
Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Lightning Flash

Embark on a captivating journey alongside Yuuki, a Japanese teenage girl who flees a life of torment and suffering, only to face a mysterious person before meeting a heartbreaking fate. However, destiny weaves a new thread as Yuuki awakens in a fantastical realm, reborn as an infant and now the twin sibling of Rudeus Greyrat. Experience this revitalized tale, a fresh rendition of the fanfiction "Mushoku Tensei: Reincarnated as the Twin Sister of Rudeus Greyrat." The narrative delves into Yuuki's transformative role as the Lightning Flash, promising an enthralling exploration of her newfound existence.

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Graduation Exam

On the next day, the Graduation Exam is about to begin. This event meant more than just a milestone in Rudeus's journey – it symbolized his growth and achievements, both within this world and beyond.

Currently, all of us were gathered in the front yard, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony.

Father and Roxy were making final preparations, attending to the horse named Caravaggio, which would play a crucial role in the upcoming event.

Standing by my side was my brother, Rudeus, his anxiety palpable as he hesitated about stepping outside the house. I understood his fear, his worry that the world might vanish once he set foot beyond our home's threshold.

To reassure him, I held his hand and whispered, "You're not alone in this, brother. We'll face this together."

His eyes met mine, and a faint smile tugged at his lips. He squeezed my hand, a silent affirmation of his trust and our unbreakable connection.

"Oh dear, what do we have here? It seems you two have grown even closer lately," Mother, who stood by our side, remarked playfully.

"Of course, Mom. Brother and I had a heart-to-heart talk last night," I shared with a lighthearted tone.

Mother chuckled softly and responded, "I can see that. It warms my heart to witness my children supporting each other."

A few moments later, Roxy approached us, indicating that everything was ready. She glanced at us and said, "All preparations have been completed. Rudy, Rei, let's get moving."

I nodded and took a step forward. However, I noticed Rudeus's grip on my hand tighten, and I looked back to see him trembling with fear.

"What's the matter, Rudy?" Roxy inquired curiously, clearly noticing his unease.

"Ah, don't worry, Miss Roxy. He's just feeling extremely nervous about going outside," I explained to her, offering a comforting smile.

"I see," Roxy understood the circumstance and knelt in front of Rudeus. "It's alright, Rudy. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Rudeus hesitated for a moment before bravely voicing his concern, "Is it absolutely necessary to go outside? Could we not conduct the exam here in the backyard?"

Roxy shook her head in response to his question. "I'm afraid not, Rudy. To properly proceed with the graduation exam, we must relocate to a safe and suitable location."

"She's right, brother. Let's keep moving," I encouraged lightheartedly, attempting to lift the mood.

Yet, this wasn't sufficient to assuage his fear of the outdoors, as he remained reluctant to budge. Therefore, I devised a more thoughtful solution to address this predicament.

"Brother, try closing your eyes," I instructed him. Initially puzzled, he complied and shut his eyes. Then, turning to Roxy, I continued, "Miss Roxy, please hold onto my brother's other hand."

"Alright," Roxy agreed and took Rudeus's other hand.

With the pieces in place, I explained my plan. "Brother, no matter what, keep your eyes closed and hold onto us tightly. We'll guide you step by step toward the front gate, alright?"

He sheepishly nodded, and the three of us began to move forward. I hoped that this approach would help alleviate his apprehensions and make the journey more manageable for him.


[Rudeus POV, earlier]

The upcoming graduation exam had my nerves on edge, like invisible hands gripping my feet, unwilling to let go.

Fear of the past tightened its hold on me, threatening to pull me back into a cycle I was desperate to escape. The weight of my previous life felt like an anchor, holding me back from fully embracing the present.

Reine, my dear sister, sensed my inner turmoil and did her utmost to soothe my anxiety. Her unwavering support acted like a lifeline, offering me stability amid the tempest of my emotions.

In a gesture of profound reassurance, she extended her hand, symbolizing her willingness to guide me through this daunting challenge.

As I held onto her hand, her presence offered a comfort that I had long yearned for. She had become my anchor, a reminder that I wasn't navigating this journey alone.

Then, Roxy approached us, indicating that it was time to move. Dread coiled within me, akin to a serpent poised to strike.

The mere thought of stepping outside sent shivers down my spine, and I cursed myself for my inability to conquer this fear.

When Reine and Roxy encouraged me to take a step, my fear only intensified. The grip of the past was unrelenting, its influence poisoning my resolve.

My body trembled, and frustration surged within me. Why couldn't I simply take that step forward? Why was the past still haunting me, ensnaring me in its clutches?

Amid my turmoil, Reine's voice pierced through, offering a new approach. "Brother, try closing your eyes."

