

I noticed that Dad has become to look at me more closely lately. It seems my nightly escapades might not have gone entirely unnoticed as I thought, but there's no time to worry about that since the Festival is in a few days and I'm going to need to be more than 100% ready for it. I'm could feel everyone's high spirits around me and this makes me more excited to do my best. Study Hall comes around and we are visited by some kids from the general studies. Shinso (Brainwashing) arrives and makes a declaration that he is going to prove himself in the festival and become a member of the hero course. Bakugo obviously sees as a challenge and claims that if he meets him, then he will suffer defeat. Everyone else in the class seems pumped up about and state that there going to do their best too. Unlike in the original story, students from 1-B don't show up to scout the competition which is unusual but nothing that screams that I should be worried about it. I went over to Jiro to see what her expectations were for the festival.

Denki: Hey. How's everything going?

Jiro: It's fine.

Denki: Are you pumped for the festival?

Jiro: I'm going to try to be number one. I have to get stronger and be able to protect people in need.

Denki: I understand where you're coming from and I too am planning to be number one, so you might have to face me in the championships.

Jiro: Sounds easy to me.

Denki: Challenge accepted.

Jiro and I talk to each other for a while until it was time to leave and I walked her home. Nothing especially noteworthy happened at school as I walked home. When I got home, I saw my dad rummaging through some old boxes.

Denki: Hey dad. What are you doing?

Denki's Dad: I'm looking for something that I stashed away a long time ago.

Denki: Is it that super-powered watch that you claimed to have lost 10 years ago?

Denki's Dad: No. It's more important than that. Found it.

Dad showed me of a picture of himself, my mom, and a third guy wearing fancy clothes as if their going to prom. My dad was on the left with a dark blue tux with spiky yellow hair. The one in the middle is my mom wearing a dress made entirely out of red roses that matched her red hair. The one on the right is apparently my dad's best friend and is named Shinki. He was wearing a white tux with a white fedora hat with a rose in his mouth. They all looked to be having fun in the picture, but I couldn't think of a reason he was looking for it right now.

Denki's Dad: This picture was taken at a celebration of your our graduation in the hero course. It was a fun time with its ups and downs, but when all is said and done I enjoyed myself. I know that you know that I'm a retired hero, but I've never told you why. Now isn't the time to tell you but I hope that this will serve as a good luck charm of sorts. I know the festival is coming up and I hope you make it to the number one spot. I wouldn't expect anything less from my son. If you don't however, then you will be grounded in this house for an entire month since you enjoy sneaking out so much.

Denki: Crap. How did you find out?

Denki's Dad: Did you think I wouldn't notice that some of our first aid kit is missing and that you have black hair dye in your bedroom that's half empty even though I've never seen you wearing it. You're going to have to hide your stuff better if you want to pull one over on me.

I take the picture from dad and head up to my room. I stare at this picture and I could feel it moving in my body. Only a little bit though. I could feel the black lightning surging through me.

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