy."

He spun me around while I laughed like a child before he let me down and we enjoyed each others taste...

Let us thank him indeed.

Once we separated for a second I could see our future home.

Since we took some of the crew with us to Tori, I figured it more is less in the same state we left it.

I was very surprised to see how much they built upon it.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight " It's almost finished.. it's incredible."

" I talked to Olaf and the guys who left. They agreed to do what they can. I think in a day or two we can move in."

" No..well maybe." - I turned to him unsure." I've not decided yet. Well we won't have furniture for a while anyway no..? "

" Ohh I think we be alright. But, we can wait until you have it as you want it. - he smiled with anticipation. " We do need a our own bed and soon. Let's go to Malai in a few days huh? We can pick up all that's needed."

I felt his hand playing with my ass. Feeling out what's his. Even after all this time his touch made me shiver.

" I wondered when you gonna finally bring sex into it." - I turned around with fake disappointment.

He stepped behind me and pushed his cock right up against my entry pulling my dress with it.

" Said my perverted wife.."

" We not married yet you know..this could be considered blasphemy by the Aaahh..."

He entered me mid sentence, the blasphemous idiot. Put his hand on my breast and bit my neck to send me straight to heaven. He pushed hard and that's when all rational thinking dissolved by his heat.

" ... what was that? "

" I said harder...my Lord.."

" Good girl.."

We had our first session in our house..well in the front, then the walls, on its grass in the back..then we ended in the front again.

What a celebration it was.