
Moon Hunters

"I understand that I still have no experience. I am just an incapable teammate who failed to go all the way with my comrades. However, the loyalty that has been etched into my heart, at least that I can guarantee is genuine. It is my truth after all ... " In an alternative future of yours: "21/12/2012" the date of an event that shook the entire planet earth. On that day, mythological creatures, which until then only existed in fictional books and films, descended from magical portals in the skies of our _'pacific'_ planet. Against these creatures, several wars were fought, after 10 long years, billions of humans were killed in the process, leaving a population of just under 50,000 alive. 60 years have passed since that event that today we call _ "The invasion" _. In those years, many countries fell with the countless wars, one of the few that did not surrender was Japan, where our protagonist with European blood lives, she dreams of being part of the greatest force among humans, _ "the moon hunters "_, they are the only ones who can save our home. His biggest dream is to bring an end to the war of humans against monsters, so that children can live in a world where blood does not need to be spilled for things to be resolved.

Donoghan · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

One of us

Lights in the trees of the forest appear. From these lights come men who wore a kind of royal military attire.

They brought with them a roll of carpet, with a soft fabric rug tied to it - it was obvious, Emília - and not only that, as the carpet was already being used now, the carpet roll was almost finished with dragging them so much .

As if they had thrown the (full) roller at the beginning of the forest and had spent it and brought it here.

In addition, someone was on the carpet path.

Accompanied by well-armed guards and with a look almost impossible to read, he appears.

The lord of the golden chair ...

I didn't know what to do, so I was silent.

But it seems that it was not just me who came up with this idea.

Not only me, but Eleanore and Stephen were amazed at the presence of that man in our camp.

So amazed that they didn't even know what to say or how to react to that situation.

One of the soldiers accompanying him was about to start the discussion by announcing something, but he was interrupted by the Lord in the golden chair as soon as he raised his hand.

(...): it was really difficult to find you, Baldric-san.

"Baldric-san" ...?

Honorifics were widely used in ancient Japan - before the "invasion" - today, very few people, including the Japanese themselves, use Honorifics.

This is due to a new rule.

But, as far as I know, no one is obliged to follow it, it's just an option whether or not you want to refer to someone using honorifics.

But "baldric-san" ?! Oh really?!

The only "baldric-san" I know is my Mother!

I pointed to myself and said:

Emilia: me?

One of the soldiers accompanying that gentleman removed the sword from its sheath and tried to attack me after saying:

"soldier": how dare you treat the South Sovereign like that? !!

The man in the golden chair raised his hand again, so two soldiers at his rear prevented that other soldier from doing anything to me.

"South Sovereign"? ... is that your name?

(...): forgive me for my arrogant soldier and it's my fault, I arrived here without notice and nothing. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am--

Before he could complete his presentation.

Eleanore: Akaishi Noriaki, the south Sovereign.

Stephen: the one who rules everything at the south base.

They, with their heads down, interrupt him.

Noriaki: tisc! Okay, no introductions.

Without anyone noticing, Eleanore put her hand on the hilt of her sword in its scabbard.

Eleanore: what do you want with Emília?

Noriaki: baldric-san, does this little creature speak for you?


I brought my face close to Eleanore's ear and whispered.

Emilia: leave it to me.

Eleanore: heh ?! [...]

To tell you the truth, I felt incredible when rebuking Eleanore. It looks like I'm Sensei here now.

Heheh ...

Emilia: what do you want with me?

To put on a heavy mood, I looked at him with eyes full of hate.

Noriaki: eh [...] right, I'll start. Baldric-san, I, the South Sovereign, came here personally to make you an indispensable proposal.

Emilia: and what proposal would that be?

He holds out his hand to me with a look and a greedy smile.

Noriaki: join me at the south base, baldric-san!


Emilia: I don't want to!

Eleanore takes my hand and squeezes it tightly.

Eleanore: she accepts.

Emilia: heh?! - no! I do not--

She squeezes even harder until it starts to hurt.

Eleanore: I already said. She accepts.

Noriaki: hoh? [...]

Eleanore: she accepts !!

Noriaki: tomorrow. At 10:00 in the morning. I'll be waiting for you, babaldric-san

He turned his back on us and started laughing as he left.

Two of his soldiers were talking in front of us about something they didn't know how to translate.

My hand started to hurt more and more. I look at Eleanore and push and she.

Emilia: stop it! Why did you do that?!

