
My Conqueror's System

Fed up from his boring and uneventful life, when Henry was trying to take his own life, he met with an unexpected turn of events. And, somehow ended up in a parallel world. But, in this other world Henry discovers that many things from his original world doesn't exist here. But this was a blessing in disguise which became the perfect opportunity for him to take advantage of. And, that is exactly what our Henry Williams will do. Come, join Henry on his journey to the top. . . . . I'm new to writing so please be gentle with me ;p and help me improve my writing. And The cover is not mine.

I_Am_The_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Mentally Exhausted.

It's been some time since the system appeared.

And, Henry has pretty much summarized his situation for now in his head or at least that's what he thinks.

' So , let's get this straight, I've came to an alternate world or maybe ....parallel world? ... Whatever , something like that. And there was that weirdo, let's call him (Henry 2) who I made a deal with and that's probably why I'm here in his world....aagh... I still don't know what I was thinking back then!!..... Anyways , then there's my age and appearance , somehow I have become a lot younger! Maybe I have switched bodies with that bastard?... Well , whatever it is , I'm not complaining about being young again. Ah , I got distracted .... and then there's the most exciting part in all these ridiculous situations is 'The System' that appeared. It's actually real. It's fuckin real! It's not a dream. Hah hah haaa.' 

Henry couldn't stop his exited laughter after discovering the systems authenticity.

Henry had already checked the system and received the starter pack. 

In that pack there was something called the 'Status' which was like a game character status , which shows Henry's current stats in the blue transparent screen.

Then he also received 3 unallocated stat points , which he could assign to any of his stats as he wished.

And finally there was the Special gift. 

It was truly something special, not just in name but in actuality.

Because what he had received as a gift was called 'Perfect Memory'. 

You can pretty much guess just by its name about what it does.

But ,at the moment Henry was brainstorming about something else.

" Now, where should I put those unallocated stats? "

Henry muttered staring at his 'Status' screen.


 {Conqueror's System}

Name - Henry Williams

Age - 18



Strength - (4) +

Dexterity - (3) +

Stamina - (3) +

Intelligence - (5) +

Charm - (4) +

/Unallocated / - (3)



[Perfect Memory] 

- Description : This ability makes you remember everything that you see , hear , touch , taste or smell with every bit of details there is. You will even remember the feelings you felt in each moment with absolute clarity. 


'Damn.. this 'Perfect Memory' is something else! With this alone I can become world famous and earn tons of money, just thinking about it makes me feel happy and excited.... anyways , what's important now is the stats. Should I wait and see first if I could increase my stats naturally by exercising or something? ....Hmm..It's not a bad idea! I should try to increase it naturally first. If I couldn't do it or when it gets really hard to increase it naturally I would use the unallocated stats then.'

While Henry was busy making a decision , he heard the door bell rang suddenly. 

After that it fell silent , there was no sound of anyone opening the door or to be more accurate there was no sound at all. 

'Now that I think about it, I haven't heard any sound since I woke up, is there nobody home?'

From the moment he woke up till now he haven't moved from the bed , so Henry has no idea what's going on outside the room he was in.

"Well , now's the perfect time to check it out I guess."

Saying that he got out of the bed and slowly stepped out of the room, a surprising scenery came to his view. 

From the looks of it , It was the dining room and it was adjusted with the kitchen. There were several family photos hanging on a wall of the dining room. 

Henry could see Henry 2 and his parents smiling on some of the photos.

Just like Henry and Henry 2 were the xerox copies of different worlds, similarly their parents were the same. 

But that was not what was surprising , what surprised Henry was something else entirely.

"What the hell? Doesn't anyone leave here?? Where's Henry's family??"

There was a layer of dust on top of the furnitures. 

The dirty dishes were stacked up like mountain in the kitchen's basin. 

There were dirty clothes lying here and there in the dining room.

Shoes and sleepers were spread all around the house lying on the ground.

In short everything about this house was in a total disorder.

~Ding Dong

The bell rang again.

"Wait a sec , I'm coming."

Ignoring the disastrous condition of the house Henry hurriedly passed through the dining room and crossed the short corridor before reaching the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a handsome man probably in his forties was standing there. 

The man looked similar to his dad but a little different. 

But Henry could see one thing very clearly, that the man was pissed.

"I get that you miss your parents and, it's unfortunate and had been really hard for you. But, that doesn't make it okay to just forget about everything and ignore everyone else, does it?" 

Henry could see the man was trying really hard to hold his anger back.

But , more importantly.

'Who is this guy? And ,what exactly happened to the other Henry and his family?'

There were so many questions and there was only one way to figure it out.

"What do you mean?" 

It was a very ambiguous question but often times the people who were asked this question, end up elaborating themselves for some reason. 

"What do I mean? ... Are you serious right now? Do you want to piss me off that much , young man?"

The man stopped himself after that and took a deep breath and exhaled. 

"Look , son everyone has to die someday or another. It's just happens to be your parents time to go. So they have gone to a better place. 

And someday we will join them, until then you will have to live your life to the fullest without having any regrets or else your parents won't be happy you know. 

They would love to see you move on and live a happy life. 

Don't just keep mopping inside your house, go out, hangout with people, travel to places, play sports or something, I don't know. 

Do anything that will make you happy.

Only when you make yourself happy will your parents be at ease, do you understand?

Henry are you listening?"

Henry was petrified hearing those words.


His mind went blank. He didn't know what to do or even think. 

"Henry! Say something."

The man grabbed Henry's arm and shook him a few times. 

"Huh? Ah, yes , can you leave me alone for a moment please, I need some time to think about it.

I'll contact you later."

Henry felt really complicated. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now. He just wanted to be alone.

"Okay, take your time but not too long. I'll come back tomorrow and I hope to see you in a better shape by then. For now bye , see you tomorrow."

Saying that the man left.

And Henry absentmindedly closed the door , went straight to his room.

He laid down on his bed and curled up like a shrimp while hugging his knees.

"How ironic, before coming here I was trying to end my life and leave my family for good but, now that they are not with me anymore and I don't know if I could meet them ever again, I want to see them again. I'm really missing them. 

It's just like the saying 'Nobody truly knows the value of something until they lose it'." 

Henry felt devastated when he heard his parents died. Although he knew it was actually the other Henry's parents but still he felt his heart was going to pop because of the pain of imagining his original parents dying. 

He felt worried and anxious about, how was his family doing right now.

Henry felt sad and wanted someone to comfort him. 

he felt lonely. 

Pretty fast that sadness made him mentally exhausted and before he knew it that exhaustion made him fell asleep.

Thanks for reading.

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