
Chapter 6: Fuutarou and Yotsuba

「 Say Fuutarou-kun. Am I a burden? Would it better if I've never existed? 」(Yotsuba)

Yotsuba said as she smiled along with her  tears flowing down from her eyes.

Fuutarou who saw this, decided to hugged Yotsuba at once without even hesitating.

Fuutarou is kindhearted person, he can't leave a girl crying without trying to do something.

And most of all, Fuutarou can relate on Yotsuba's circumstances. Fuutarou have gone through a lot of hardships, therefore, Fuutarou himself knows better what it feels like to be a useless person.

「 F-futarou-kun? 」(Yotsuba)

「 It's okay Yotsuba, feel free to cry, for I am here for you. I understand what you feels, for I have gone through the same. 」(Fuutarou)

Fuutarou said that with a clearly lachrymose on his tone.

While gently caressing Yotsuba's back head to make her feel better.

After Yotsuba heard those words and  getting pampered by Fuutarou, she bursts into tears as she hugged Fuutarou tightly.

「 *sniff* FUUTAROU!! IT IS HARD FOR ME YOU KNOW! *sniff sniff* 」(Yotsuba)

「 Yes, yes, I know.」(Fuutarou)

Yotsuba cried a lot while hugging Fuutarou, and it takes Fuutarou some time to make her  stop crying.

After a few minutes, Yotsuba stopped crying.

Fuutarou offered Yotsuba to take a seat on a bench near from them, and of course, to make Yotsuba feel better.

Fuutarou gave Yotsuba an warm Choco flavored coffee he got from a random Vending machine. Yotsuba accepted this offer as she replied "Thanks, you're so very kind Fuutarou-kun" with a relaxed expression.

「 No probs. Are you feeling better now?」(Fuutarou)

He asked as he smiled deeply.

「 Mhmm. It's thanks to you Fuutarou-kun.  」(Yotsuba)

「 Kukuku! I told you right. You can depend on me aaaanytime. 」(Fuutarou)

Fuutarou stated proudly as he put a face  trying to be funny attempting to cheer up Yotsuba.

「 Mhhmnn. Thanks. 」(Yotsuba)

After that, they halted on talking each other as they put their gaze on the sky.

Looking up, the Sky was clear, not a cloud to be found anywhere.

The sky was a mixture of dark and midnight blues and purple. All swirled together to make a beautiful contasting lights and darks of the sky of the night sky. The stars just decorated the sky. It almost looks as if someone took a handful of glitter and just threw it up to the sky. The stars were sparkling and gorgeous. The moon accented the night sky perfectly. It was three quarters full, bright and beautiful.

Fuutarou and Yotsuba observed the beautiful Night Sky together, then Fuutarou decided to talk to Yotsuba.

「 You know, Yotsuba.」(Fuutarou)

「 Mhhmmn? 」(Yotsuba)

「 All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others. 」(Fuutarou)

Yotsuba tilted her in confussion.

「 Huh? F-fuutarou-kun, what do you mean by that? 」(Yotsuba)

「 Yotsuba, your mother can push herself  like that because she has a family that gives her the courage to step forward. And of course you're one of them, Yotsuba. 」(Fuutarou)

「 ... 」(Yotsuba)

「 That's why, don't ever think about being a burden to your Mother again. Don't ever think that it's better if you've never existed. If it weren't for you, your siblings, your mother wouldn't have the strength to live on. Her family is the reason why she can do all the impossible things, that's how important your to her.」(Fuutarou)

「 Fuutarou-kun... 」(Yotsuba)

Yotsuba is about to cry again after she heard those words from Fuutarou. It warms her heart everytime she heard those Voice of him.

For the first time, Yotsuba is encountering a complicated feelings.

But Fuutarou doesn't end with that as he grabbed Yotsuba's shoulder with his both hand and faced at her with a serious expression.

「 Look Yotsuba, you were born for a very specific reason. Everything that exists has a purpose, and you just need to search for it. I'm sure that you can do it Yotsuba.」(Fuutarou)

「 For example; study a lots, get way smarter, join a company that pays a ton, and make your Mom's life easier. That way, I'm sure you'll become someone necessary, and you'll find meaning to having been born.」(Fuutarou)

As soon as she heard those words, Yotsuba awakened in reality. At last, she found a reason to live and keep moving forward. She feels so blessed to meet someone as kind as Fuutarou. Yotsuba can't think of anything to repay Fuutarou for all the things she did for Yotsuba.

「 F-fuutarou-kun, Y-you—」(Yotsuba)

「 Ah. Of course, I'll do the same thing. I have a family too you know. Hmmn? Ah, just so you know, I'm not going to lose to you, got that right!? I pormised, that I'll do everything I can just for the sake of my family. Hey, you should state your promise too.」(Fuutarou)

 Fuutarou purposedly challenged Yotsuba, to raise her spirits. And with this challenge, Yotsuba gained a new light direction of her life.

「 Mhhmn. I won't lose either!!! It's a promise!! Hehe!」(Yotsuba)

They smiled each other as they performed a "Pinky Promise" cheerfully.

After that, they continued their way on the "Wishing Well"

「 I'll pray that I'll one day become an adult who can put in 10,000 yen bill. 」(Yotsuba)

「 You're not supposed to say it out loud-」(Fuutarou)

After that, Yotsuba and Fuutarou bursts into laugher.

On the "Wishing Well" they made their own wish together.

Yotsuba and Fuutarou laughing at each other when—

「 Yotsuba-kun, what are you doing here? 」(???)

An unknown old man holding a flashlight has arrived to pick up for Yotsuba.

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