11 Nature’s Tales: The Fate Of Willow’s Folly

Once there was a land where nothing grew and no one lived. It was a cursed land. But it wasn't always like this...

The tale of how this land had befallen such tragedy is what follows next. So, be warned, for you may find yourself disturbed or triggered in ways unbeknownst to me. Read on at your own risk...


It was a beautiful day in what was now a land called The Willow's Folly. The name of the town itself is a legend as well, but that's another story for another day.

The people of the land were, at first sight, kind or caring to everyone. But they were in fact greedy and cunning, each with their own agendas. All except a few, that is.

The founding family had died of more than a century ago due to the the ancestors of the current inhabitants.

The people stole, raped, and murdered one another aimlessly. By doing this, their karma and bad luck continued to build as time went.

Soon the land grew desperate to change the children it watched grow up for the better. It wanted to restore the peace and truth to the people who resided within its borders. So, it took a risk.

The land took the form of a budding Willow and appeared in the center part of the only town village. When all the descendants gathered, it spoke into their minds a warning.

The Willow said, "My children. You have failed me. I had hoped you'd find the error in your ways. But alas, you still have yet to change them."

All the locals looked to the great tree in front of them in both awe and fear. It was the most beautiful and powerful thing they ever saw with their collective eyes. They could tell it was radiating great deals of power and reacted accordingly.

After this pause, the Willow continued, "I came here to give you one last chance to right your wrong and start anew. If you don't succeed, I'll be destined to die. If I die so will you and all the life that resides here. And it'll be your fault."

The townsmen were baffled and confused. Yet they know the being in front of them was the land. Just like the legends of how the town was given to them, it came as a Willow tree. And there was no mistake in its power and force. It spoke the truth.

However, there were still people who thought to themselves, "We've been cared for by this being for a long time, certainly we can fair on our own now." And they refused to listen to the great tree.

Soon the time came for the great Willow tree to reassess the people of the land. It saw that some people still harbored equally evil thoughts as before. As a group of people, they had failed. And the land was destined to die.

Soon it did, and life was gone...

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