Though confusion flickered within me, her tone carried an air of authority I instinctively trusted. With a hesitant nod, I shut my eyes, surrendering to her guidance.

Subsequently, Roxy's hand found mine, and the combined touch of both women acted as an anchor, grounding me. Their presence created an impenetrable barrier against my fear.

Reine's plan gradually unfolded before me, her words like a lifeline. She explained that they would lead me, step by step, while I kept my eyes closed. The brilliance of her scheme struck me, and a surge of gratitude washed over me.

Putting my faith entirely in my sister's judgment, I relinquished control and surrendered to her guidance. Her voice, her touch, became my guiding lights as we embarked on this journey together.

With a determined step, I focused on pushing back against the clutches of fear and kept moving forward.

"That's it, brother. You're doing great," Reine's encouraging words reached me as I continued, each step a triumph over the shadows of my past.

"You're doing wonderfully, Rudy. We're almost there," Roxy's voice chimed in, fueling me with determination. Each word became a propellant, urging me onward.

Gradually, the grip of the past began to weaken, and a sense of weightlessness enveloped me. My steps grew steadier and swifter as I pressed forward.

Finally, after several steps, Reine spoke again. "You did it, brother. You can open your eyes now."

Her words surprised me, and as I opened my eyes, I saw her and Roxy smiling at me. And more importantly, I realized we were standing outside our home.

I had done it. I was finally outside, conquering the fear that had held me captive. Thankfully, the world remained unchanged before me.

"See, brother. I knew it would work," Reine declared triumphantly. Her words were a testament to the power of trust and the strength we found in each other.

Hearing her, I couldn't help but smile. I was truly grateful for Reine, my dear sister, who had saved me from the clutches of my past.

"Alright, you two. It's time to ride the horse," Roxy interjected, her words bringing us back to the present.

Reine and I exchanged a determined look before approaching Roxy to mount the horse, ready to face the graduation exam with newfound courage and unity.


[Reine POV]

Watching my brother conquer his fear and take that crucial step outside was nothing short of miraculous.

Pride swelled within me, a profound emotion that words couldn't adequately capture. His triumph was a testament to his remarkable strength and unwavering determination.

His genuine smile in response to my declaration of victory radiated with happiness. It was a reflection of his incredible growth and progress. Seeing him genuinely content and fulfilled filled me with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

"Alright, you two. It's time to mount the horse," Roxy's voice broke our reverie, redirecting our focus to the task at hand.

Renewed determination surged within us as my brother and I approached Roxy, ready to face the next phase of the graduation exam with resolve.

With her expert assistance, we mounted the horse named Caravaggio, ensuring our comfort and readiness. Once settled, Roxy positioned herself behind us, a reassuring presence that bolstered our confidence.

"Are both of you ready?" Roxy's voice conveyed both encouragement and expectation.

Exchanging a determined look with my brother, we nodded in unison. "Yes, we're ready."

With a gentle signal, Roxy guided Caravaggio into motion, and we set forth on our journey across the field.

The rhythmic cadence of the horse's hooves created a soothing backdrop, grounding us in the present as we traversed the sprawling landscape.

Along our path, we encountered local farmers diligently tending to their tasks. I couldn't help but notice my brother's subtle discomfort, evident in his shifting expressions and tense demeanor.

It was clear that his struggle with fear was an ongoing challenge – fragments of unease lingered when faced with interactions beyond our immediate circle.

His tension served as a reminder that our journey toward complete healing was still a work in progress.

Believing that exposing him to the genuine warmth of the villagers could help alleviate his apprehension, I took it upon myself to engage with them.

As a passing farmer drew near, I cheerfully greeted them, "Good morning! Isn't it a beautiful day?"

The farmer's friendly response aimed to showcase to my brother that the people in this village were unlike those from his past.

Through these simple yet significant interactions, I hoped to gradually bolster his confidence and reshape his perception of the outside world.

Continuing our ride, I sensed a subtle shift in my brother's demeanor. His unease appeared to lessen, replaced by curiosity and a newfound willingness to engage.

To my delight, he even initiated greetings with some of the farmers we passed, mirroring my own friendly interactions. Each exchange seemed to erode the remnants of his fear, a tangible sign of progress.

Observing this transformation filled me with hope and reinforced the notion that healing and growth were attainable, even when grappling with deeply ingrained anxieties.

As time flowed like the gentle breeze around us, our journey led us beyond the village and onto a vast, open plain. The landscape stretched before us, untouched by fields or houses, with the horizon stretching infinitely.

This expansive location had been chosen as the site for Roxy to conduct the graduation exam. The tranquility of the surroundings contrasted with the gravity of the moment.

