

A cute-looking kid around thirteen years old could be seen laying his head in his mother's lap and looking at her with a curious gaze.

"Mom, what do you think about vampires!"Arthur asked curiously, Leona's face becomes pale after hearing that question from Arthur's mouth she looked towards Arthur with a deep gaze.

"Who told you about the vampires?" Leona turned to her 13-year-old boy, she was a very beautiful woman with a white beautiful face and Long beautiful red hair were making her more beautiful. hearing those words Arthur gulped mouthful saliva and looked towards his mother.

"Mother today after The class, when we were coming towards the home and crossing those ruins, sister mona told us that those ruins belong to the vampires. And after the Great War, those vampires were disappeared without a trace. And they left the emperor's legacy behind them. if anyone finds that legacy he will become very powerful and maybe rule over the world..." Arthur looked towards his mother And explained how did he end up finding about vampires.

hearing those words from his son's mouths Leona's heart started beating faster and louder, and cold sweat appeared on her white beautiful face.

"Listen, my baby, what Mona said is true that Vampires become perished thousands of years ago during the Great War, but Now they've become a bedtime story for children like your age," Leona responded to arthour while pinching his cheek. she bitterly smiled and hugged Arthur.

"But Mother What About Vampire Emperor's Legacy?" Arthur cuddles his mother while asking curiously. seeing Arthur's curiosity she becomes worried about him.

"No one knows about the origin of the Vampire Emperor's legacy. Many people from the Royal family come from time to time to investigate those ruins but they've never found anything. Thousands of years have been passed yet no one can find this legacy to be true" Leona took a moment before explaining again.

"Many people say that it must be a rumour and no such power exists. And if anyone were to find anything about this legacy then the whole Royal Family will hunt them down, they would not be able to escape even if they were to hide in hell. This is a very sensitive topic so do not speak of it in public." Leona explains to Arthur.

she didn't wanted Arthur to become involved in this kind of affair, he was a single cute little thing that Leona and leywin admire the most in the world.

"But mother why does the royal family will hunt them?" Arthur Again Asked with cute looking face, he has become very curious about the legacy when he heard these stories from his senior.

"Alright you little talkative thing, it's time for bed just Keep quiet and go to sleep. And listen, son, do not go anywhere near those ruins. Nothing good ever comes from meddling in these affairs. So, close your eyes and sleep,Good night." Leona wanted to keep Arthour out of trouble so she reminded him again to never go near those half-destroyed ruins.

"Good night mother," Arthur whispered and closed his eyes. he was pretending to sleep but his mind was on that fairy tale.

Leona was looking very worried about what Mona was teaching these kids. she doesn't give a damn about that legacy, but she cared about her son a lot. after two miscarriages in her pregnancy she finally gave birth to Arthur. so Arthur was the world to her.

"That brat Mona, I'll complain to her mother that these things should never be discussed in public". she muttered to herself and looked toward her son's pretty face. Looking at Arthur's sleepy face Leona bent down and kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

However, after Leona left Arthur opened his eyes and stood beside the window and he gazed at the beautiful moon which was illuminating his entire room with beautiful moonlight. the night was very beautiful and starry. the city was illuminated with a night of stars. but Arthur's mind was somewhere else.

"Vampire Emperor's Legacy huh" He mumbled while looking towards a particular direction,where those ruins existed.

'Whatever, Let's Find Out Tomorrow about those damn vampire''Thinking about vampires he laid back down on the bed and gave in to sleep.


A figure could be seen standing on the high hill and he was staring at the starry night sky. and looking towards the ruins which were existed in front of his eyes. he was An old man with a long white beard,while he was missing the left eyes.

''ten thousand's years passed since the great war between humanity and the vampires, The calamity which almost leads to the destruction of the world was prevented thanks to the seven great kings who stood against those bloodsuckers and destroyed them entirely," He said to himself while his gaze was on the vast deserted ruins.

"But why I am getting this kind of uneasy feeling, Is it because of those ruins, Is the legacy of the Vampire Emperor is true, thousands of years have been passed in peace, Nothing has happened in those years" He took a deep sighed but his heart was beating faster seeing the ruins in front of his eyes.

"Damn it what is wrong with me, why I am getting this damn feeling," He whispered to himself.

He clenched his fist and suddenly the surrounding aura becomes chaotic, and thousands of birds leave that place instantly who was resting on surrounding trees, the whole sky around that place was filled with those birds, they were flying here and there, seeing this old man closed his eyes.

''sorry little one's I didn't mean to disturb your rest ''that old man mumbled.

two figures appeared behind this old man and they fell on their knees. They were wearing the black attire just like old men and symbol of the lion could be seen visioble on their chest. but they were kneeling in front of him like he was some kind of very important figure to them.

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