
08: The past

The room is filled with sounds of breath. Two figures are cuddling in each other's arms, sleeping soundly. Little movements from the person in his arms wake Kevin up. He rubs his eyes. He tried to move the other hand but it feels heavy.

When he looked down, only then he remembered what happened before both of them fell asleep. Dried tears stained Yuki's cheeks. Kevin raises his free hand to rub it. His action makes Yuki snuggles on his shoulder. Kevin's lips curved. He tucks Yuki's long hair behind the ear and gently strokes it. He continues doing it until he fell back again into sleep.

Around 9:30 pm, Yuki squirming but then he realized his movement is restricted. His lashes quivered and slowly opens his eyes. He stares in awe at the handsome face that just inches away from his face. Kevin is hugging Yuki tightly even in his sleep. He wants to get off the bed but doesn't want to disturb the other person. All he can do is lying still and keep staring at Kevin. When Kevin is by his side, Yuki feels like all of his burdens have been lifted and his chest no longer feels tightened.

Hesitantly he raises his hand and puts it on Kevin's face. Slowly and gently, he caressing it. Looking at Kevin, he can't say how grateful he is to meet him. Kevin is like an angel that was sent by God to save and protect him from that hell. If Kevin didn't take him to this house that night, his current fate is unimaginable.

Due to the little touch, Kevin opens his eyes. He feels the hand on his face and Yuki's eyes staring at him, Kevin smiles at Yuki.

He strokes Yuki's head, "Are you alright now?" His low voice was almost like a whisper. Yuki nods repeatedly.

Kevin turns to his back to grab his phone. "It's almost 10. You still haven't had your dinner. Do you feel hungry?" Yuki nods again.

Kevin gets up and then he pulls Yuki up too. He fixes Yuki's long hair using his fingers. "Alright. Go and wash up first. After that, we'll have dinner together, okay?"

Yuki blinks repeatedly. He doesn't know what possessed him but then his body just moves on its own. He leans forwards and hugs Kevin tightly, surprising the latter. He mutters thank you then quickly runs off the bathroom, leaving Kevin dumbfounded. A few seconds later, Kevin chuckles and shakes his head.

This guy is too cute!

Kevin walking down to the kitchen and saw Aunty Emma looking restless. "Is everything alright? What happened to Yuki?" She asked anxiously.

Kevin pats her on her arm gently. "Don't worry. Everything is already fine. I don't know what happened but I guess something triggered his trauma when we were at the supermarket."

Aunty Emma covers her mouth and sighs. "Poor boy..."

"Rest assured. I'll make sure he'll be fine. By the way, can you please reheat the dinner? I'm going to eat with Yuki in a while."

"Oh! Okay."

Kevin heads to his room to take a bath. After 20 minutes, he went to Yuki's room. He knocks before peeking his head inside, "Yuki? Done?"

Yuki has just done drying his long hair, abruptly turns towards the door. He puts down the hairdryer and combs then walks towards Kevin.

Aunty Emma who had been waiting for both of them curves her lips. When she saw smiling Yuki, she feels relieved and didn't want to ask further. The most important thing is Yuki is having a better life right now. No need to dwell on the past.

Kevin pulls a chair for Yuki and then he takes a seat opposite him.

Looking at the dishes in front of him, Yuki looks towards Aunty Emma with gratefulness. The table is full of Japanese meals. Aunty Emma knows, whenever Yuki is down, having Japanese food will cheer him up again. Aunty Emma leaves the two so they can enjoy their dinner alone.

Yuki's bowl is never emptied. Kevin keeps putting the dish one after another. The one who is being served happily received it. After having their tummy filled, Kevin and Yuki sit in the living room, watching a movie. Kevin let Yuki choose whatever movie he wants. Since he lived in captivity for seven years, a lot of movies he had missed.

Yuki chose to watch Avengers: Age of Ultron. Since he already watched the prequel, even though he didn't remember the first story, but he started with the second part of the movie. Kevin already watched it before but for Yuki, even if he has to watch it ten times, he won't mind. Luckily tomorrow is Saturday, so Kevin doesn't have to get up early and accompanied the guy beside him until late at night.

When the movie ended, it was almost two in the morning. Yuki already half-closed his lids but he holds it until the end.

"Alright. Now, go to sleep. It's late," Kevin said as soon as the movie ends. Without saying anything, Yuki tugs on his shirt hem.

Kevin looks at the small hand holding his shirt, "What's wrong?"

Yuki fidgets, "C- Can I... sle- sleep with you...tonight?" He said timidly. He doesn't want to trouble Kevin more but when Kevin is by his side, he can sleep better and have no more nightmares.

The calm face of Kevin betrays his thumping heart. Taking a deep breath, he removes the hand that holds his cloth. Then, interlocked their fingers instead. "Come. Let's go to my room."

Yuki lifts his head and his eyes beaming. He gets off the couch and lets himself be dragged by Kevin. Yuki takes the left side of the bed. Slowly he tucked himself under the quilt while glancing at Kevin, who was already on the bed. Since both of them had fallen asleep before, now they're having a hard time falling asleep. Kevin was forced to shut his eyes but sleepiness didn't come

Meanwhile, Yuki keeps tossing and turns. He suddenly thought of the person he met at the supermarket. He's worried that Prof Alan might notice him and inform his uncle.

"Can't sleep?" Kevin asked. His low and deep voice gives a shiver in Yuki's spines. Yuki hums.

"What's wrong? Didn't feel sleepy or... you're worried about something?" Kevin opens his eyes and turns his head to the left side.