Eleanore: I--

Emilia: I don't want to and I'm not going to the south base!

She finally lets go of my hand and walks slowly into the dark of the forest.

Eleanore: you told us once that it was your dream to become the strongest.

Emilia: I said, but that's no reason to--

Eleanore: the south base is the only one capable of making you a tall hunter. Being trapped by the limitations of the northern base, you will never reach your goal.

Emilia: but-

She walks further into the dark of the forest.

Stephen: she's right. Emilia, if you get stuck in day-to-day futile emotions, you will never move forward. But-

Emilia: but?

She stops and pays attention to his words.

Eleanore: huh? [...]

Stephen: but if you are a lonely person, alone and without company, you will not endure it and you will go into depression.

Emilia: that's what I'm saying. I want to-

Eleanore: Emilia, don't interrupt.

Emilia: heh! [...]

Stephen: you need to find someone you can count on and that person can always count on you.

Without thinking twice, from a ridiculous position, I point to both.

He shakes his tone a little more.

Stephen: no! I wasn't talking about us, Emilia!

Emilia: credo-

Eleanore comes up from behind and slaps me on the back of the head.

Emilia: gyaaa!

He takes a deep breath.

Stephen: hah [...] what I was trying to say, is that you need to evolve together with those who are on the same level as you. If you stay with one of us, you will end up depending only on us.

Eleanore: if you live on our addiction, you will never be "the best". So you need to go. As much as I hate it, you need it.

Like a bird that leaves the nest as soon as it learns to fly.

Emília: ok [...]

I ended up not having the courage to ask why the two of them stayed apart when they saw the south Sovereign.

I'll leave that to ask the next morning.

I sat on the damp floor around the fire, looked to the side, noticed that those two were still there, talking, possibly listening to our conversation.

One says goodbye to the other and starts walking down the mountain, while the other walks slowly towards me.

He says:

(...): it seems that you succeeded [...]

He takes off his helmet and reveals who it is.

It was him ...

Merlin: [...] Emilia.

Merlin ...

It was really him.

He revealed who he was as well as the first time we met.

Emilia: Mermerlin? [...]

I didn't know what to say to him at that moment.

Just how to act.

I get up and with my eyes closed, I slap him on the face. The slap was so strong that a "FLAP" echoed through the forest.

As soon as I open my eyes, I notice that his cheek was red with the slap I gave, while he did not express any joy, he seemed depressed.

I pull my arm back and start to pass the action hand on the left arm elbow, repeatedly.

Emilia: eh [...] never disappear like that again!

I cross my arms and look to the side.

Stephen: welcome back.

Eleanore: it was taking too long, huh.

Embarrassed, he starts to run his hand through his hair that hasn't changed at all.

Merlin: sorry, I did so many missions that when I realized, it had been two and a half years [...] So, what did I miss?

Stephen: humm [...] I understand. It looks like you arrived on time.

Eleanore: or rather, it was revealed at the right time.

Stephen: as you may have heard, Emilia goes to the south base, to work there.

Merlin: yes, I know that. After all, I was the one who requested her transfer with the south sovereign himself.

Emilia: W-was it you? [...]

Merlin: I already stood in your way once, Emilia. Now, I want you to become the strongest on the strongest base.

Stephen: um [...] you could imagine.

Merlin: rest assured! I promise not to interfere with Emilia's development.

Eleanore: okay. Eh [...] won't you congratulate Emília? After all, did she succeed? Somehow [...]

Merlin: the South Sovereign was impressed with Emilia's fighting style. Not only that, he admires her attitudes more. Afraid of losing a good fruit, he made an exception for her and accepted her inside the south base.

Eleanore: I'm glad he accepted her. If not, I would beg my superiors to at least accept her here at the north base, even though we are full.

Stephen: if the north base did not accept it, I would go to the east base and take it there.

Eleanore: wait! How would you leave it at the east base if you're from the west base?

Stephen: I meant it when I said she didn't need our help for anything.

Eleanore: hah!

Emilia: heh- WHAT ?!

We started laughing at Stephen. Merlin looked at me with a smile on his face because of Stephen.

Merlin: Congratulations, I'm really happy for you. I hope you will become a great hunter someday.

Laughing boringly, until you remember the event earlier.

I sit on the floor, I am reclusive when I look at that flame from the fire that had been burning since early.

