

It's a beautiful sunny day when Qu Shing saw Tan Hua walking alone on the walk side.

"Eo?" He stopped his sports car and slide down his car window. "Hey, wanna hopped on?"

She looked at him in confusion. "I don't think so, thank you for asking." She said walking away to catch a bus while biting her precious apple.

"Can you stop being stubborn? Xi Yeon is not here." He sighed, still following her.

"She's gonna see us at school. I don't want to get in trouble knowing that you're her boyfriend yet you picked me up to school." Tan Hua clarified obviously annoyed.

Qu Shing gets out from his car. "She won't misunderstand anything, just get in." He opened the car door for her.

She sighed and walk towards him. "Fine." Tan Hua get in the car and grumbled. "Why does your car is so flashing..."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Nope, close the rooftop." She glared at him.

Qu Shing raised his eyebrows. "You want me to close it?"

"Fuck yeah. My hair would get ruined." Tan Hua crossed her arm.

"As you wish, princess."

Tan Hua ignoring him as she bites her apple.

Qu Shing stares at her in a daze. "Is that your breakfast? An apple?"

She raised her eyebrows. "What do you think?"

He sighed again while giving her a plastic bag contained bread and banana milk. "I know you didn't have a proper breakfast so I bought this on my way earlier. Eat it."

She stared at the beverages and eat it quietly. "That's sweet, Qu Shing."

"Anything for you, my princess."

"Han Xi Yeon! Wake up! We're already late!" Shen Lu Yi Fan yelled and knocked on the door from the other side.

Xi Yeon groaned. "I'm awake, dumbass!" She grabbed her bag and get out from the room.

Lu Yi Fan gives her an innocent smile while serving breakfast for both of em. "You're awake."

She's about to give him a piece of mind when she saw a breakfast on the table. "You prepare a breakfast?" Xi Yeon grinned. "How sweet." She said fondly.

Lu Yi Fan rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, woman. I make it a lot and I couldn't finish it. Hurry up and eat, we are already late for school."

"Okay! Okay!" She eats it fast and rushed to the door. "Let's go." Both of em get in his car.

"By the way, where's your boyfriend? You didn't go with him today?" He raised his eyebrows questioning her.

Xi Yeon rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, I miss him so much to talk about him right now!" She leaned on her seat looking a bit sulky.

"Huh, sure." He said without any emotion.

Qu Shing stopped his car on the roadside in front of Shinhwa Highschool.

He watched Tan Hua as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "Thank you for sending me." She smiled a bit and open the car door

"You forget something." He grabbed her arm, turn her around and pecks her lips. "Much better." He grinned.

Tan Hua blinks her eyes as she gets out from his car, still couldn't process what had actually happened till his car gone from her sight. "What the fuck." She mumbled, blushing while walking away.

Lu Yi Fan gets out from his car while waiting for. "Let's go." He walked first while slinging his bag on his shoulder.

Xi Yeon walked beside him quietly. She could see other girls ogling over Lu Yi Fan while shooting her an envious stare. Not her fault that she got a hottie as her best friend. She rolled her eyes.

"This is why I hate walking with you." Xi Yeon groaned as the squealing becomes louder.

"I can't help it." He grinned and slung his arm around her shoulder. "I'm just too handsome and hot."

"Yeah right." Xi Yeon mentally facepalm. She's about to punch Lu Yi Fan's guts when she saw Qu Shing walking towards them. Her face bloomed and her smile curved.

"Hey honey." She kissed Qu Shing's cheek as they hugged. "Why you didn't pick me up to school?" She pouted cutely.

Lu Yi Fan watched them from the side and walk away to class, didn't want to stay any longer. "Why can't she see he's an asshole." He mumbled

"I'm sorry, baby. I overslept so I don't want you to wait any longer." He squished her cheek ignoring the envious stares they got from the crowd.

"Fine. Don't do it again!" Qu Shing smiled as he holds her hand and walks to the class together.

Tan Hua had settled down on her seat when she saw Lu Yi Fan come in with a gloomy face.

"Morning, Lu Yi Fan!" She said brightly.

Lu Yi Fan smiled a bit and sit on his seat. "Hey..."

Tan Hua frowned. "Did something happened?"

Lu Yi Fan buried his face on the table. "Nothing."

Tan Hua about to ask more when she saw Xi Yeon and Qu Shing get in class hand in hand. She lowered her gaze when she met Qu Shing's eyes.

"Hey, Tan Hua!" Xi Yeon sat on her seat beside Tan Hua while greeting her brightly. "How's your morning?"

Tan Hua shrugged, trying to be unbothered. "Good I guess. Did you went to school with Lu Yi Fan?"

"Of course! I live with him!" Xi Yeon rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but usually you went to school with Qu Shing." Tan Hua pointed to Qu Shing.

Qu Shing sat on his seat beside Lu Zhang quietly earning a glare from him. He raised his eyebrows questioning Lu Yi Fan's behavior towards him cockily.

Lu Yi Fan rolled his eyes and put his head on the table again.

Xi Yeon keeps herself quiet for a while. "He said he's overslept."

"Yeah sure." Tan Hua rolled her eyes and keep herself in her world as the teacher come into the class.

