
My Avatar System(Rewriting)

In the wake of his sister's tragic passing, Damian is consumed by an unwavering determination to uncover the truth and exact revenge. Fortunate enough to acquire a mysterious power known as "The Puppeteer System," he embarks on a journey that unveils a startling reality - the world he once knew has evolved into a realm of unfamiliarity, where even his own abilities hold complexities beyond imagination. Join Damian as he sets forth on an enthralling quest to discover his true origins and confront the enigmatic forces at play. Get ready for an adventure that will captivate and intrigue from start to finish. Author's Note: Join the MAS Universe on WhatsApp! To join the MAS Universe group on WhatsApp, simply click on the following link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/L1P9lHz4fF4865qh2B2TWg I look forward to meeting each and every one of you in the group. Your thoughts, feedback, and enthusiasm are invaluable to the growth and development of the novel. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Let's continue to immerse ourselves in the MAS Universe and make unforgettable memories together! Warm regards,

Likkle_Foxx · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs


Sophia's POV


Nobody in the hallway, hehe



" perfect, but these tails should be a problem"


" I wish I had the darkness element like Julie"

"I got near Emma's room and slowed down my steps and breathing. That little girl is too damn sensitive. I slowly moved towards the next corner, which was close to my destination. I kept my ears open for any movement in the little girl's room. When I heard nothing, I dashed towards the corner and ran towards the door ahead like it was the door to paradise.

"Haha, who says I can't sleep beside him?" I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground. I turned to look at the culprit and saw that lazy bum.

" what are you doing?"


Jenna's POV

"Ugh, I wish I could just kill him," I thought. After dinner, I expected Damian to release me or make me do unspeakable things with him.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"What do you think?" I replied with disdain.

"Probably something perverted," he said, smirking.

My heart skipped a beat. Wait, do I even have a heart?

"Hmph, don't think I'm the same as you," I snorted.

Here's the corrected version:

"Pretend if you like, but we both know the truth," he said.

"....." I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of a response.

"Hmm, silence is it? That's not how a good maid should act."

"Like I'd ever be a maid," I said. "Just you wait till I figure out how to break that thing."

"To make a long story short, he put me on guard duty. Recently, Sophia has been trying to sneak into his room at night. The pervert pretended not to want it and told Emma to watch out for her, and now he's making me do the same, for extra hours. And not from inside the room like Emma. The b*stard even locked my room. Just wait. I'll figure something out. After all, he's a guy living with so many girls. Hehe, many things could go wrong hahahaha.

I was still lost in thought when I caught a certain whitish-purple shadow flash past a certain corridor.

"What are you doing?" she asked me after I lifted her from the ground.

"Where are you going?" I asked, not answering her question.

"What's your business with where I'm going?" she shot back. "Oh, I get it now. You also want him, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked coldly.

"I see. You were also trying to sneak into his bed. Too bad for you, I've already claimed that space as mine."

My face turned dark. "Like I'd ever want that," I replied.

"Good for you," She said. "Now let me down. I have something of utmost importance to do."

Ethereal lightning buzzed around her body, making me release her. I tried to stop her, but she was faster than me. Just as she was about to reach Damian's room, the door opened.


Damian's pov

Ahhh, today was a good day, if only Jenna was like this before. Anyways I decided to try out the two of the new skills I got from my latest puppet



My mind was like a literal web browser. Haha, if David ever heard about this, he'd die of jealousy. The first thing that fool would think about is hentai privacy. By the way, it's been a long time since I've seen him, Diana, and that other girl... What's her name again? I'll remember one of these days.

After fixing my thoughts, I decided to focus on the task at hand and get out of my head. I thought about all the possibilities, things I could do with this new skills, I was still in the middle of my thoughts when I got an alert from the mansion.


[Hostile Detected!]

and one from the system


The vibration almost gave me a headache.

[ A fragment has their sights on you]

"Wait, how did they..." my eyes widened, the mansion it was my ability, technically a part of me

[ You have acknowledged their presence]

[Initiating battle of the fragments in 5... 4 ....3]

I rushed towards the door as fast as I could to announce to everyone. As I opened the door....

[2.... 1]


The headache's killing me


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