
Monsters Convention

Clay Somers is a student at Brookshire high school and a failed lacrosse player. When Clay finds out the truth about his birth, it leads him to study more and he finds out about a Monsters Convention being held in Slidore Academy for the Arcane, a boarding school for mystical creatures like himself.

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Clay walked to the living room, he was going to get some milk from the refrigerator. As he stepped down that afternoon, he saw Floyd and Donna Somers. They were his step siblings.

Floyd was a 29 years old guy, he was overseeing the affairs of their company in Great Britain. Donna on the other hand, was a 24 years old blonde, average in height and her final year of schooling university had just been finished. They had returned because their business was being moved to Tinsel Town.

Floyd was going to help manage one of the companies while Donna would manage the others. Scott on the other hand was in the military, he didn't have any interest in their family business or running a company. He loved saving fighting terrorists. Although, Mr. Martin Somers had tried to convince him to come back but he refused. Martin even had to complain to Ed Somers, the patriarch of their family about Scott's hatred for their family business.

The first time Martin spoke to Ed about Scott, Scott was a journalist, though his family had money, he wanted to do something to help people. But Ed got him fired, he also tried working with the Anti-Crime Squad, a paramilitary organization tasked with the job of eliminating national threats, but still Ed made him lose his job.

Scott always had a way to make his grandfather frustrated. One time, Scott had burnt down Ed's favorite house because he saw a fly in it. He even smashed the windshield of Ed's Ferrari because there was a spot on it. Floyd was seen as the family's heir. Not only because he had interest in their businesses but because he understood his parents. Children are meant to annoy their parents, but Floyd never made them angry like his other siblings did.

"I can't believe....you guys are actually here! " Clay said in surprise. "Well, dad's moving Somers tech. headquarters to Tinsel Town, So, we're here to help manage. " Floyd replied. "Wait....what, you're moving our business to Tinsel Town? " Clay asked. "Yea, we are. " Martin Somers replied. "Look, I know I'm just a kid and...and....We have other businesses, but Somers tech. is our main source of income, our...our main company. Why would you want to move it here? To be number one? In what, Tinsel Town? Trust me, you don't want your main business in this little city, It's not even worth calling a city. " Clay explained.

"We understand that, but.... " Jane Ann said and paused as Martin continued "We have other businesses, if this one crashes, we'll use them. I mean, the Smiths, their properties are ours now. And...and...much more bigger and equipped than Somers tech. Seriously, we are downgrading, okay, from 17th best tech company in the world, we're now at 22nd. " Martin further explained.

"So what? You're pulling out of the race? To be the best, you should be willing to sacrifice, to take risks. I mean, it's 2027, look at the richest man in the world Sebastian Lander. When he started his company, he had no money. Until he somehow, put some bits and pieces together to design his first electric truck, he just used scraps. We have resources that Mr. Sebastian didn't have, why can't we make machines that can change the world? " Clay suggested.

"It's not that easy, Clay. " Donna said. "Okay, say you design a phone, the ones in the futuristic movies, real advanced. " Clay said. "And what if people are not interested in phones? " Jane Ann asked. "Okay, you build vehicles, cars, motorcycles, boats. " Clay suggested again.

"Do you know who the richest man in the world was when it was 2023? His name was Elon Musk, we are rich as he was and we still don't have enough to build one motorcycle, let's not talk about hundreds or cars. " Martin said. "Elon Musk invented Tesla. We are inventing Somers Technologies, the company responsible for designing the Terminator Genesis, a car which doesn't use petrol, can drive itself. What's there for people not to like. Let's say we go to the scrapyards, pick up some vehicle parts, reconstruct them, buy some new parts. You advertise, make an awesome commercial, show the full horsepower of the car, people will purchase us. " Clay explained.