Emilia: thank you [...] but I disagree about someday being able to become "a great hunter someday" [...] being a great hunter someday [...]

Merlin: why do you say that? [...]

Emilia: I probably killed an innocent [...] If he died, the blame will fall on me.

Eleanore: Emília, we've talked about this before. These things happen on the battlefield, there will come a time when you will have to get used to it.

Emília: I know, but [...] It is difficult that I will have to kill people.

Eleanore: the only ones you're going to have to kill are going to be the magical creatures, human only in case of extreme emergency, like if he is corrupt or they try to do something against you.

Emília: I understand [...]

Without even noticing it, Stephen comes close to my face, smiles and flicks my forehead.

Stephen: your biggest flaw, Emilia, is getting into it head on, and having thought that everything would end up perfect, that you would do everything without even making a single mistake.

Eleanore: he's right. You are human, with defects like any other. You feel fear, you feel anger and so many other feelings.

Merlin: but what makes you a special girl is your determination. I still remember today passing by your house and seeing you at the window with a look of desire. From an early age you wanted to conquer the world around you.

Eleanore: it's people like you that keep me going. Although I hated you in the beginning.

She starts to laugh with her hand over her mouth.

My big eyes quickly filled with tears, I started to sob and my hands were shaking.

When my vision opened again, I could clearly see Merlin smiling with his arms crossed; Stephen with a cute smile on his face and with open arms, as if he were waiting for a hug; and Eleanore smiling from ear to ear with her hands on her hips.

I ran into Eleanore's embrace and hugged her tight.

And I left Stephen with an embarrassed expression or as if he didn't understand what was happening, unintentionally, making him wait for the hug.

After 2 minutes of just hugging her, Eleanore noticed something wrong. She nudged me on the arm until she heard my snoring.

I couldn't take it, so I fell asleep.

Without taking the slightest care, she pushed me away from her, fell flat on her face and continued sleeping with heavy sleep, while she got up to go to sleep in her tent.

For a long minute Merlin and Stephen stared at me on the floor.

Stephen: I carry it or you--

Merlin: I remembered that I have to go. Good luck!

Stephen: hah- [...]

He came over, carried me in his arms and took me to the tent, which I spent the night with.

A new day started, I woke up as soon as the sunlight hit my face, disturbing my vision. Still sleepy and the brain barely processed my surroundings.

Still, I left the tent and saw Eleanore packing her things that she used in her daily life, all in a backpack.

Emilia: Good morning [...] Huh? Sensei, where are you going?

Eleanore: Going back to the local base. And stop calling me that, starting today you are alone.

Emilia: it doesn't matter! For me you will always be my sensei.

Eleanore: ah! Whatever! Need something? Before you go [...]

Emilia: to tell you the truth, there is something I need you to do for me.

I asked her to cut my hair, because it grows very fast and I spent 2 years in a row without messing with it - it's a mess - so I want her to cut it a little back and trim my bangs that have grown a lot in those years.

With great pleasure, she accepted my request. And cut everything in the scissors.

I had stayed as before when I joined them. She gave me a mirror and it looked like I was looking at a photograph of me from two years ago.

Finally, she asked me to undress. Without really understanding why, I accepted the order.

I undressed completely, sat down on an old wooden stool that she used to sit on to drink beer. With my right hand I covered my breasts and my left massaged my belly.

Emilia: Hey, where's Stephen?

She gently tossed a bucket full of water over my head, which dripped all over my body.

Eleanore: don't worry, he's not.

She started to wash the soap on my back, then she applied some product on my hair that made it more fragrant, soft and light.

She threw the bucket of water at me again and dried me with a towel.

She waited for me to finish dressing, and then we went down the mountain together.

Emilia: sensei, do you know where Stephen and Merlin went? Are they also part of the local base?

Eleanore: what? Of course not, we are all from different bases, we were summoned by Stephen himself when he was traveling here.

Emilia: I understand. And what are you based on?

Eleanore: I'm from here, the north base. So I said yesterday that I would urge my superiors to at least stay here at the northern base.

Emilia: ah! But what about Stephen? [...]

Eleanore: Stephen was called to come to the north base to deal with some urgent matters.

Emília: I understand, I understand [...]

Eleanore: I need to tell you something. Stephen probably already knew everything about his illness, and so, when I was summoned, he specified that the young woman we would have to train, apparently suffered from something that would stall his own development. He just didn't specify that it was really a disease.

