
Red like roses

12 midnight

Inside the small room,

"Honey, You need to be strong, Papa will follow you." Chen hug his daughter.

"Papa, what is happening? What are talking about?" she rubbed her eyes and look at the person on front of the door."Who is she?"

"little zel, she is your Auntie. She's your mom's cousin." He look at the lady and nodded. He took a white powder on his pocket and let Criszel smell it. When Criszel lose her consciousness he finally relieved. He took out a pendant out a a of his pocket and put it on her neck. He took her hand and put it her on his forehead. "Honey, please don't hate Papa. Papa only don't want to see you crying. Papa loves you, I promise that if we manage to survive I will follow you know."

He stares at his daughter for minutes. He try to calm himself but he seems can't breathe properly. A teardrop rolled to his cheeks, he can't hold it back"*sniff ahu!huuhuu!!! Haah! haaah! Im sorry! I'm sorry, if only, Cerise! Forgive me! ahu.*sniff* if only I am not a Godfarmer you don't have to be, If only I am not a Godfarmer our daughter will not suffer this much. Ahuhhaha! I didn't wish for this?*sniff. Why my family why my daughter of all people why does it need to be us!? Huhuhhh huuh! Criszel *sniff forgive me! Why do I have to be a Godfarmer!? why!!!?" He hug her unconscious daughter, his tears can't stop falling, his face keep trembling. He don't want let her go. He cry for hour before he finally calm down.

The girl behind watched him crying for an hour. She suddenly walk on his front.


"I don't know that the man my sister choose is a coward. " She pick up the unconscious Criszel out her bed. "You should runaway if you can't fight for your daughter, you coward."

"You! I'm not a coward! You don't know me! I give up everything because of this family name! You say I'm a coward? You don't have the rights to call me a cowa--"

"Then stop your nonsense! My sister choose you because you are a Godfarmer, She choose you because she loves you!! Then you say those kind of words!?" She smirk and jump on the window "If you're not a coward then show me. Don't die, fight for your daughter until your last breath! You seems finally calm down, the boat will be living earlier than expected, I'm going now." She leap out the window and vanished.

Chen who was left in the room suddenly smile. "Ha ha, maybe she's right, I can't be like this. I will follow you. I promise that."

He look on the picture frame on his daughter's desk and put it on his bag.

"Tonight blood will be the color of the night. Cerise , Criszel. Watch me how I slice them into half." with a murderous voice he took out his sword and vanished. The room become silent again.


Outside the village a group of armed people where marching, when they reach the village gate they transform into various beasts. There is a lot of them.

"Begin, Kill everyone who retaliate, make sure no one will manage to run. The Godfarmer legends ends here!" The boss looking fellow started to mutate. His legs became big, He then grow a tail like reptile, his upper body remain normal but suddenly he grew wings on his back grew a single pointed horn like a Unicron, his eyes become blue and his hair begin to glow like a blue flame.

Their group has 100 beginner low rank mutant, 3 intermediate low rank mutant and 1 high low rank mutant.


On the side of Godfarmer's the old man took his sword and mutter. "The last time I use my sword is 250 years ago when they took your mother. I might be old but I'm still a Intermediate Middle rank mutant. Haaaaahhhh!" He breathes in. " huhuhu! Thousand years ago you people respect us. Now we're down below you dare to take advantage of us? I will show you how a Godfarmer looks like when angered."

Crack !! Crookk!

He begin to merge with his genes. He turned into a pupa, after a few minutes come out of it with pair of crimson red wing, his face is young. The gene he gain when he travel inside the forbidden area, his pet. A D class beast insect 'The Crimson Phoenix Butterfly'. He grows two antennas. His hair turn into darkish violet flame. His hand merged to his sword like a needle, his second gene, a E class beast the Blond Crab with gene mutation "Armed". He stop his mutation after the second one.

Chen who is behind him also begin to transform, he begin to grew two more arms, two more feet. Six extra eyes open around his head. He then grew exoskeleton in his whole body, His first mutation, A C class Beast insect, his extinct pet Night Spider and it's Gene Mutation, 'Eight'. his muscle then begin to retract and grow black fur. His second gene an F class beast, the Black Fur Fox, 'Retract'.

