


Clara and Daniel were sleeping peacefully when suddenly Clara felt sharp pain in her abdomen which wakes her up and she starts to cry and hissing in pain which woke up Daniel,he quickly got up and faced Clara while cupping her face 

DANIEL: Hey hey…it's fine…everything would be fine..is it hurting a lot (he hugged her and she bite her lips to bear the pain) 

CLARA: Dani….my..my..water (she cried with pain)

DANIEL: It..broke.. right .. okay wait just we will go to hospital okay…(she nodded) I'm going to call mom okay (he peck her lips,she starts crying holding his hand) 

He was shaking with nervousness but was controlling himself for the sake of her ,it was really hard for him to see her in pain ,he decided to stay with her and he quickly grabbed his mobile from the side table and dialed Mrs Albert 

On Call 

MOM: Why are you calling is everything okay?(she said worriedly in her sleepy voice) 

DANIEL: Mom..we have to take Clara to hospital!! (He said panicking and from behind she can hear Clara's crying voice) 

She cuts the call and ran towards their room ,She knocked the door and Daniel opened it revealing Clara who was sweating badly and was crying ,she ran towards her and put her head on her lap 

MOM: Don't worry dear ..just take a deep breath (she said caressing her hairs) 

CLARA: It's…Hur…hurting alot..ahhh….(she cried and almost shouted) 

Hearing her crying Scarlet, Fernando,Alice and Wendy also came in the room following grandpa and dad

Daniel pick her in his arms and ran towards car,while Scarlet quickly grab her emergency bag Incase of they needed,Wendy and Alice decided to stay with kids 

Fernando and Scarlet sat in their car with grandpa and dad , Daniel was already gone with mom 

They all reached at the hospital and went inside the hospital where they saw Clara lying on stretcher  


I was preparing myself for this day and I was confident that I will not panicked but right now I'm panicking a lot hearing her scream and seeing her crying state is making me feel so much worried and nervous ,I am not able to proceed anything while Clara was tightly grabbing my hand almost making it numb but I don't care I just want her and the baby safe especially her ,I closed my eyes for a split second and opened it gazing at hr glistened eyes ,I kissed her forehead and mumble

DANIEL: Everything will be fine.. I'm here (she nodded and doctors took her inside the operation theatre)

I finally relief my body and exhale heavily which I was holding which makes my breathing heavy,Bro came towards me and rubbed my back giving me assuring smile ,I look at him but didn't smile back I am so worried for my love ,dad and grandpa was looking at both of us 

GRANDPA: Dani…come here (he pat beside his chair,I really wanted to say no but I can't,I quietly went there and sat beside him,he caresses my hairs ) Worried hmm…panicking..(he said smiling calmly and I nodded) I know you are thinking how I'm sitting so relaxed but believe me she will be okay along with her baby ,our Clara is a brave girl (I felt ping of relief and lean back on chair) 

DAD: It's hard to focus on something else when you know that your love one are in pain and you can't help them (he said and smiling and I sigh heavily) 

I was about to say something when we saw doctor coming outside from operation theater ,we went towards her 

DOCTOR: Mrs Daniel is calling you Mr Daniel will you come with us (I wasn't feeling good to go inside because he himself was panicking inside,I was thinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder I look back and saw Scarlet and mom smiling) 

MOM: Go..and help her to deliver the baby (I nodded and went inside with doctor)

I went inside inhaling deeply and my Clara came into my view ,when she saw me she smiled with tears making me chuckle at her behavior

I went towards her and kissed her forehead cheeks and peck her lips 

DANIEL: it will be okay, let's welcome our baby,we have waited for our baby for so long


She nodded but the pain shot in her bump making her grab Her his hand and from the other hand he was caressing her bump saying soothing words to her 

DOCTOR: So..get ready…Clara your baby is eager to come and I will be healthy and fast delivery okay don't worry just take a deep breath (Clara smiled towards Daniel and he smiled back and she starts taking deep breath and Daniel was removing her hairs from her sweaty forehead) Okay…on the count of 3 you need to push (Clara nodded and shut her lips) 1…2…3.. push (Clara pushed hard while screaming) 

CLARA: Ahhh!!!oh…shit…(Daniel chuckle and kissed her forehead) 

DANIEL: You are doing amazing baby..keep pushing (she nodded) 

DOCTOR: 1..2..3…Push…(she pushed hard screaming Daniel's name)

CLARA: Ahhh!!! I'm going to kill you Daniel…(all the nurses were laughing) ohh!!…but I love my baby also (she said crying and Daniel again smiled kissing her forehead) 

Doctor gave her some 10 second rest

DOCTOR: Okay…the head is showing ..push 1..2..3 (she pushed hard lastly and doctor pulled out the baby) 

Her head fell on pillow and starts breathing deeply soon they both heard the baby's voice 

DOCTOR: Congratulations.. it's a boy 

DANIEL: Oh..boy…(he said happily shouting)

(Clara smiled tiredly and closed her eyes and soon she fall asleep cause of some medication and tiredness) 

Doctor cut the cord and wrap him in a towel 

 After cleaning the baby Doctor gave the baby boy to Daniel,whose hands were sweating badly,he took the baby and tears formed in his eyes ,he kissed his cheek softly and smiled while feeling his really soft skin 

DANIEL: Can i take him outside (doctor nodded smiling) 

Daniel quickly went outside,he was excited to see everyone's reaction






picture According to chapter are on my Instagram and community

@Author bunny 01