Emilia: heh--

Eleanore: Merlin's arrival was a surprise, he generally does not accept this type of service, as he lives on missions in southern Japan. He came here for a different purpose, and stayed for a while. Does it make sense to you now because it disappeared?

A little shocked by the discovery.

Emilia: so [...] Stephen made me go through all that, even though I knew about my illness? [...]

It really stuck in my mind.

Eleanore: that's what you heard, Stephen made sure that experienced hunters came to train you.

I stop walking, pull the two swords in my scabbards, point up and look ahead with a determined look.

Emilia: I will kill him.

Eleanore: he could kill you in a single attack.

I approach Eleanore, put my face close to hers and shout angrily:

Emilia: he taught me everything I know !!

She slaps my face and I fall flat on my face.

Eleanore: hah! but [...] He didn't teach you everything he knows.

I take my face off the floor and in anger I punch the floor.

Emilia: damn it! [...] um [...] - I had an idea.

I ended up noticing something.

I quickly get up, dust off my clothes and stand with both hands on my waist, making a silly expression.

Emilia: heh! [...] Stephen is really incredible, isn't he? you seem a little closer to him, have you known each other for a long time?

Her cheeks flush, but, she tries to unravel.

Eleanore: huh ?! Hmm [...] You are wrong! [...] We are only known, record it in your head! [...] Cof! cof!

She tries to get away with trying to reverse what I say and looking sideways or up while her mouth trembles.

Emilia: yaha !! you're red! Ahahaha!

Eleanore: no !!! - this is because I have a fever and- no !!! [...]

And so we talked more and more as we went down the mountain. We walked so much that we could even see the street.

Emilia: sensei, can I ask you a question?

Eleanore: of course.

Emilia: You are young, why did you become a hunter?

She lowers her head and refuses to look me in the eye.

Eleanore: this is talk for another time [...]

Emilia: um [...] sorry.

Eleanore: okay.

A few seconds of silence passed.

Emilia: eh [...] since I'm going to have to go there, where exactly is the south base?

Eleanore: it is! They didn't tell you where it is [...] located in ibusuki - yamagatoshinaga

Emilia: ah! [...]

My mind went blank, as I had no idea where Ibusuki was.

Emilia: sensei, where is it--

Eleanore: wait, Emilia!

She stops halfway and starts rummaging through her backpack.

Emilia: what's up? [...]

She takes a thin, square box out of her bag, and closes the bag and hands it to me.

Emilia: for me? But- mmm [...]

I felt like crying at that time.

She laughs awkwardly with her hand over her mouth.

Eleanore: open it on the train on the way south, there's a present inside.

Emília: thank you [...]

I give her a big hug and say goodbye.

It was like I was dropping something precious to myself.

Not surprisingly, Eleanore has been like a Mother to me all these years.

Despite being only a few years older, she is infinitely more responsible than I am.

Even though I said "goodbye", I was sure that this would not be the last time I would see her again.

Eleanore: Be careful! come back whenever you can, matriarch hen! [...] Ahahaha!

I laughed together and started running away, with a smile on my face.

However, at that very moment, an old black vehicle appeared on the horizon, running towards me

That surprised me because there were few times that I could see a vehicle.

"Vehicles are no longer manufactured" in this world, that phrase is a lie. Vehicles still exist, very few are still manufactured for years, but they do exist. However, the only ones who use them are high-ranking people like rich people, soldiers, etc.

The car slows down and stops with a goal in front of me.

With my hand on the hilt of swords, I was prepared for anything.

Eleanore appears from behind and was also preparing for the worst.

The back door opens.

We both pull the swords out of the sheath a little bit at the same time, but we never get to take them out.

The door opens completely revealing who was inside.

Snuggled up on the soft bench was that boy I thought I had killed.

My eyes widen with fright and I release the swords.

He was serious and did not look at me directly, only into the interior of the vehicle.

My hands are a little shaky.

He gives a serious glance and looked me in the eye.

That scared me a lot. He must be furious for what I did to him. It's not his fault.

When I found this, something changed.

He smiles with joy and says "thank you"

I didn't even know what to say, only that my heart squeezed.

Still sitting on his bench, he speaks.

Natsuo: I'm sorry for what-- I did to you.

I couldn't hear a word that came out of his mouth.

But instinctively, I got in his car and hugged him. Tears didn't flow, I was still in shock.

Seeing him well lifted a huge weight off my back.

