
My desires will be my destiny

DaoistrhBlLr · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs


Late in the morning around noon, Judith hugged and rubbed her face with the "pillow." In her arms, she opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings before jumping towards him back.





Seeing that the so-called pillow was actually Deivid, she was about to curse him and label him a pervert when she realized that the place where he was was the same one in which he had been before falling asleep, so he did not approach her but rather she him.


-I, ah, me.


-Hmm? What's going on?


-No, it's nothing.


Deivid was waking up just now and was rubbing his eye when he realized that Judith was watching him with a blushing face.


-You must be hungry, I'll go get food.


While Judith was looking for something edible, Deivid ended up waking up and feeling thirsty He hugely shifted his attention to the beverage dispenser as he asked.


-Do you know how to use this?


Judith, upon hearing his question, had a confused look as if she didn't understand what he was saying she had just heard, after all, even if he was from the remote villages he would be It was normal to find a drink dispenser, although she didn't ask questions she still told him She demonstrated how to use it.


-Just touch the flavor of drink you want and place a glass from the shelf on the left, Then you just have to wait and the machine will do the rest.




Touching the name of the intensely fresh drink, Deivid placed a glass from the shelf below of the dispenser.


-Hey, it doesn't work.


-Hmm? That's weird, let me see.


Judith walked towards him and pressed the same button that Deivid pressed.




Along with a small scream, Judith saw how her finger pierced and pierced the entire button all the way in, quickly pulling his finger out of her with a faster than normal thrust Judith hit Deivid square in the stomach, sending the latter to the ground and sending him flying to roll.


-Ha? Sorry, I didn't mean to do that!


Deivid after catching his breath a little and seeing Judith's nervous face while She was trying to get him to his feet, she couldn't help but think.


"But what happened."


"It is because of the possession of the shadow, during the time when you were asleep, the Shadow upgraded Judith's body and opened up her innate talent, not only did her body become stronger, I also implement an energy which is the most compatible in her body."


"Hasn't the shadow possession been completed already?"


"Yes, but keep in mind that that was shadow possession not body upgrade, once you get stronger both the possession and the upgrade will be done at the same time."


"You would have warned me sooner!"


"Sorry, I'll let you know every time a change happens from now on."


-D-Deivid, are you okay?


-I'm fine, it's not your fault, I forgot to tell you that possession of the shadows will make you you come back stronger.




-In short, it cleanses your body of impurities and perfects it, it also awakens your innate talent within you.


- Innate talent, what do you mean?


-Mmm, how do I explain it to you?


"Sisi, how do I explain it to him?


"The system through the shadow created a special force, within it is the energy of the autumn."


"Autumn? Is it possible that such energy exists?


"In theory it is possible, she will discover her potential later and you will be able to observe it so that you understand it better, I will tell you how to use it so you will have to guide it."




-Judith, she closes her eyes for a moment and tries to take deep breaths.


-So that?


-I will help you so that you can use your talent and understand it better.




Hearing Deivid say that he would help her use her talent, Judith, although a Little nervous yet she followed her instructions.


-Well, now try to imagine autumn, the time where the days and nights have the same duration, the sun rises less and the plants lose their color, where everything old diez waiting for the moment when the new comes in, where the sunsets are more beautiful and the reddish-orange touch of the surroundings dictates the end of a time to begin other.


Following Sisi's instructions, Deivid began to guide Judith and something amazing happened.


Judith began to emit an orange glow and although she seemed bright, she was not annoying to the eyes, the blood stains on her clothes seemed to be disappearing and if one looked closely they would discover that it was similar to a decomposition by time, as if the very essence of autumn fell on the stains of it.




It was the only word Deivid could use to describe the sight of her before her eyes.




Just as Deivid was admiring the scene, something happened, Judith's clothes began to decompose like the blood stains, little by little it disappeared, First it was a hole in her shirt, then a hole in her pants, followed by her underwear until that she had nothing left.


She revealing a beautiful and perfect body with smooth white skin, and two beautiful breasts with two tempting nipples that made anyone's blood start to Flow boil, followed by an abdom flat and a small navel.




Deivid could only swallow at the sight before him and lowering his gaze a little more, he observed the forbidden garden of every lady surrounded by black hair.


-What happens?


Just at this moment Judith opened her eyes which now had a light touch orange and looked at Deivid who seemed to be hypnotized by something, directing his gaze to the same point that Deivid saw, he couldn't help but let out a scream as he tried to cover himself the private parts of him.




-Ha! Sorry, I didn't mean to see.


Coming to, Deivid panicked and seeing that he didn't have a piece of clothing at his disposal hand of him, he tried to take off his shirt to give it to Judith.


-What do you want to do?


Seeing Deivid undressing, Judith couldn't help but think badly and she took a step back.


-What? Don't get me wrong, I was just thinking about giving you my shirt.


-It's not necessary, I'll go look for something myself, turn around!




Seeing that Judith was going behind the counter of the store, Deivid couldn't help but let out a She giggled a little at the scene and he thought again about the beautiful sight of the girl.


-I'm ready.


After about 10 minutes Judith came out wearing tight blue pants that She was ankle-length and wore a white sweatshirt with black lines and some shoes sports.


-Well... if it's okay with you, let's continue with the test.


-Do you want to continue?!


-This time we will be more careful, I promise you the same thing will not happen again.


Listening to her answer Judith began to think after all she also had Curious about her ability.


-Fine but keep your promise.




Deivid took two rotten vegetables from the corner of the store and placed them in front of Judith.


-Try to do the same thing you did before, but this time try to concentrate Thought of autumn in this vegetable.


Judith took a vegetable and followed Deivid's instructions, after a few seconds the vegetables began to decompose, until there was nothing left.


-Okay now do the same with this, but only do it on the rotten parts.




Judith repeated the same process and this time only the parties could agree They decomposed until they were only a quarter of what they were before but they looked fresh and edible.


-Brilliant! you did.


Deivid saw the happiness and took a piece of wood from the ground.


-Now have this and try to crush it with your hands.


Judith did as she was told and after squeezing the piece of wood a little, it She began to let out splinters and cracks, until everything was crushed.


-I did it.


Seeing the girl put on a smile, Deivid couldn't help but be happy for her.


"I hope you can be happy."