
my cold but cute brothers

story of a girl living with her siblings . she is adopted. but she loves to be with her siblings. it's about her life story.. DM: oppa ?.. jin: yes honey? DM: why are you guys shouting?... jin: nothing love..... DM: help someone?. Dong: i knew that but didn't knew that i was a burden to you guys all this years.

kimigoogiee · Thanh xuân
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6 Chs

02 that creepy creature pt.1

* author: hey guys. here Dongmun is alone in her house with her brothers . her elder sister lives in her own house with her family..so, they are not here. hope you enjoy. and remember my grammar is worst and English is not my first language . please don't forget to tell me about me lacks*




* Dongmun's Pov *

i was chilling in my room while laying on the floor but my legs were on the bed .* imagine how she looked it..( imagine . ..let.your imagination grow.. imagine)* i was watching some cartoons on my phone.

when i saw something or more like someone flying beside me from the corner of my eyes. i turned to see what was that stupid thing that was disturbing me while watching my love. but then i started to trun slowly and when i turned around fully my heart dropped.

i saw a huge creepy creature cringing on my bootiful pinky pinkie wall clock. that creature is born creepy i swear. that thing is cringing and chilling on my bootiful clock. and right after i saw that thingy i screamed my lungs out, that i almost got an heart attack in my lungs . after screaming for a good damn minute i immediately moved away. because of the screaming and movements that creepy creature spread it's wings and started to fly.

"aaaaaAaaaaah" i screamed my lungs ,breakfast and dinner and what not . that thingy flew and directly landed on the Floor. i immediately jumped on my bed like Michael Jackson and kept yelling for my brothers to came and save me . T_T

after a second my lobly brothers finally Decided to hear my roaring and came with bats, frying pan , pillows, pink slippers and what not. why am i even shocked?..~`-`~

as soon as they walked in tae and jinnie oppa said at the sane time

" what happened ?"

even before i open my mouth they started to search my room for any threats.

minnie oppa kicked opened the bathroom door with a broom in his hand

and googie oppa opened the closet door with a bat .

hobie oppa bend down and checked under my bed.. he had Sprite on his right hand.he can't leave his Sprite for min -_-.

it looked like cops raided my bedroom or something like thet.

did they really came with these stuffs just to beat a COCKROACH?.

I would have laughed at the scene in front of me but right now my adrenaline was way more higher from the fear of the Cockroach.

jiniee oppa was on his way to the bedrooms window but


the cockroach was just chilling on the Floor next to the window.

so, i screamed on the top of my lungs to stop him..

"Stop..Stop walking OPPA..STOP WALKING " i yelled.

he stopped walking and their eyes were staring at me with alarm.

" what happened? " joonie oppa asked.

" is someone hiding outside? " whispered jiniee oppa while pointing at the window.

" No " i replied

and said " there is a ducking COCKROACH near you for doughnuts seek "

while pointing at the cockroach which was just 1 metres away from oppa .

jiniee oppas eyes got wide like plates and he also screamed just like me.he jumped on my bed and hugged me tightly like his life depends on it.

" Really hyung? " googie oppa said in disbelief and the others also looked at him with disappointment.

" That sh*t is so scary." jiniee oppa said defending himself.

i could hear even tho oppa covered my ears.

" Oppa my lobly big brothers please kill that creepy thing" i pleaded.

" wait did you just called us just because of that stupid cockroach? " yoonie oppa said.

I quickly nodded.

" Damn it " whispers and said

" we thought someone attacked you." minnie oppa said with his disappointed voice.

"yupie.i was drinking Sprite but then i heard you screaming like a banshee and look what happened. " said hobie oppa while pointing at his wait tshirt and the can of the empty can bottle.

" Yah. stop talking and kill that thing first. " jiniee oppa yelled.

they all sighed and started to come closer to the cockroach. But



that creepy little thingy started to fly .maybe that thing is thinking that she/he is looking like an angel. but for your kind of information you are not looking bootiful you lil creepy thingy. we all got startled and jumped.

And again screamings filled in my room.

jiniee oppa immediately hid behind even tho i am more shorter than minnie oppa. i am 170cm and minnie oppa is 174cm. just 4 cm deference. and hobie oppa ran out of my room screaming like that aunty in our next house.

...Meanwhile ,,,

googie oppa took his bat on his hand and started to try to beat a FLYING COCKROACH like a mad man.

Everyone panicked and crouched down . we grabbed things that were available near us. I grabbed a pillow as a shield meanwhile my lobly big brother jiniee oppa grabbed me as a shield. tae oppa hid behind the chair. Joonie oppa hid behind the table while Minnie oppa hid behind him. And yoonie oppa was nowhere to be found.

On the other hand our golden maknae was breaking every single thing in my room.

suddenly yoonie oppa's head popped out of my bathroom and he yelled at googie oppa

" yah! have you gone mad?.. yah! STOP IT.!" .

but our great golden maknae wasn't ready to listen so, for safety reasons yoonie oppa took his head back the bathroom.

" yah! stop batting around " minnie oppa screamed at him .

still he didn't mind not even a little bit.

" Jimin-ah stop hiding behind me." joonie oppa said more like yelled at minnie oppa.

and googie oppa didn't mind anyone or anything around him and continued his battle with a flying COCKROACH.

Tae oppa immediately reached out for googie oppa and swiftly took the bat from his hand..

meanwhile i was i mean we were feeling pity for my room.

to be Continued..

hey lobly people.. hope all of you guys are fine.

i am making two parts of this chapter..

please lemme know if you guys like it or not.

Take care ..

bye bye

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i luv you all...

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ta ta

kimigoogieecreators' thoughts