He is red with shame when he receives my hug.

Emilia: c- how? [...] I saw it I saw it [...]

He stops smiling with joy, and a shy smile comes in place.

Natsuo: really, I almost died. If I had arrived at the hospital later, I would certainly have died. Upon arriving at the hospital, the best doctors of the art of ancient and modern medicine got together and did everything to bring me back.

The grip even more.

Natsuo: ah! [...] unfortunately, there were some complications and I ended up becoming paraplegic.

I released it and looked at the floor of the car and there was a wheelchair dismantled.

Emilia: i- this is-- my fault! [...]

He gets angry and flicks my forehead.

Natsuo: no! [...] this is my fault. That was the least I deserved for being a cheater. I should be sorry here.

He starts scratching his head in shame without looking me straight in the eye.

Natsuo: Is Emilia your name? Right? [...]

Emília: yes it is [...]

Your face is completely flushed. He puts both my hands in his and makes one.

Natsuo: it may seem selfish on my part, but I want to- no, I need a rematch!

At that moment, my heart leapt out. He started throbbing non-stop, as he hadn't done in a long time.

Natsuo: as soon as I get out of that wheelchair and can walk again, I will want this rematch! I swear to fight without cheating! That is my request. Please accept!

I felt a strong chill in my belly as my heart beat faster and faster

My face is also red with embarrassment and nervousness, so I have an awkward smile.

Emília: I- [...] I accept it!

I accepted your request with an awkward smile on my face.

In that I could hear Eleanore's mocking sigh outside the car.

I came around, said goodbye to him and got out of the car. He closes the door, opens the window and says goodbye smiling while waving, until the car starts the engine and leaves.

Away in the car:

The driver of the car opens the window that overlooks the back seat.

"Driver": Mr. Takeharu, are you okay?

Natsuo: ah! [...] yes, Jarvis. Yes, I'm fine. Why the question?

"Driver": is it that you are red [...] have a fever?

He blushes even more and gets nervous.

Natsuo: Jarvis, I don't think that interests you! Just keep driving!

"Driver": yes, sir. But I will have to call one of the maids to prepare medicine for you.

Natsuo: ok, ok! Do as you wish! Now leave me alone.

"Driver": yes, sir.

He closes the window and leaves Natsuo lost in thought.

He opens the window, the wind blows his hair as he looks at the sky. Without realizing it, he starts talking to himself.

Natsuo: ah! [...] it wasn't just that request that I wanted to ask you, Emília [...]

Back to me.

I was still flushed, with my hands together on my chest, with my mouth slightly open.

Arms crossed, holding on to keep from laughing, Eleanore scoffs behind my back.

Eleanore: to think that you hid all of your feminine side.

I couldn't hear what she was saying, because I was lost in my thoughts. The only thing I heard was her voice murmuring something

Emilia: what? [...]

Eleanore: forget it. Look, it's almost time for your train to leave, if I were you would run as fast as--

When she realized, I was already gone, running as fast as I could. Even so, I insisted on waving my back to her.

She smiles, her heart squeezes and a tear falls.

I ran so fast that I arrived at the station and reached the train just before I left. As soon as I entered, he started.

Once inside the train, I had a view of its interior.

The atmosphere of the train knew how to balance the old with the modern perfectly, making this mode of transport even more special.

I walked through the cars, passed a restaurant car, just seeing the delights on the counter, already made my mouth water.

However, I couldn't do that. At least, not now. I need to save the money Stephen gave me for emergencies on championship night.

So I won't spend the money for nothing.

5 minutes later I was devouring a cake the size of my belly.

Soon after devouring that cake in record time, I regretted it bitterly.

After praying to the moon to bless me with money falling from the sky, I sat at a table and relaxed by the window.

From looking at so many repeated landscapes, I missed Stephen and Eleanore. However, I remembered Eleanore's gift.

I had been bringing the gift in my hand since the season.

I put the gift on the table and stared at it for a brief moment.

The box was black, with a shape that could be considered a box of chocolates. Around this box, there was a red bow tied to the box with a knot of rabbit ears.

I pulled the noose, it untied. I opened the box and saw what was inside.

A yellow paper with something written on it. It said: "now you are one of us". This paper was on top of a light blue fabric with some black fabrics. On the back of the blue fabric, you can clearly see something written in Kanji.

It said: "狩 人"

The literary translation was...


To be continued...