
The Devil's Deal

Year 20XX, Summer.

Sitting at the back seat of the classroom, you could see a young boy with blond hair and golden eyes sweating profusely holding his head down.

'What's happening to me' he thought to himself as a massive headache followed by a sharp sting in his eyes, made him feel completely drained and weak.

"Are you alright, Kise-kun?"

"Yes, Onizuka-sensei." Kise sat straight with a smile trying not to worry anyone when he suddenly saw something that completely terrified him. He could see strange lines all over the place. Those lines covered not only his teacher but students, desk, floor every single thing that was around.

Seeing the panic in his eyes, Onizuka tried to get hold of him when suddenly he fainted causing a stir in the class.


"Ryota Kise, so that's who I am huh!" Kise sat straight up looking around at the empty nurse office.


"Alex Holmes, 23-year-old. Died of a heart attack." Azazel, the demon general read his report, "He arrived a day ago, so he still hasn't been broken yet."

"Good." The man sitting in the throne nodded satisfactorily, "So what's his sin? Murder? Betrayal?"


The man coughed spitting his drink out.

"He literally died doing nothing," Azazel said with a complicated expression, "The only reason he ended up here was due to his own fault in personality and a few bad choices he made, which resulted in negative Karma."

"Are you sure there is no one other than him for the job?"

"We do have one other candidate, but due to his psychopathic tendencies, he's not really that suitable."

"How bad is he?"

"Twisting and breaking puppies neck, bad." Azazel reported, "But I still prefer the monkey in front of us, as he has the knowledge of what he's getting himself into."

The man awkwardly nodded as he read the report himself giving up on the puppy killing psychopath, "Well, Sloth and Pride are sins too." he said looking at the man in front of him, "Let me introduce myself, I am Lucifer, the king of hell, you might have heard of me-- Now now, no need to be afraid-- tell me, Alex do you have any desire to live again?"

Alex for the first time raised his head to look upon the king of hell, gulping he nodded at the magnificent man in front of him. Lucifer was clearly the most beautiful man he had ever seen, but not just that, something within him shined differently. It was bright and warm, especially in this cold and dark place.

"Seeing your sins aren't too bad either, I can be gracious enough to give you a chance." Lucifer said, "And do speak freely, I actually enjoy casual talks now and then,"

"Umm...so you'll let me live again?" Alex asked carefully, after all, just the idea of getting to live again was something unimaginable. But something didn't seem right, the devil giving out reincarnation wishes? Wasn't it gods who did so?

"Yes, of course." Lucifer said, "I'll even reincarnate you in multiple fantasy worlds, you all lazy folks love."

"You mean like Anime?" Alex asked gulping again.

"Exactly like Anime." Lucifer laughed, "I can already see you being alive, just hearing that."

Azazel raised his eyebrows complimenting Lucifer's charm. With skin, whiter than milk and crazy drooly eyes from a day in hell, Alex looked the farthest thing from alive.

"Do you want something in return?" Alex questioned again, thinking to himself that this was all too good to be true especially with the one being so generous, was the devil. "And wait--I am sorry but I think I heard you say multiple."

"Just be just grateful getting to live again monkey." Azazel snorted

"It's fine. He's, after all, asking the correct questions." Lucifer said, "Let's begin with how we got to this point to be exact. You see, you humans always had the knack for creativity which I honestly appreciated. From literature to art, humans worked on various stories. But unfortunately, my father got excited about these fantasy-imaginary worlds too."

"So him being him created a dimension called, 'Source world' or just 'Source' where all these different stories took the life of its own. With so many stories the number of souls increased too. I didn't have much problem with that at all in the beginning but it all began falling apart when an error was found in his perfect little system. The worlds began copying itself into different paths with each human fantasy on these other fantasies started taking a form of its own as well."

"You mean like fan-fiction?" Alex asked looking at the devil who was getting furious as he spoke.

"You might be lazy but you're smart." Lucifer nodded, "Yes, and the copy of these worlds were just as real as any other world. Every soul in them was real as well. And with so many souls both heaven and hell are-- well going through hell. And that's where you fit in the story."

"You see both Heaven and Hell want to fix my father's mistake." Lucifer said, "So together we have chosen you, to do the job for us."