Roxy skillfully guided Caravaggio to a halt, marking the end of our journey. "We have arrived at the designated area for your graduation exam, Rudy."

An air of anticipation enveloped us, and my brother and I exchanged a resolute glance. This was the culmination of his training, a testament to his growth and self-discovery.

Subsequently, Roxy led the horse to a solitary tree nearby, securing the horse with a leash. The serene environment provided a fitting backdrop for the pivotal task that awaited us.

As we dismounted, a sense of purpose settled over us, ready to embrace the challenges and mysteries that awaited in this defining moment.

Once Caravaggio was secured, Roxy turned her attention to us. "It's time to proceed with the exam, Rudy. I will demonstrate a saint-rank water magic spell, and your task is to replicate it. Understood?"

My brother nodded, acknowledging the challenge that lay before him. I believed in his abilities and knew he was capable of rising to this occasion.

Roxy then turned to me. "Rei, since you're not qualified to participate in the exam, your role is to observe and support your brother."

I nodded in agreement, fully prepared to offer my unwavering support as my brother faced this critical test.

The air was charged with anticipation as Roxy prepared to demonstrate the intricate magic spell that would serve as the challenge for my brother to overcome.


Roxy distanced herself from us, her magic staff firmly held in her grasp. The air seemed to hold its breath, a collective anticipation building as we awaited the demonstration of her spell.

Her voice resonated with authority as she speaks, "This is the Saint-rank water magic, Cumulonimbus. Watch closely, both of you."

I held my breath, my gaze fixed on Roxy. The name of the spell alone carried a sense of awe and power, and its significance weighed heavily in the atmosphere.

With a concentrated expression, Roxy channeled her mana, her staff emitting a soft, radiant glow. It was a captivating sight, a tangible manifestation of magic in motion.

"Grand spirit of water and imperial prince of lightning who ascends the heavens, grant my wish and bring about a savage blessing-"

Her incantation resonated with the very essence of water and sky, each word uttered with purpose and determination.

"Display your might to insignificant beings. Strike awe with a blow of your divine hammer on the anvil, and cover the land in water!"

Above us, clouds began to converge, swirling and uniting as water vapor responded to Roxy's command.

"Ah, Rain! Sweep all else away and expel everything! Cumulonimbus!"

With the completion of her incantation, a colossal thundercloud formed overhead. Rain cascaded from the sky, and...


A bolt of lightning streaked downward, striking perilously close. My breath caught as I traced its path, a surge of fear gripping my heart.

My gaze shifted to Caravaggio, who lay motionless on the ground. "Miss Roxy! Caravaggio has been struck! We need immediate assistance!" I urgently cried out, my voice laced with concern and panic.

Reacting swiftly, Roxy rushed towards us, her own worry evident. "Oh no! Hang on, I'm on my way!"

"Quick, use healing magic!" I urged, my words rushed.

Together, Roxy and I channeled our healing magic, working to mend Caravaggio's injuries.

Through our efforts, the horse slowly regained its strength and, after some time, managed to stand on its feet once more. Though weakened, Caravaggio had been saved from the brink of peril.

"Phew, that was too close," Roxy sighed in relief. "Could you two do me a favor and not mention this to your parents?"

Both Rudeus and I nodded in agreement. "Of course."

"Great. Now that we're settled, Rudy, it's your turn," Roxy directed her attention to me, signaling that it was time for me to replicate the spell she had just demonstrated. "Your task is to replicate the spell and sustain it in the air for an hour."

With determination burning in my eyes, I stepped forward and gripped my wand. Meanwhile, Roxy began a chant of her own, summoning an earth magic to create a protective dome around us.

As the dome enveloped us, shielding us from the elements, I watched my brother closely. This was his moment to demonstrate his growth, to prove his mastery of the magic he had been learning.

Taking a deep breath, my brother began the incantation.

"Grand spirit of water and imperial prince of lightning who ascends the heavens, grant my wish and bring about a savage blessing. Display your might to insignificant beings. Strike awe with a blow of your divine hammer on the anvil, and cover the land in water! Ah, Rain! Sweep all else away and expel everything! Cumulonimbus!"

His voice resonated with determination, and before our eyes, a thundercloud even larger than Roxy's materialized. The rain it released was more abundant, and the wind that accompanied it was fiercer.

The spectacle left me in awe, a testament to my brother's growth and the mastery he had achieved.

As the thundercloud hovered above, carrying the weight of Rudeus's efforts, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and joy.

He had faced his fears, conquered anxiety, and now, he was showcasing his magic prowess with unwavering determination.

With each moment that passed, the thundercloud remained steadfast, a symbol of my brother's triumph over his past and his readiness to embrace the future.


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