" Let's go son."

"Great Grandpa stop calling me son. It's not appropriate." He look at his Grandpa who is more handsome and younger than him. "I want one of that, please catch me one if survive."

"Haha! Alright brother, let's the bloodbath begin!!!"

Swisshhh!! Hooookkkkk!!!


In the middle of the city.

"Boss two mutant are charging from the front." A mutant with a hawk beak and a large speak.

"Hmmm. it might be them. Call all our allies, the Foxgod Association doesn't need them anymore. We can't let them recover their force."

The bat like mutant released waves that only the one he wants to inform receive it.

A minute later the whole army comeback.

"they're here."

"Get ready, they are mutants too."

"Don't worry, there's only two of th--"


Before he end what he want to say, a giant needle torn his heart and instantly die.

"Welcome my dear prey!!!" The butterfly winged man shout and flapped his wing several time.

Swook! Swook! Swook!!

With a blinding speed he charge to his enemy and stab their heart. " Ha ha! Oh my body seems alive again. No rust at all!"

" Don't get ahead of yourself. Die!!" A 3 meter giant ball with spike fall from the sky.

Creeaak! booogshh!!!!

The ball giant was kick with three feet and crash 10 meters away where the collision happened.

"Old man please don't charge recklessly, we need to save our energy if someone stronger appear"

"Old man your face!!, call this handsome guy brother!!"

Swook. Swook! Swook!

The butterfly looks like dancing in the air making few mirror image. Every time he stab his needle he held them up in the air, making the scene looks like it's raining blood. He spin like a ballerina and flapped his wing making the blood rain dance like petals.

Chen on the other hand don't like flash moves and crush the skull of his Enemy with double punch or triple kick.

the scene makes the other shiver through their spine.

"W-what the? They said they are only on the Intermediate and high low rank mutant!!! how come they are this strong!!" The boss voice were trembling, the revealed a mocking smile./"Ha ha. just joking." He took out a jade bottle and pop the pellet inside his mouth.


His appearance change again, his whole body turned into a t-rex a C class beast. Then his eyes turned crimson red while in his head grew three more horns, in top of his heads and middle of eyes. Trionicorns!!! C class beast!!!


" It's a limit breaker gene pill!? Did he plan to die after this fight!!"

"Grandpa what is that?! He looks like he lose control!"

"Concentrate, that pill is going to make your genes to force to form his true form" he flapped his wing and distance himself. "It's only affect those who have untamed Gene Mutation. It's both C class beast. We need to use strategy."


it's charge into Chen like a bull.

Chen was caught by surprise and stabbed in his side!

kuhhuuk! He flew in the air while his blood is dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Chen! what are you doing!" The old man flew and catch him.

Blaaggg! Suddenly a large unstoppable force hit his back, He close his wings and unmerge with his sword.

"Kahhukk! f*ck.We need to escape!!" He put Chen in his back and run backwards while looking for the enemy charging.

"Grraaaaaaarrr!!" it leaps and position his head forward. He looks like spear that is hundred times bigger.

The Old man try to avoid the horns, but not it's head.


He spat a mouthful of blood and flew into the sea. He try his beast to mutate, His back then grew a shell covering him and Chen. swish!

Like a stone, they bounces in the surfaces of the water. The force the monster made them flew directly in a shore of a certain island, The old man was hurt but still manage to move, he started to dig a hole in the sand, he trow his grandson inside, he produced a turtle shell that cover them. He release a force to make the sand fall on his back. he transform into Crimson Phoenix Butterfly, he release a syrup from his antenna and drop it inside Chen's mouth.

Chen's body started to turned darkish brown turning him into cocoon like existence, "Fvck y*u Chen. Haist! let's sleep for a bit too." He then also started to turn into cocoon. 'Reincarnation Syrup'! and 'Recovery Cocoon'!!

The two of them are buried in the shore of

The Eerie Island.