"What do you think? " Martin asked as he faced Jane Ann which nodded. "What about you, Donna? " Martin asked. "It's worth a shot, I mean a billionaire celebrating his daughter's eighteenth birthday, gets her a nice ride. Dad got a a Ferrari and a Porsche after I wrecked the Ferrari, remember. " Donna replied. "What about you? What ever you guys decide right now is final. " Martin said. "Well..... Clay's a kid but.. he's got a point. " Floyd replied. "Alright, then it's settled, business remains where it is, we craft a new vehicle, what else? " Martin said and an alarm rang.

"Oh, sorry that's mine, I got somewhere to be. " Clay said. "Umm.. It's 7 p.m. " Donna said. "I know, I got a lacrosse game to get to, I'm goal keeper. " Clay explained. " Lacrosse? Are you sure? I thought you said you're coach removed you from the team because you were terrible? " Jane Ann asked. "They gave me another chance, gotta go!! " Clay said as he ran out of the house.

Clay got to the lacrosse pitch and put on his kit. The crowd were cheering as the teams were engaged in a fierce fight to decide who the winner would be. A player from the other team tackled some of Brookshire's players, got the ball to the goal post and flung it in, It was a goal. "What the hell's you're problem, Clay? It has been up to thirty minutes the game started and they already have two goals. " Brody complained.

"Bro, let it slide. " Connor said. "Nahh, this guy's terrible, he should not even be on the team. " Brody said. "You got a problem? " Clay asked. "Shut up! " Brody said. "You tell me to shut up one more time, I'ma smack your face. " Clay said. " Shut...up... " Brody said slowly. Clay tried to punch him but he was too slow. Brody caught his hand, dislocated it and pushed Clay to the ground. He was about to pounce on him when Connor held him.

"You're on his side? He got us into detention!! " Brody said. "I know...And I don't want you to get us expelled. " Connor explained. "No, you should have let him come, Connor. " Clay said boldly. "You're not helping. Just walk away, Brody. " Connor said as he watched Brody leave when Clay said "Coward! Running from a fight, I may be weak, but you are weaker!! " Clay said with a trademark smile on his face.

"That's it, bitch! " Brody shouted in anger and ran towards Clay who he lifted and smashed to the ground. As Brody punched and kicked Clay, Connor ran to Brody and pushed him. That was when the fight turned from Clay vs Brody to Connor vs Brody.

Although Connor had lots of strength, he was no match for Brody. Connor knew this but he decided to fight anyway. " Dude! I can't believe this! This guy, which you hate, you're ready to fight for him? " Brody asked. "I'm not fighting for him, I'm fighting for myself. I let you hurt him more than this, we're dead. Every last one of us! " Connor explained. "Still doesn't change a thing. " Brody said and ran towards Connor as they are engaged in a bloody fight.

There was turmoil in the pitch as people were seen running helter-skelter. Connor was on the floor, crawling and begging Brody as blood flowed from his body. "You don't have to do this. " Connor pleaded. "I have to, 'snitches get stitches' . " Brody said and put a sharp stake in Connor's palm. "Arrrgghhh!! " Connor let out a painful cry. "Mr. Stark, Here's your expulsion letter. " Principal Redmond's voice echoed from a distance.

"We told you what would happen if you bullied anyone ever again and not just anyone, Clay Somers. Now you've added attempted murder and aggrevated assault to your criminal acts. Not only are we expelling you from Brookshire, you're being sued. " Principal Redmond said and left.

"You happy now? " Brody asked. "I'm supposed to ask you that question, I told you to leave him but you didn't. It's not my fault. " Connor explained. "I know, it's his. " Brody said and left.

"You defended me. " Clay said and stretched his hands towards Connor who was on the floor. Connor held him and got up "I fought for myself. Because if I let him fight you, it was gonna be bad for not just him. I still hate you. " Connor explained and left.

On Clay's way home, he was confronted by Brody who pointed a gun at Clay and was about to shoot him when a screeching sound was heard. As they looked, they saw a bird flying towards them with great speed.