
my chimera days

This is a story about a animator named neo getting isekaid and being turned into a chimera it my first book i hope you enjoy

Master_flame · Kỳ huyễn
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Working with a brat

The brat said ok beast turn into human form you get this right after you get in a contract with a human. He was right I now had the skill human transformation but it dissapeared and it just became an extra part of body manipulation and I ran two a bush and transformed and I was female for some reason this is concerning I don't know why I really care how But this actual degenerate is trying to sneak a peak and I used my goo too make cloths and ended up with a black shirt hafly covering up by a white hoodie with rabbit ears and jeans . I screamed you pervert and went for the iconic slap But sadly he dodged .

You really making a fuss over a little peak plus your a beast anyway so it doesn't really matter . so I said ok let me shoot of your family jewels it doesn't matter since it doesn't get any action anyway. My left arm turned into a cannon and using 50% of my mana I fired the cannon knowing I couldn't damage him by normal means so I made it special. Then the ball of mana fires lands and hits the ground and he smirks knowing I cant hurt him I grin wider with a cocky look I say BOOM bitch.

The ground erupts making pieces of debris fly up towards his baby maker and his face gets serious as he says void walk. The sound of a suction noise happened and the debris got sucked into no mans land. Now im fuming pissed im ready to kill I almost forgave the destroying of my home because I was going to relocate any way. I finally decide to speak my mind That is it you destroy my home ,KIll my prey, Try to steal my freedom ,And violate my privacy.

His face angers you can visibly see the vains on his face .Then the words he said didn't shock me as much Tell me who is the supiror race ive been merciful trying to work things out with a filthy beast like you ill make you like the bird submisive and in my bed.



Hahaha ive been waiting for your fighting words now time to put you six feet deep. With a few words hundreds of black blobs came out from my back and ate everything. In sight now EYE OVERDRIVE and the area around the manor started to turn into molten lava, Frozen so cold the air started become blue, purple monsters ran rampent, And all while black globs were absorbing everything .

then I said "detach" your reaction to debris was all I need to know that indirect attacks were enough to damage you and I turned into a blob and burrod into the ground.

POV switch

What did that bitch do FATHER the monster attacked. Then in a instant a old man blitzed out of the nearly destroyed mansion after dealing with the curses inside. F-F-FATHER why arent you moving .he replied with my cultivation base was already crumbling do to age but those monsters made it worse with each one I touched when i attacked it with my sword it destroyed it.

Thise eyes melted a hole through me luckily I avoided the rest of the damage the sect was to focused on mev's disaperince with the other void sect members to protect the hall. The old man coughed up blood and with all of this the beast is way to dangrous now im sorry for what must be done.

pov switch

Finally I escaped there have been multiple level up notifications and ive got new ability's suddonly as if I was killed by being skinned alive to the bone I could barley stand it. As I felt the pain I knew he died just like liabilty they drag you into there problems. I had plaayed my cards now it's time to see if I had the winning hand.

Ahhhh I turned back to my original form like sheding my skin I made a second body and transferd to that yet the pain continued. It was as if all buffs I had before are gone because I felt the most hunger ever I felt as if my stomach start eating itself and unable to sleep through the pain a unkown amount of time went by as I fell unconcious after the pain faded away.

As I woke up I stayed underground checking my status

Name: Neo

Race: chimera

lvl:7 exp:125/700


conditon: severe soul damage ,severe hunger, and regenerating




magic:80 mana:300/800


skill: gluttony ,chimera stitching, body manipulation, high energy manipulation, ,mana mastery lvl 3, soul manipulation lvl 1 ,Eye's of many

Titles: The on frowned upon by the gods, incarnation of gluttony, chimera expirement, The being of many eyes, 1/4 harbingers of doom.

After this somthing hit me as if a invisible wall stopped me from remembering. in a angry time I said system hoe long has my soul been damaged and memorys supressed. System analyzing beep bep beep tik tik tik since you first turned into a chimera.

Where is he dammit where is my second personality dreep. The systems words were cold and calculated 60% chance in this world 20% dormant in mind 19% control of original body 1% dead.

I choose to beleive he got isekaied into a different body. Time to hunt for food hopfuly I can recover soul by eating anothers soul. I feel beteen so ill go and try to win in this world while finding my freinds and my missing half.

I tunnel out of the ground now it's time to live up to the meaning of gluttony.

Id say this is a great book but im not at that level yet but watch me level up with my creation cause well both just keep getting better,

Master_flamecreators' thoughts