
Chapter 1

I woke up to my mother shouting my full name and I knew I was in trouble. "OLIVIA RENTAS RUIZ" she practically screeched and I groaned as I got out of bed I walked down the stairs, still half asleep, but I woke up as I came into the kitchen and saw her face she looked very annoyed.

I was about to ask her what I did but then she cut me off. "look at the time" I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 8:15... oh my god school started 15 minutes ago. I quickly explained I didn't hear my alarm and ran upstairs to get ready.

I had no time to waste so I quickly changed into a white short-sleeved top with blue jeans, I quickly ran to the kitchen grabbed an apple for breakfast, and ran off saying bye to my mom before she could lecture me about waking up so late. I took my phone out my pocket and texted my friends, Samantha and Dylan, in the group chat that I slept in by accident and they replied with laughing emojis and I couldn't contain my eye roll as I walked into my first class, biology.

As I walked in I tried to get to my seat discreetly, but of course, my teacher, Mrs.West, noticed even though she was turned to the board which frankly I will never understand how teachers do that, it's like they're some type of wizard or something. "Mrs. Ruiz your late" I inwardly groaned and said "Oh yeah sorry about that," she said she could let me off with a warning.

I started drawing in doodles on my notebook page and before I knew it the class was over, as the bell rung I tried to dash out the door but Mrs. West stopped me and proceeded to ask "Ms. Ruiz may I ask why your late today?"

I tried to explain to her but then I started rambling "Oh um yeah sorry about that my alarm didn't go off- don't you hate that? Then again you probably hate a lot of things I do too like roaches I hate those- then again who doesn't, is there something you hate? I wouldn't be surprised if there was something that annoyed you like maybe not listening or something which I hate- like in the movies when somebody doesn't turn off their phone I hate that almost as much as I do roaches-"

she cut me off "Olivia it's fine I was just wondering you're not in trouble or anything I'm letting you off with a warning". I let out a breath of relief and excused myself as I headed to my locker.

As I was walking to my locker some guy bumped into me, I looked up and realized it was Dax Connor the school bad boy he had quite the reputation, he got into a lot of fights and it was said that he's been to juvy and that he's in a gang and that he's a murderer (which I think is a stretch) but just about every girl in the school loved him for his looks and I had to give him that.

what? I give credit where it's due

he had green-eyed and black curly hair along with a slight Australian accent not too strong but very obviously there. As I was about to apologize but he snapped "get out of my way" without even looking at me, with a tone that I think was meant to sound intimidating. It didn't work on me. I wasn't about to take the blame for that when he bumped into me

"excuse me?" I said, he has some audacity thinking he can speak to me like that and I'll just take it. If tats what he thinks he has the next thing coming.

"you heard me" He said

"I don't know if you're supposed to be scary but you bumped into me so how bout you watch it" I said then shoved him he looked at me and something flashed in his eyes but it went away as soon as it came, but he said with a smirk "right then, my bad sweetheart". His mood changed fast.

I walked to my second period, Art, which I had with Dylan and Samantha, and I couldn't help but have a victorious smirk on my face as I heard people snickering at Dax then I grinned after he shouted"shows over people" and people went right back to their business.

I wonder whats got his boxers in a twist all the time jeez, but I'm surprised he didn't shout in my face or kill me or something... okay I mean he wouldn't kill me but he is the definition of trouble so he could've done something but he didn't. huh, that's odd, maybe he's bipolar.

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