
We decided to do something

Well we unanimously agreed to just sit here taking turns watching the main character while the other practices magic. We didn't particularly need to eat or drink but we would of course grow bored and feel like eating as we lived 21 years as a average human, we being invisible could have just stolen everything but since we got the ability to generate local currency we left money for everything. As for our abilities we kinda figured out them from Allen's 'Cross Grave' to Tier's 'Ola Azul' but pretty sure we scared the crap out of the Watch when they heard explosions and falling trees in the middle of the night.We actually started to grow pretty bored just watching people and we felt if we went deep into the forest to mess with the titans it would mess with the story but we were REALLY bored and realized why people pick the 'mainstream' worlds so often. At first we thought of just going to another world but we spun this world so we will do something about it so the first step in out plan, make a magic to appear younger preferably around Eren's age so we could follow him around as we weren't particularly caring what we did and main characters did everything.

So when we successfully figured out how to both appear younger and be visible we started with hanging out around Mikasa. Her being the very quiet girl she was didn't particularly care what we did as long as we weren't after her Eren, and Eren being Eren thought we were related at first what with not talking, following him around,and just being kind of creepy. The only particular problems we had was people not knowing where we were from or who we were, we actually got the guards called on us at first as apparently the village was a closed community of sorts with everyone knowing each other so a pair of tan mysterious children just appearing following around Mikasa raised questions i guess, but after we kept vanishing before anyone could catch us people just started ignoring us like they gave up. Armin(he told us his name) treated us like more Mikasa, but honestly we had no problem with that as we weren't that communicative. We did get to meet Eren's mother at several instances, she seemed like a reasonably nice person so we figured we would save her but then we thought about what would happen to Eren if she didn't die,soo we instead decided to just ask her when the time came as i mean we couldn't miss the wall falling so we could just go ask her if she was okay with dying if in exchange Mikasa marries Eren(probably) and Eren becomes a decorated hero or if she would rather live....when we thought of that question we felt it was a leading question but at the same time it wasn't wrong and we weren't sure what to do.

We did get asked were we lived by Eren and Armin a few times but we always said it was a secret and bought everyone apples or nuts or what they wanted at the time. And at last the Titan came and while we always thought the Armored Titan was the coolest looking we admitted to each other that size did in fact matter and he jumped up to our second favorite titan as there is just something about overwhelming size that is awesome. But upon seeing bolts of lightning in the middle of the day and lots of steam we immediately headed for Eren's house.Upon arriving at the house she seemed actually pretty calm as if she already knew what was going to happen.

"Oh,Tier and Allen what brings you here" she asked with a smile.We reverted to out adult form getting a start out of her while we did so"Ms.Carla Yeager we would ask you of your choice, would you give up your life if it would lead your son to greatness, or would you live and escape your fate?"we asked in unison as we felt it was cooler when asked in unison."I uhh don't know whats going on but could you elaborate?"she asked."Fate would have you die today eaten by a titan before your child's eyes, a result of this is that your child develops an overwhelming anger towards titans, joins the scout corp and through several twists becomes a hero, conversely if you wished we could save you but Eren wouldn't have his overwhelming anger toward titans and may not have the drive and fury necessary to achieve what he would should Fate have it's way,so we ask again will you die for your child or will you live and if you wished push him to the same or greater heights?"we asked."I can push him to such heights?"she asked."Maybe, despite being a hero he stopped being completely sane as a result of today, one of our favorite quotes about your son in the future was 'I bore witness to the manifestation of humanity's rage' and that was about all he sought to embody, he did not grow much from today his mind just stayed trapped in it's fury and he didn't seek to escape it" we said."If i live and he doesn't become the hero he was meant to be what happens?"she asked."Wall Maria stays taken and the other walls fall in a few years,but we feel that if you had lived Eren could have been so much more than just a warrior, he could have been a leader, he showed through his actions courage,valor,sacrifice and more but in the end all he sought was to kill all the titans and if not for Mikasa and the friends he made on the way he probably would have stayed outside the walls killing every titan he came across till he fell"we answered her

"So Ms.Carla Yeager what path will you choose one with a certain outcome or one that appears rough with no light visible at the end of the path?"

always asking for inspiration so just drop a comment on what you think should happen

Orcanamancreators' thoughts