
Mushoku Tensei: A Beast Girl's New Journey

This is the story of three girls who came back from an anime convention, went to sleep and woke up as dog beast girls in another world. Each of them was saved by young magician boy and they all serve allegiance to him as the story progresses. Note: The covers of my book were not mine.

Good_Doggo2001 · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

But Reconciliation is Even Better, right?

[Third POV]

On the next morning, Rudeus and the others woke up from their sleep and went down to the dining area of the inn to eat breakfast together.

Each of them ordered their food and sat down at a vacant seat before proceeding to munch on their breads and soup.


Everything was quite peaceful and quiet in the inn until the door opens and a certain person enters the establishment.

"Welcome, how can I help you?"

"Well, I am looking for Rudeus Greyrat. Is he here?"

As the mysterious person answered the innkeeper's question, Rudeus and Saga heard a familiar voice and they already knew who their identity was.

On the other hand, Eris and Ceobe sense the danger that entered their proximity and they quickly stood up from their seat before confronting the mysterious person.

"So.... You must be Rudeus' father, right?"

"Well, yes. That's me"

It turns out the person that Ceobe questions was Paul who looks surprisingly sober and fresh. He calmly answered her question and then Eris takes her turn to inquire.

"Then what are you doing here, huh?!"

Eris loudly shouted, which surprises Paul for a bit. However, he regains his composure and smirks at the two girls in front of him.

"I didn't expect you to have more lady friends protecting you, Rudy. I'm quite impressed"

Paul factiously calls out to his son in order to catch his attention, which he smirks slightly. At the same time, this annoys Eris and Ceobe, and they both decided to lunge at him.

Luckily, Ruijerd restrained the two girls before they could attack Paul and he carries them both towards the entrance of the inn.

"Hey, unhand me this instant!"

"Grrrr! I want to bite that man so bad!"

Eris and Ceobe both squirmed and tried to break free from Ruijerd's grasp, but the bald man refuses to let them go.

"Stop it, you two. We must not interfere with someone else's family matter" Ruijerd said as he continues his way towards the exit. However, he briefly stops in front of Paul.

"We'll give you the time to settle your differences with your son"

"Ah, yes"

Once Ruijerd heard Paul's reply, he calls out to Saga before exiting the building.


[Saga POV]

I was having a nice breakfast with everyone, when suddenly Rudeus' father came and was looking for someone, probably he wants to talk to his son.

When I observed the man, I noticed that he appears different compare from yesterday. His hair was kempt, his beard was shaven and he doesn't act like a drunk person anymore. Perhaps something happened yesterday that caused him to change.

Then look back at Rudeus, he was silently staring at his food while not paying attention to the event that's happening behind him. Judging from his expression, he seems to be dejected since his father entered the room.

"Hey, my lord"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"You should try talking to your father again"

"I don't want to...."

As I gave my suggestion to Rudeus, he denies it and averted his eye away from me. Seeing that reaction, I could understand that he was still upset about yesterday's incident.

So, in order to convince him to have a conversation with his father, I gently placed my hand over his and spoke to him.

"I know you're distress about yesterday, but trust me, it will be different this time"

"What makes you say that?"

"I mean look at him. Can't you tell something was changed about your father?"

Rudeus reluctantly follows my instruction and glances at his father who was currently talking to Eris and Ceobe. It was noticable that the father was more reasonable compare to his demeanor from yesterday.

After looking at the scene, Rudeus was somewhat convinced and yet there were some lingering doubts and melancholy in his mind when read his expression.

Perhaps there was something was preventing him from having the courage to talk with his father, which I assume is a past trauma from the previous world.

"If there is something you'd like to share, please tell me, my lord"


"Or if you don't want to, at least forgive yourself and reconcile with your father"


I tried my best to motivate Rudeus but he doesn't reply to my statements, only a meek nod was given as a response. Oh well, at least he could understand what I meant to say.


While I was talking to Rudeus, one of his friends, the tall man, calls out to my name while he was carrying Ceobe and the red-haired girl towards the exit.

Upon hearing that, I immediately stand up from my seat, walk my way towards Rudeus and tap him on his shoulder before telling him one last advice.

"Listen, Rudeus. Just stay calm and hear to what your father has to say. Understand his feelings and then express your thoughts afterwards. Just take your time to resolve the problem, okay?"


