
My Demon King System

A giant portal opened on earth from which thousands of demons poured out, and so begun the battle against humans and demons. Dan Jenson a hopeless orphan who lost his parents to unknown entities is filled with self loathe until... With the system, he completed quests and grew stronger until... Will Dan survive the encounter? Pls join me at discord with https://discord.gg/Dr3bAqDEPB

Hind_Sight · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Kyle Vorden

Kyle had been alone for as long as he could remember.

He had stayed in an orphanage, the same as Dan, before the academy.


Kyle was riding in a carriage pulled by a black stallion, the inside of the carriage made of gold and pristine materials all forming intricate patterns, "Sit up Kyle. You are the son of the special adviser to the head of the Langford family, one of the four noble families." Kyle's father, Nathan, reprimanded Kyle, his grey eyes and 5 foot stature looking down in disappointment on Kyle.

"Yes father." Kyle responded, his voice cold and detached, he had just turned 7 and yet his father was dragging him to a meeting,.


A loud explosion resounded beside the carriage causing the horse to go into a frenzy, it broke free of its holster and ran towards a random direction.

"Hey, who are you?!" the rider's voice said from outside the carriage before silence and then his screams.

The curtain covering the entrance of the carriage slowly got pulled open, Nathan pulled Kyle in front of him, "Take him, I have no money." Nathan attempted to bargain with the unidentified threat,

"You are just as cruel as I remember." a feminine voice said before the curtain opened, revealing a dark skinned woman, her round face and plump lips ruined by a scar that divided her left eye in two.

"L-L-La-Latanya, I haven't seen you in a long time" Nathan said, his voice filled to the brim with desperation, "You convicted me of a crime your wife committed.", Latanya seethed, her voice laced with anger,

"An eye for an eye." Latanya continued, her voice taking an eerie calm, she spread open her palm and a sphere of water appeared above it,

"Where did you get an ability?" Nathan asked panicking even more, she responded by pointing the sphere at Nathan, the sphere split in two and pierced Nathan and his wife's head, "Don't hate me kid, I just did you a favor." Latanya said before leaving but Kyle grabbed her hand, "Thank you." Kyle mouthed before letting her go.

Fast forward-------->

And that was how Kyle entered the orphanage, he spent a few months there before a new set of orphans came and Dan happened to be one of them. He approached Dan because something about Dan attracted his attention.

"What is your name?" Kyle asked the 3 foot tall boy with black hair and blue and red eyes, "Dan Jenson" the poor boy whispered in a depressing voice,

"I am uh, just call me Justin." Kyle said, deciding not to reveal his name and that was how they met.

Everyday, Kyle will meet with Dan and they talked about their previous life and their goals.

"So, are you gonna go to the Crystal Knight academy?" Kyle asked Dan as their conversation went to future careers, "What is this 'Crystal Knight academy' you speak of?" Dan asked Kyle or Justin as he referred to him as he was curious about the topic,

"The Crystal Knight academy, you know, one of the six Great academies. They teach you all you need to know about demons and then they give you abilities" Kyle explained to Dan in an attempt to convince him to join,

"Really?" Dan started, his little eyes filled with expectancy and joy, "I can't wait, thank you for telling me." Dan gleed before scurrying off to play. Kyle really pitied Dan, he had been through a lot but Dan had suffered and Kyle wanted to help him.

2 years later-------->

Kyle was talking to Dan when the blaring of trumpets interrupted their conversation, a red mat rolled out from the double doors that led to the exit and entrance of the orphanage.

A middle aged woman walked into the scene, her ocean blue eyes complementing her white complexion, round and hefty physique as well as her blue armor, the helmet on her armor held back her florescent blonde hair which was still very beautiful but nonetheless formal at the same time and the carved picture of a kneeling Knight was clear on her breast plate.

"All future applicants for One of the six great academies, please line up." her feminine yet dominant voice resounded throughout the entire orphanage.

Kyle, Dan and some other children lined up, the woman went over their faces and stopped in front of Kyle,

"Boy, follow me." she commanded in her domineering voice and started to leave, Kyle quickly rushed after her but not before waving goodbye to Dan and that was the last time they saw each other.

The woman stopped outside the orphanage and hit Kyle on the nape of his neck causing him to pass out, she carried him on her shoulder and immediately, she disappeared.

Kyle opened his eyes hoping to see the usual white ceiling of the orphanage but he was shocked to see he was in some sort of a cave,

"You're finally awake, some test subject you are." Kyle heard a female voice mocking him from his side, the woman had pink lips, blue eyes and blonde hair wrapped up in a bun and she appeared to be 5' 4",

"Where are my?!" Kyle asked in a hazed panic as soon as he noticed he was strapped to a surgery type table.

The woman walked to a giant purple crystal, she pulled out a scalpel and started to carve runes on the crystal. If present day Dan were there, he would have recognized the runes used for ability transference.

She carved everything before breaking off a piece of it into a bowl and grounded it into fine powder, she walked to can at that point, she carried a syringe and extracted his blood before placing it in the bowl. She carried a paint brush and proceeded to paint runes on Kyle's terrified body,

"I don't know what I have done to you but please leave me alone." Kyle pleaded at the top of his lungs but she simply ignored him,

she painted the final rune on his forehead and the process began. The crystal started to shrink and with it an unbelievable pain descended on Kyle's mind.

He writhed on the table, foam escaped his mouth as he was in too much pain to scream and after a few seconds, the process was concluded.

Fast forward ------>

Kyle had been monitored ever since the process but was never told why. Every once in a while, he usually blacked out and woke up with corpses around him and as a result, people avoided him.

A few years later, Kyle joined the Crystal Knight Academy and was happy when he saw Dan but Dan didn't seem to notice or remember him, so Kyle decided to leave Dan alone.

After the sparring match incident a week from the hunt, Kyle was kept in a solitary encampment with powerful mages and warriors and after the hunt, he was let go.

Present Time ----->

Dan had touched Kyle shoulder before an unphantomable pain ravaged his body before it stopped and Kyle wanted an explanation.

End of first volume

Hind_Sightcreators' thoughts