
go get your pills and take them

Sammy bit his lip. "P-please master..." He couldn't look at you any longer he started squirming trying not to let his emotions and thoughts overwelmb him and he nuzzled your leg like a dog. "Woof"

Nelix looked a bit surprised as his fingers released the other's hair. He smiled and let his head.

"Good boy. You seem to be a fast learner." He told him as he looked towards the window seeing it was late. "I assume you still have to eat, right?"

Sammy blushed a little less and sat on the floor and he shook his head. "I-i don't need to eat...i-i'm fine..." He looked down shyly.

"Don't try and fool me. You must be like the last guy I was with." He stood up and picked up Sammy, walking to the kitchen looking straight ahead. "You are eating. I'm not letting you starve yourself to death. That's a wast of my energy if I brought back that sister of yours."

"N-no you don't understand I can't..." He blushed he really didn't want to explain it.

"That's not a good enough answer for me." He said as he went to the kitchen and Sat Sammy in a chair.

"Please...it's only been an hour since I've had my meds...i-it'll burn a hole through my stomach..."

"What? Then where is it?" He asked looking at him with his arms crossed.

"N-no please don't look at my meds..." He blushed lots tearing up he hated it when people saw them.

"Then go get them and take them." He said as he walked over to him, looking down at his eyes. "Are you crying?"

Sammy looked away blushing. "I-i already told you...I took them an hour ago" He was took scared to move but he was also too scared to stay still.

"Fine. Whatever. You're eating tomorrow though. Now go to bed." He told him as he stepped aside, walking away from Sammy.

Sammy ran up to his room and grabbed a pillow and slept under his bed crying softly for a while before he fell asleep.

Nelix eventually went to the bedroom and looked around not seeing him in there. He dropped to the floor looking under and sighed. He pulled him out and laid him on the bed gently so he did t wake him up.

Sammy woke up for a brief few seconds and swapped him for the plushie blushing as he fell asleep hugging him.

Nelix fell onto his back laying there. He looked at Sammy a little confused until he just laid there, his arm under the other.

Sammy smiled in his sleep and lay there peacefully.

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