After hearing Rudeus' reply, I walk my way towards the exit while giving his father a quick nod before leaving the inn.


Once I got out of the inn, I spotted Ceobe and her red-haired friend who were still arguing with the tall pale man.

*Angry gibberish noises*

I do not understand their conversation, but I could assume that they have a grudge against Rudeus' father judging from their body language alone.

"Hey you two, please cease your aggression"

"No, that man will endanger Rudeus"

*Angry gibberish noises*

I tried to pacify the two girls but they refused and continues to argue with the tall pale man. Because of this, I couldn't help myself to just sigh in disappointment.

*pow* *pow*

Then suddenly I heard two loud thuds at their direction and look back to see what happened. However, I was shocked to see that Ceobe and Eris both have a bruise on their eye.

"What happened to you two?"

"It's Ruijerd, he punched us"

*Upset gibberish noises*

The two girls answered and both of them pointed at the tall man with a clenched fist. He probably hit them in order to stop arguing with him.

I glance at the man and his gaze met mines. Then we both nodded at each other before facing the two girls again.

"Cease your aggression towards Rudeus' father"


"Or else this man will punch your other eye"


*Confused gibberish noises*

Ceobe was surprised by my warning while the red-haired girl was confused by my Japanese, so she asked her friend for help.

*Angry gibberish noises*

"She said we don't care!"

Upon hearing their answer, I looked at the tall man and nodded at him. He noticed my signal and then proceed to knock some sense to those two girls.


After few minutes later, Ceobe and the red-haired girl were laying on the ground with their other eye was bruised and they seem to be upset because of it.

"So, do you guys surrender now?"

"Y-yes, we give up"

*Tired gibberish noises*

The two girls finally ceased their aggression towards Rudeus' father and then we help them stand up.

After that matter was done, we decide to wait patiently for the private conversation between Rudeus and his father to finish.

"Hey Ceobe"


"While we are waiting, can you teach me how to use the language of this world?"

I asked my good friend for help, wanting to study this world's vocabularies in order to communicate properly with Rudeus' friends better.

At first, Ceobe frowns at me before turning her face away, probably still upset about the blackeye that the tall man gave her.

But then I noticed a green glow that was coming from her hand and the bruises on her eyes just disappeared.

"How did you do that?"

"Healing magic, it's a handy skill to have when you're injured"

"I see, quite interesting"

Upon hearing the word magic, I was quite intrigued and wondered what kind of magical phenomenon that I would encounter in the future.

After Ceobe finished healing her eyes, she prompted the red-haired girl to come closer and heals her blackeyes as well. Then when she was done with that, the two of them confronted me.

"We will help you speak this world's language"

"Ah, thank you, that much is apprecia-"

"In exchange, we will punch both of YOUR eyes"


Before I could even react, Ceobe and the red-haired girl clenched their fists and punched me in the face. As I feel the immense pain upon impact, I somehow knew that I deserved it.


[Rudeus POV]

Today is quite an eventful day, Paul unexpectedly visited the inn when we're eating breakfast and then I was prompted to have a private conversation just the two of us.

At first, I was reluctant to even confront him because of the total embarrassment I had in the bar yesterday.

Moreover, it reminded me of a memory from the previous world where a friend of mine never came back after I hurt him because of my pride. I never got the chance to apologize to him that time.

However, because of the advice that Saga said to me earlier, as well as the innkeeper for telling me to look at Paul in the eye, I manage to realize the errors of my actions in the past. I was prideful, obstinate and irrational, all of which was the reason I failed to apologize to my friend.

After that realization, I calmly talk to Paul and was able to reconcile with him by prompting a nice and warm hug.

Eventually, Paul burst into tears upon hugging him and he finally admits that he missed me, as well as apologizing to me for failing to find anyone from our family.

Upon hearing those words, I couldn't hold my tears as well and we both cried while hugging together.

Few moments later, we regain our composure and moved to my room so we can have a nice chat about the good and happy times.


But then the chat was interrupted when Saga entered the room with bruises on her eyes and she was visibly upset about it.

"What happened to your eyes, Saga?" I asked, wanting to know what happened to her. However, when I asked her that question, she glared at me and replied.

"Please don't ask..."

"Um, okay then"

Well, damn. Someone looks like in a bad mood today.

Reconciliation with a cause, an eye or two

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts