
A Mother’s Love

Morticia woke up in Gomez's arms. She rubbed her swollen tired eyes, slowly sat up and hugged her knees. She slowly got out of bed and turned around to see Gomez still sound asleep. He was laying on his stomach and his hair was a complete mess. Morticia smiled at her beloved husband. She loved to admire him from afar when he was asleep or when he was in the same room as her but wasn't looking which was rare....his eyes were always on her one hundred percent of them time they were together, so when he was asleep, Morticia took her chances and took in every inch of her husband's masculine form.

She walked over to Gomez and kissed the top of his head. She affectionately ran her thin fingers through his thick brown hair, and walked out of the guest room. Normally the Addams' were late sleepers, but Morticia woke up early this morning because of her nightmare last night. She ran her hands over her face, and walked into Wednesday and Pugsley's room. She sat down by Wednesday's bed and laid her head on the mattress. Wednesday turned on her side facing her mother. Morticia's smiled. The most precious thing to her was seeing her children's faces every day. Wednesday slowly opened her eyes and woke up to see her mother at her bedside.

"Good morning mother." Wednesday whispered.

"Good morning darling." Morticia whispered as she stroked Wednesday's head. "How did you sleep last night darling?"

"Like the dead mother." Wednesday answered.

"Good." Morticia smiled.

"I had a dream I took a ride with a witch on her broomstick and we flew right above this house and ours." Wednesday smiled a rare smile.

"That must've been a marvelous dream." Morticia said. "I wish I had a dream like that last night."

"What did you dream about last night mother?" Wednesday asked, sitting up. Morticia sat down and climbed into the bed, sitting Wednesday on her lap.

"It was very unpleasant, and not the good kind of unpleasant." Morticia answered. "But it's really best to not poison your mind with such a dream."

"Ok." Wednesday said. Morticia smiled. Wednesday was such a good natured little girl. She did make her mistakes as all children do, but she did what her parents told her and respectful of other adults, and was kind to those around her. Morticia couldn't fathom why this sweet little girl sitting on her mother's lap had no friends except for Pugsley. She was only human after all.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Wednesday said, her stomach growling.

"I am too dear, and when your brother wakes up, I'm sure he'll be hungry too." Morticia said. Suddenly, the scent of breakfast filled the house. Morticia smelled the breakfast and almost choked. Lily was making pancakes and sausages. Morticia was craving breast of alligator with henbane on the rocks, with caviar on the side. Something an Addams would enjoy.

"I think Mrs. Munster is making pancakes and sausage." Morticia said.

"Yuck!" Wednesday exclaimed.

"Now Wednesday." Morticia said. "You know to watch your language."

"I know mother, I just wish Mrs. Munster would make something an Addams would enjoy." Wednesday said.

"You're a true Addams if I ever saw one." Morticia said, proud to know she and Gomez are raising their daughter right.

"Thank you, mother." Wednesday said.

"Why don't we go downstairs and see what Mrs. Munster has for breakfast.....sometimes odors can be deceiving." Morticia took Wednesday's hand and led her downstairs into the kitchen. Lily was cooking pancakes and sausage but they had bugs on them. Morticia was reminded of the cookies Uncle Fester and Mama made Mr. Hilliard when they discussed what to put and what not to put in children's literature.

"Good morning!" Lily exclaimed. "I know you Addam's like bugs on bread, we do too!"

"Oh, I thought you were making the 'perky' pancakes." Morticia said.

"Oh no! We keep our guests happy in this house!" Lily said. "Here's each of you a plate.....you ladies do like sausage or meat don't you?"

"If it's tongue of yack or breast of alligator." Morticia answered, handing Wednesday her breakfast plate.

"Very well, we may have that sometime." Lily said, fixing herself a plate, and motioning for Wednesday and Morticia to sit down with her at the table.

"Could you? I would love that." Morticia said, sitting down.

"Of course! My mother always made interesting dishes like these pancakes." Lily smiled.

"Were you and your mother close?" Morticia asked.

"We were very close, but, she's deceased." Lily answered.

"I'm dreadfully sorry, you must miss her so." Morticia said.

"Very much." Lily said.

"Did you have any siblings growing up?" Morticia asked.

"Oh I had a a lot of brothers and sisters to play with! But there's one in particular who I am very close with. That's Marilyn's mother." Lily answered before taking a bite of her pancake. "Marilyn has lived with us ever since she was a baby.....she's not the most fortunate one of the family."

"Is it because she doesn't look like the rest of you?" Morticia asked.

"Yes, she was born different. My sister wanted nothing to do with her.....feeling bad for her and knowing that Marilyn needed a mother I decided to take her in." Lily said. "Granted she doesn't look like the rest of the family, but I love her."

"Like your own daughter?" Morticia asked.

"Oh, of course! She's a poor unfortunate little girl of course, but she's my poor unfortunate little girl." Lily said.

"I think Marilyn's pretty." Wednesday commented.

"Oh on the inside absolutely." Lily said. "But she does need a little help on the outside sweetheart." There were large footsteps coming down the stairs and Lily turned to see her husband Herman entering the kitchen.

"Good morning." Herman said kissing his wife.

"Good morning dear." Lily said. "There are pancakes on the stove." Herman walked over to the stove and fixed himself a plate of pancakes. He sat down next to Lily, and began to eat away at his breakfast.

"How did everyone sleep last night?" Herman asked.

"I slept like the dead." Lily said.

"Me too Mr. Munster." Wednesday answered. All eyes turned to Morticia, making her feel uncomfortable. Not even an Addams could just sit there and explain the horrible dream she had last night. Usually, nightmares didn't bother an Addams, but sometimes there was an occasion where they couldn't help but be afraid of them. Morticia could feel tears prickle in her eyes. She did not want to remember that horrific dream she had last night.

"Are you alright Morticia?" Lily asked.

"Yes, I just seem to have lost myself in a fantasy for a moment." Morticia answered. Wednesday got up from her seat and went to sit on her mother's lap. She understood why her mother was so upset. She had a bad dream, but wouldn't tell her what it was about.

"Excuse us." Lily said, getting up from the table and leading Morticia into the living room.

"Are you alright? You can tell me what's wrong." Lily said.

"You'd think I'm foolish." Morticia said.

"I would not!" Lily said. "I get upset myself, but it's mostly when Herman goofs something or when Grandpa who is my father, messes up on one of his experiments."

"Have you ever been frightened of a nightmare you had?" Morticia asked.

"Only two....."Lily said. "I dreamt that something awful happened to Marily, Eddie, and Grandpa. Then I dreamt about something awful happening to Herman." Lily could feel tears swell up in her eyes, and quickly wiped them away.

"Lay night, I had a nightmare about an ex friend of mine, Lionel Barker kidnapping my daughter, Wednesday ." Morticia answered.

"Where is this Lionel now?" Lily asked.

"I don't know." Morticia said. "But I'd rather not know."