
Chapter 1 - The New Earth

"I... I can't breath.. I can't even see... I guess this is the end.." Whispered a young boy with yellow hair dyed red from the dried up blood in his hair.

He laid on the cold stone floor not being able to do anything other than be in his own head thinking how pitiful of a state he was in.

'Why did the world have to turn into this hellish place.' The boy thought while finally drifting off into the abyss with this last thought.


A young man stood in front of the mirror admiring his own good look. He had pitch black hair that went down to the bottom of his neck if he didn't tie it into a ponytail, along with his pitch black eyes so dark you couldn't tell where the pupil started. He was slightly tall, measuring at 5'11 and you could tell he worked out from his six-pack that was very defined for only being 17.

"You are such a weirdo. Why are you checking yourself out loser?" A young girl said from his doorway as she peaked her head inside of his room.

She was average height for a girl, being 5'4 and having long brown hair that went down to the middle of her back with red highlights at the end which were barely noticeable anymore.

"Why the hell do you care, I can do whatever I want this is my room." The young boy yelled at her, putting a shirt on before going up to the door and trying to close it.

"God you are so fucking rude" Yelled the girl who stood in a doorway blocking the young man from leaving the room they were in.

"If I am so fucking annoying why the hell are you still here huh? Get out of my way I am going out right now anyways" The young boy barked back at his sister who was being her usual self.

The pair of brother and sister looked each other in the eyes hoping the other would back down but neither did leading to an awkward stare down. Eventually his sister got tired of their little 'game' they were playing and decided to leave; storming off down the hall into her room slamming the door behind her.

"You kids can never be nice to each other can you?" An older looking women who seemed to be in her mid 40's tiredly sighed as she opened her door from all the noise the two sibling caused.

'Like I'd ever be nice to her, what has she ever done for me other than complain about me simply existing and annoying me constantly' He thought in his head as he gave a slight smile to his mother who just shook her head in response and went back inside of her room closing the door.

The young boy sighed leaving his room and going outside. He walked quietly down the sidewalk till he made it to a park where he sat down on one of the benches and stared up into the sky. This was one of his nightly activities that he'd do to get his mind off of things and it helped him calm himself down.

'Why did this world have to be such a boring place? I wish I could be out there fighting with magic and killing monsters' He thought to himself and laughed at his outlandish thoughts. That only happens in stories though and this is reality that stuff will never happen.

Just as he finished this thought the ground started shaking and the sky was instantly covered in some black mist, the ground was shaking so bad though that he didn't notice the sky because he was thinking the ground was about to split apart. He could barely keep his balance.

His phone suddenly started to ring and with some difficulties he got it out of his pocket and saw it was his mom calling him. Just as he picked up the phone everything stopped shaking and went quiet.

"Seth are you okay? Where are you, you need to come home right now!" His mom said, he could hear the worry and urgency in her voice.

"I'm okay mom don't worry the shaking seems to have stopped. Are you and Drew still okay? I'm on my way home right now don't worry" Seth said quickly to calm down his mother.

"Yes me and your sister are okay, just come home fast please but be safe. I love you see you soon." She said as she hung up the phone.

Just as Seth was about to get up and start running back to his house he looked up and realized the entire sky was covered in a black mist. 'What the hell is going on right now' is the only thing he could think before he heard a loud crackling noise almost as if it was electricity zapping something. It was coming from behind him so he slowly turned around and was shocked at what he saw.

It was like a blue portal floating about a foot in the air and was about the size of a door. He contemplated going and seeing what it really was but decided he would rather not go near a portal that would more than likely lead to his death. He ran home as fast as he could and finally reached his house. His mother and sister were sitting on the couch in the living room with the news on and he could see the relief on their faces when he opened the door.

"Thank god you're okay we were so worried about you" His mother said with relief in her voice, getting up to come and give him a hug while he could see her sister sitting on the couch trying to hide the relief on her face.

"Look what they are saying on the news Seth". Seth turned and listened to the news and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"About 20 minutes ago a massive 'earthquake' happened all around the world and the world was covered in a mysterious black fog. The government has just released news that apparently the Earth has tripled in size and said to stay inside because of the black fog that has suddenly appeared. There are also reports of monsters roaming the streets so please stay inside and be careful."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Just a moment before all of this happened he wished that the world would become a fantasy world but he wasn't expecting it to actually happen.

"Alright guys, we are staying inside until the government has confirmed that it is safe to go outside again. We have enough food and water to last us a week or two. Its time to go to bed though its already 3 in the morning. if you guys hear anything make sure to wake me up." His mom said with worry in her voice but she tried hiding it to show her children that they could depend on her in moments like these.

Seth turned off the Tv and they all went up into their own rooms leaving the door open just a bit for easy access. Seth crawled into bed barely being able to go to sleep from the shock of what just happened. He couldn't believe it. The world he once knew had changed in just 20 minutes. Everything was going to be different from now on and he hoped that he is strong enough to handle it and protect his family.

Just as Seth was finally drifting off into sleep he heard a noise in his head.

[Booting The Dungeon Hunter Sys...

That was all he heard before falling unconscious into his dreams.

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