
Chapter 1

You woke up early. The alarm clock on your bedside table was blaring on the top of it's lungs.


Your usual time to get up and prepare to go to school. But today you really didn't feel like getting up. Grumpily you stared at your wrist. On it, almost like tattooed onto your skin, was a small infinity sign.

You see, in our world everyone had a Soulmate. On everyone's wrist was a counter present. Everyone had different numbers on their wrist, some more lucky than others.

The numbers indicated the amount of steps you were away from your Soulmate.

Some were really lucky and their counter was just within the hundreds. Others were more unfortunate being in the 100.000. But still, they had a chance.

You? Not so much. Since your wrist just had that stupid little infinity sign you just accepted that you'd never meet your Soulmate. If you even had one.

Sighing you turned off your alarm clock and got out of bed, slowly waddling over to your bathroom to get ready. Brushing your teeth you checked your phone for any new messages or emails. To no one's surprise you didn't have any.

After your usual morning routine you got dressed, making sure to put your bunch of bracelets on, so you didn't have to see that God forsaken infinity sign.

Adjusting your jacket you slowly made your way to the kitchen. Quickly yeeting some toast into the toaster you checked your clock again. You took your sweet time in the bathroom without realizing and now you were almost late.

After the toaster was kind enough to finally give you your slightly burnt toast, you practically flew out of your front door. The only problem was that you expected to run in your front lawn. Instead, you ran straight into a bright light that made you feel dizzy.

Trying to see where you were going you looked for any kind of shape that looked familiar. But you kinda failed seeing nothing else but light.

Crouching down you held your head, since the blinding light didn't help your dizziness, plus it slowly gave you a headache. Trying to focus on your shadow on the floor, if that was even a floor, you decided to wait out until your "too much light at once" blindness subsided.

And not long after, it did. The light faded and was replaced with a dim lit room, well floor. Since you hadn't looked up from where your small form crouched at.