Through the dim light of the moon penetrated their room, Kevin noticed Yuki is having a complicated expression. He stretched out his arms, "Come here."

Yuki likes to feel the warmth inside Kevin's arm, he quickly settled himself in the embrace. Kevin gently strokes his long hair, "Want to tell me? I'm all ears."

After a few minutes of thinking, Yuki decided to trust Kevin and spill everything.

"Ke- Kevin... I want to tell you about what happened to me before you saved me b-but please don't feel disgusted towards me..."

Kevin tightens the hug, "Never."

Yuki takes a deep breath and tells him everything. It started after his father died. When his father passed away, his mother is no longer cheerful as before. Their family has lost the light, turned sullen. Her mother can't accept his father's death makes her health slowly deteriorating and in the end, it kills her.

After his mother died, Yuki is having a hard time. His father did leave him a lot of money but it is all useless when he's alone in this world. He only got his parents and they never mentioned having any relatives.

However, one day, a man came to his house claimed that he is his paternal uncle. He said that Yuki's father got a bad relationship with his family that's why he never told Yuki about his family. It was hard to believe that stranger but that man has a resemblance to his father when he is smiling.

That guy named Hamada Kenji.

Kenji offered Yuki to go and live with him. Yuki feels reluctant to do so. But during the second time Kenji came to his house, he brought along a few pictures of him and Yuki's father when they were young. Because of that, Yuki bit the bait and trusted Kenji.

However, he feels weird when Kenji brought him to a big building, like a company instead of a house. Kenji told him that he's gonna to live in that building. As soon as he entered, he saw the name.


In the first three days, he was not allowed to leave the room. The meals will be sent to his room. On the fourth day, Kenji came to his room. He is smiling but it wasn't the same as his father. It was full of wickedness.

Kenji told him that, as repayment for took him in, Yuki had to do something for him in return. In the beginning, he just needs to undergo checkups every two days. Then, the people that look like scientists, started to inject him with weird liquid and also forcing him to consume a pill even when he's not sick.

After a year, only then Yuki knows that Evo Organization is actually a dark organization that pretended to be a normal pharmaceutical company. The organization likes to create various experiments involving the human race.

The latest one, his uncle wanted to create a technology where a man can get pregnant. With the increasing number of LGBT community, his uncle wanted to sell the technology worldwide, especially the Western countries.

Due to Yuki's healthy and compatible body with their technology, Yuki became "the special human specimen". Since he was fifteen, Kenji had injected him with female hormones. With the special meds combine with the female hormones, Yuki is expected can get pregnant, even though he is a male. Because of that, he got smooth skin and less body hair due to the higher female hormones in his body.

However, all these technology and experiment requires a huge amount of money, so Kenji needs investors to support the expenses. In order to attract those investors, Yuki was given to them to satisfy their sexual needs. During those seven years, every week he was required to satisfy those investors. Luckily, the development of his insides requires a long time. Therefore, in order not to cause any failure in the experiment, they can only touch and Yuki only needs to blow them, no sex allowed.

Unfortunately, Kenji feels that the experiment is almost come to its end and only needs to test it and see the results. That's why the night Kevin saved him, Kenji let one of the investors have sex with him, in hope that Yuki can get pregnant through consummation.

Yuki who doesn't want to do that makes an escape plan. That's how Kevin saw him. Yuki also mentioned that just now at the supermarket, he just saw the scientist that was closest to his uncle. He was afraid that Prof Alan would expose his whereabouts to his uncle. He knows how far his uncle would go to achieve what he wanted, so Yuki doesn't want them to disturb or hurt Kevin.

When Yuki is done telling Kevin everything, he winces. Kevin holds him a little bit too tight. "Ke- Kevin?"

The anger in his eyes quickly disappeared when he heard Yuki's voice. "Sorry. Sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Yuki just shakes his head. He stealthily glances at Kevin. "D- Do you feel disgusted with me? I- I'm dirty."

Kevin sighs. He scoops Yuki into his embrace, holding him tight in his arms. "I told you, NEVER. I would never feel disgusted towards you. You never wished for all of that to happen to you. You're the purest guy I've met. So don't say that about yourself again. Compare to you, I'm dirtier. Sleeping around with both men and women. I have lost count on how many people I've slept with." He laughs stiffly. Thinking about that, he suddenly realized how foolish he was.

Yuki shakes his head vigorously. With his muffled voice, he said, "You're kind. You save me. You give me a place to live, you let me learn what I've missed, you provide everything for me. Besides my parents, no one ever treats me so well as you did. I feel so grateful to you and I'm glad I met you."

Subconsciously, Kevin lowers his head a planted a kiss on top of Yuki's head. His action surprising not only Yuki but also himself. Both of them stay still.

Yuki lifts his head, then he meets with Kevin's apologetic eyes. Kevin is about to utter some excuses but then he froze when he feels plump lips land on his cheek. He blinks repeatedly. The perpetrator already hides his face on Kevin's chest.

Kevin bites his lips. He tried not to smile but it was too hard. If Raiden sees him right now, Kevin bet Raiden will force him to go to the hospital to do a checkup on his head.

Pushed aside the happiness for a while, Kevin fixes their position. Half of Yuki's body lying on Kevin's. "Yuki... thank you for telling me. From now onwards, just tell me everything. No need to hide anything from me. I promise I'll always be by your side and protect you. You're safe with me." He caressing Yuki's hair then lands another peck on Yuki's forehead.

Yuki tightens the hug, "Hmm. Thank you, Kevin. I'm happy you're here with me." With that, both of them fell asleep in a warm embrace.

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