
Multiverse Writer:The ending that all thing deserves

English is not my first language, expect bad grammar and spelling. I own nothing except my OC Mc will be overpowered from the start, so this is not the story for you if you don't like that. ________________________________________________________________ All things follow these scripts written by an omniscient being known as The Storyteller. Playing out the roles were given from the day They're born until the day they die. In the end, all lives are possibly nothing more than stories woven in between dreams. The Storyteller knows the thing that had happened and the thing that will happen. But what if The Storyteller decides to stop writing the stories and become the reader instead? 1st world - Fate stay/night

Wrtiter_or_reader · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Fate stay/night (1)




''Heed my words. My will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call and obey my will and reason, answer me! I hereby swear... That I shall be all the good in the world. That I shall defeat all evil in the world. Thou Seventh Heaven, clad in the three great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, Guardian of the Scales!'' A young woman with aqua eyes and long wavy brown hair in a two-side-up hairstyle, with the side of her hair tied into twin tails.

She wears a red turtleneck, a black skirt and long black stockings under brown leather flats.

Of course, she is none other than Rin (Thicc Thigh) Tohsaka.

Standing above a magic circle with her hand in front of her, she had just finished chanting a summoning for a spell to summon a servant in the fifth holy grail war.

When she finishes her summoning chant, the magic circle lights up before causing a small explosion, blowing all of the dust in the room, with an occasional red spark appearing out of the circle.

Standing straight, trying to catch her breath, Rin cannot help but giggle to herself.

''That was flawless! I know I must've drawn the most powerful card there is!''


But before she can celebrate ay further, she can hear an explosion coming from the floor below. Without any hesitation, she quickly runs downstairs toward the room where she heard the explosion, which just happened that the said room is her living room.

When she arrived, she tried to open the door, but somehow, the door was jammed.

''Why!! The stupid door is jammed!! Dammit!!'' Using all of her physical strength, she burst through the door.

Expecting her room to be in disarray from the explosion that she heard, Rin is surprised to see that her living is somehow in perfect condition like there was no explosion in the first place.

But what stands out the most is probably, the man, who is sitting on one of her sofas, drinking tea from a very familiar-looking teacup.

The man had short black hair and black pupil; his appearance looked like an average-looking dude found every day.

His attire consists of a dark blue buttons shirt with a black-gold jacket on top; he wears black trousers with black letter boots.

Overall, he looks like an average person you can meet on the street who just happened to dress a little more nicely than most people.

Rin looked at the stranger for a few seconds before looking around the room before; her eyes landed on the clock before a sudden realisation hit her like a lightning strike.

''Wait... all the clocks were running an hour early! So that means it's 1 AM... Not 2 AM...''

''Dammit! I did it again! Well, what's done is done, I guess...''

With a sigh, she looks back at the stranger, who is looking at her with a little amusing smirk on his face.

''Alright, so what are you supposed to be?'' Rin said with a little bit of irritation in her voice after seeing that little smirk on the stranger's face.

''Who am I? Well, maybe I'm a thief who decided to break into YOUR house and decide to drink YOUR tea, using YOUR teacup while also looking at a woman in front of me who seem to know already who I am, so why are you even asking master?'' The man said sarcastically.

With an audible tch, Rin responds, ''I just want to make sure you really are MY Servant, alright? And how did you even have to make your own tea!?''

''Because I'm the best, master. Besides, are you really questioning me about whether I am a servant or not? It's pretty obvious that I am your Servant, and with you summoning me, it is a guaranteed win for you.'' Said the stranger

''Right... I'm sorry but, considering how you dress, you can easily be mistaken as a normal person.'' Rin answer back

''Well, that is true, but with this appearance, I can easily blend in with the crowd and don't stand out, you know?'' The stranger said

''Ok? So can you at least tell me what Servant class are you because clearly, you are not a saber?'' Ask Rin

''I would say, archer, considering it was you who summoned me, but believe it or master, you summoned a foreigner!!'' Said the stranger

''A foreigner? I never heard of that class before.'' Rin mutter

For all of her study and preparation for the Grail war, Rin had learned a lot of things about servants class, their strengths and weakness. Still, she had never heard of a foreigner class servant before for all of her preparation and study. Even her father note said nothing about this servant class.

''Of course, you would never hear about this class before, master. You can just think of me as a special class servant.'' The stranger said while putting the now empty teacup back on the table.

''Fine!! Leaving that aside tell me, what Heroic spirit are you?''

''You probably never heard of me, but you can call me Storious master.'' Storious said, giving Rin a short bow.

''Storious? I never heard of you before!!''

''Don't worry, master, it's a small matter, really.''

''Small matter!! If I don't even know who you are, how am I supposed to tell how strong you are!?''

''How strong am I? Isn't it obvious, master? It was you who summoned me, so of course, I am the strongest.'' Storious said nonchalantly

Rin face quickly reddened from Storious statement.


''...Well, fine. It'll make no difference that I don't know who you are. They do say that to fool your enemies; you must first fool your allies..." Rin said, trying to hide her embarrassment

Storious simply smile, seeing Rin reaction.

''How about you go to sleep master, it's quite late already. It would be best if you had all of the energy for the war to come.''

''Hmph, fine, you better stay on a good behaviour, ok?'' Rin said

''What am I, master? A dog'' Storious said, but Rin had already left the room, running back into her bedroom, probably trying to hide her embarrassment.

Now standing alone in the room, Storious quickly looked around before.

''Oi, can you shut up? Do you seriously think that I would do nothing with you because it is a new chapter and the story's start?''

Wait, wait, wait, you can't make me go quiet. If I go quiet, there would be no one to describe what is going on in the story, you know?! It would be very confusing for the reader.

''I see that as a whole lot of none of my problem, besides I can describe the scene myself.''

What how?!

''Just used first pov, and I would describe the scene myself.''

You can't do that!! I only have one job!! And you are taking it away from me!! I just want more screen time for myself!!

''Oh shut up, you don't need screentime, you are a narrator, and a narrator doesn't need screentime. It is written in the book.''

The book? What book!?

''Oh you know, the book that calls -A100 reason why the narrator in stories is useless-''

What!? Who would write a book like that!!

''Isn't it obvious? It's me, of course!! Now shut up, I will end the chapter now, I can't stand your voice anymore!!''

Wait!! don-