"And how will I do so?" Alex asked, though he was a lazy weeb in is previous life, he was still smart enough to ensure his survival.

"By getting the core from each world." Lucifer explained as he flicked his fingers showing him a projection of a white globe, "You see, every world from the source, has a core that supports its function. This core is used to make sure the world goes exactly the way it's supposed to go in the story. And it is also the sole reason for all the malfunction, as the world started making copies for all the other scenarios. So that's your job, head over to the source worlds and destroy their core. I am guessing you have some more questions, so shoot."

"Why me?" Alex asked directly, "Especially considering I am from Hell and with you knowing why I ended up here. So why not choose someone good from heaven."

"Nothing special, you just happen to die at the proper time." Lucifer answered, "As for your second question, Heaven is under father's control, so a soul leaving there is impossible without him knowing. And finally, about your laziness, here in hell, we believe people can change when they are under agonizing pressure so not a big deal."

Alex nodded trying to understand things carefully. He truly wanted to live again, especially after a day in hell he missed being alive more than anything. So weighing out all his options Alex asked, "So where will I find these cores?"

"It's Heaven's responsibility to help you with finding it, after all, Hell has no control over you after you leave this place." Lucifer said smiling at his silent agreement, "Oh! and don't worry all this information would be imprinted in your mind, after all, I believe you're still quite hazy right now."

"That's all good and all-" Alex said, though his condition wasn't so good he still understood his job, after all, what would you expect from a shut-in weeb. Being in this situation was his dream, except in those dreams the one giving him the job was a hot tsundere goddess, not the devil. "-but do I get some wishes?"

"Wishes?" Lucifer laughed, "I am the devil for hell's sake, I give out favors not wishes. Your life, for you to do my job, that's the deal. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Sire, If I may, I think the monkey has a point." Azazel said, "These worlds are too strange and powerful for someone normal like him. He's likely to die on his very first mission without assistance especially considering Heaven wouldn't be able to help him much right from the get-go."

"Very well then." Lucifer rolled his eyes, snapping his fingers as Alex suddenly began wailing on the floor holding his eyes.

After moments of Agony, Alex finally calmed down. Opening his eyes slowly, everything he saw was blurry at the beginning but as his vision became clearer he started seeing lines all over the place. Every demon, every object, all of these things had these lines that he could see clear as day.

Alex already knew what it was, "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception." he muttered as he looked at the devil in shock, and what surprised he further was the fact that he couldn't see any lines on him at all. Even Azazel besides him only had a single very thin line surrounding him, which flickered off and on.

"Remind Heaven that they owe me one for this boy." Lucifer said snorting, "Also, remember these Mystic Eyes are the only eye-related powers you'll ever have. You can't replace it, you can't change it and neither can you add other powers alongside it. Even scraping your eyes off won't work. Consider a flaw in working with the devil."

'So no Sharingan for me, I guess.' Alex thought to himself as he began regretting opening his mouth about wishes earlier but soon shook it off, after all, these Mystic eyes were quite powerful and useful too. And he was pretty sure this was all he going to get from the devil.

"So now that my work is done, it's time for you to leave and start your new life free from hell. You'll be reincarnated into one of the normal copies of the source world as after all, going back to good old Earth is impossible."

Alex nodded understanding his situation, and besides other than his belongings he never had anyone he held dear that he was going to miss back on earth. So he didn't refute at all as all he wanted was to live again.

Lucifer snapped his fingers again as he sat back on the throne watching Alex slowly disappear. "Remember your quest starts after you turn 15 and your memories will awaken a month before. So be as ready as you mentally and physically can." Azazel gave his final advice to Alex.

"Thank you." Alex murmured before he completely vanished from hell.

"It has been a really long time since someone thanked the devil." Lucifer laughed wildly, "He's sure to regret it. After all, my father isn't going to take someone opposing his creations well."

"I worry about him." Azazel sighed, "I wonder if he'll really make the correct decisions this time around."

"It's strange seeing you worry about a human, Azazel," Lucifer said as Azazel sighing handed Alex's report making Lucifer fill with laughter once again.

*End of Flashback*


Author note,

#The world Mc reincarnated in, is a mixed world of different animes.

#Mc reincarnated as Ryouta Kise from Kuroko no Basket.

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