Lu Yi Fan walked towards Xi Yeon and Tan Hua. "Let's go grab a lunch, ladies. I'm starving."

"Yeah, let's go." Xi Yeon hooked her hand around Qu Shing's arm.

Qu Shing glance at Tan Hua from time to time as he walked with Chaeyeon to the cafeteria.

Xi Yeon left Qu Shing's side and go to Tan Hua. "What do you want to eat?"

"Today's menu is a flat dumpling." Lu Yi Fan said while stuffing his tray.

Tan Hua shrugged and take a banana milk instead. "I'll just take this."

Qu Shing frowned as he took his food, obviously worrying her.

"Good." Xi Yeon grabs a sandwich and banana milk. "Actually, I need to talk to Tan Hua privately." She hooked up her arm with Tan Hua. "See you later."

Tan Hua blink her eyes as she gets dragged by Xi Yeon.

Lu Yi Fan watched as both of em disappear from his sight.

"Well, I guess it just two of us, dude," Qu Shing said.

Lu Yi Fan glared him. "Fuck no. Eat by yourself." He dragged himself to the table and eat by himself leaving Qu Shing in disbelief.

"I need your opinion badly." Xi Yeon said as they sit on a bench at the rooftop.

Tan Hua raised her eyebrows and drink her banana milk. "About what?"

Xi Yeon breathed out a long sighed. "I think Qu Shing didn't love me anymore."

Tan Hua choked on her banana milk making Xi Yeon cringed in disgusts. "W..what do u mean? Did he hurts you?" Tan Hua frowned.

Xi Yeon gave a napkin to Tan Hua as she speaks. "He ditched our dates again and again. He didn't even pick me up nowadays."

Tan Hua's face turned blue. "Really?" She asked carefully. "This is why I don't like it when you're in a relationship with Qu Shing! He's obviously playing with you, XieXie!"

"Do you think he's cheating on me?"

"I..i'm not...sure." Tan Hua keep quiet for a while before continue. "How about you ask him? Ask him why did he ditched your dates and didn't picked you up anymore. If he says he's busy and overslept then you should kick his ass! You're his girlfriend for god sake! He should've made time for you!" She reasoned.

Xi Yeon sighed. "I don't know anymore." She chuckled dryly. "I don't think it's gonna to work."

Tan Hua clenched her teeth as she tried to smile. "Just try it. Who knows if it's gonna to work. We never know."

"Yeah right. We never know." Xi Yeon gave an emotionless smile.

Tan Hua looked at her watch. "Let's go, we don't want to be late for the next class." She stands up and dragged Xi Yeon to the class, didn't want her to think about it any longer.

Lu Yi Fan is scribbling his notebook as he's killing his time. "What took them so long?" He mumbled to himself.

Qu Shing rolled his eyes and buried his face on the table. "They're probably talking about us."

"Right, they're probably talking about you." Qu Shing ignored his remarked as he closed his eyes.

"Qu Shing, can you help me with something?" Lu Yi Fan raised his eyebrow as he eyeing the girl with an innocent vibe in front of him.

"I need some help with my art." The girl hugged her book tightly while smiled at Qu Shing fondly.

Qu Shing raised his head lazily and smile a bit. "Sure...Musheng?" He read her nametag making Musheng blushed.

Musheng gets closer to Qu Shing as he taught her about theory. So close that she literally throwing her whole body to him. Qu Shing didn't say anything or let it bothered him.

Lu Yi Fan looked at both of em in disgust. "Don't you have a girlfriend, Qu Shing?"

Qu Shing looked up and leaned on his seat. "I have." He looked at Musheng. "I'm sorry but i think you need someone else to explain it to you."

Musheng's face turned red. "I..i'm sorry." She bowed a bit and walked away, embarrassed.

Qu Shing looked at Lu Yi Fan. "Satisfied?"

Lu Yi Fan rolled his eyes and continue scribbling his notebook furiously.

"See you tomorrow, XieXie! Lu Yi Fan!" Tan Hua packed her stuff and slung her bag on her shoulder while bidding a goodbye to them.

Lu Yi Fan nodded. "Bye!" He waved back.

Qu Shing packed his stuff in a rush while watching Tan Hua walked out from the class. "XieXie, I need to go too" He slung his bag on his bag.


"I'm sorry, I can't send you back home today." He kissed Xi Yeon's cheek and rushed out to catch Tan Hua.

Tan Hua sucked on her lollypop while walking leisurely at the corridor when she heard a strange noise.

"Tan Hua! Wait!"

Tan Hua stopped walking and turned around. "Qu Shing? Aren't you going home with XieXie?" She frowned.

"No, let's go." He holds her hand and dragged her to his car.

Qu Shing opened his car door for him. "Get in."

Tan Hua stares at him deeply. "I don't know if I should follow you."

Xi Yeon packed her stuff slowly and slung her bag lazily on her shoulder. "Let's go, Yi Fan." She walked first.

Lu Yi Fan aware of his best friend sadness, he slung his arm around her shoulder. "Let's go!" He beamed brightly.

Xi Yeon keeps herself quiet as she hops on the car.

Lu Yi Fan looked at her worriedly. "Hey, are you okay?"

Xi Yeon closed her eyes and let the silents take over.

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