
Chapter One Hundred and Forty One

Claire POV

I still can't believe that Rose or whatever her name is abducted me cause she want me to stay away from George, just who the hell is she to tell me to stay away from George. I agreed to stay away from him because I don't want that lady to kill me cause is very obvious she won't bat an eye and pull the trigger. I want to be alive in order to have the opportunity to get back at her and also have what is rightfully mine which is being George wife.

I was dropped off by the three hefty men at the front of our mansion, I walked inside the house and I can see how worried my parents are. Where have you been? What happened to you? Both my parents asked at the same time. I can see my mother looking at the mark the rope I was tied with left on my skin. Dad can you imagine that crazy woman that pose as George secretary abducted me today, I said obviously fuming. Cause the only thing on my mind right now is to have my revenge on that woman. She only did that? Nothing else? My father asked. Why is he asking such dumb question I was expecting him to threaten to deal with that woman.

Dad why do you sound like you are afraid of that crazy bi*ch? I asked cause I don't understand his fear one bit. Of course am afraid, only if you know who that lady is and what she capable of doing, My father said. What is he talking about cause I don't see anything special about her and the place where I was kept when she kidnapped me don't look one bit dangerous, it's more like five star hotel.

Come on don't make her seem like she is someone everybody should be afraid of, yes she kidnapped that because I don't have any bodyguard with me cause at the end of the day she is still just a secretary, I said to my father. Dear please listen to your father he know more about this Lady he is warning you about than you, my mother advised while holding my hand. Dear please leave George alone and look for another man,am sure there is a guy out there that is better than George, My mother continued with her advice.

My mother was never in support of me going after George cause she is of the opinion that it should be the way around, so am not surprised by what she just said. I just scoffed at what she just said and turn to my father. Claire I know that I always support whatever you want without questioning and I have never oppose your decision but baby we have tried a lot of times and failed and I think this is a sign that you guys can't be together, my father said. I can't believe that my father said that, it's now official that nobody is with me in this family.

Dad what are you saying? Do you even listen to yourself at all, how can you ask me to forfeit George when you know that he is the only man that I want to settle down with so I expected you to support me not what am hearing, I said trying to catch my breath cause I have said too much. Claire please calm down and listen to us,My mother pleaded when she noticed how fast my breathe was. Claire I think you should go for a vacation to calm yourself down,I know you must be in shock after the kidnapping, so you need somewhere to go and get yourself together, my father suggested.

Dad am not going anywhere until I make George mine, I insisted. You know I agree with your father suggestion maybe after staying in a place that is far from George, that way you will be able to know what you want, My mother suggested. From the corner of my eyes I saw my father nodding in agreement to what my mother suggested. No that's not going to happen! I shouted. I know I already lost this argument but am trying to know if they can change their mind about me going on a vacation.

At the end of the day it was agreed that I will be going on the vacation for three months. That will be long but I will agree with them but that does not mean am going to give up. I called my inside man in Vin company but he informed me that he have been sacked cause George found out that he is the inside man. Okay now I agree with my parents that I need this vacation cause everything I planned to make George mine are all going south. I need this vacation to calm my head down and strategize my next move and this time around they won't see me coming even the almighty Rose.

I tasked Tom though I know that he have been sacked from his work but I can't trust any other person to keep eye on George while am away on vacation. He accepted to be my eyes and ears again but this time it will be outside Vin company. My father promised to find a good place for me to go on vacation, he also promised that I will have a lot of fun but that's not what am concern about. This is an opportunity for me to plan myself very well and come back in full force to take what is mine and am also coming for that Rose or whatever her name is. Cause she can't abduct me and think she will go scot free I don't care if my parents are afraid of her but one thing is clear am not afraid of her despite what they say about her. Sarah and George should enjoy themselves while it last cause when I come back it will be George and I.