

I was born with dissociative identity disorder, or more commonly called, multiple personality disorder. I wasn't the main one. Like most cases, the numbers of personalities gained scaled with age. I, was born when Akai finally took over the throne of "Demon King", killing the former king.

With numerous voices in your head, it was but guaranteed that you'll go insane. When I finally came in, the question was no longer if, but when.

The main personality was growing ever restless, spending the nation's entire treasury to research a way to get rid of us. He never found one, because of Secor's brainwashing abilities. However, the information slowly piled up for Secor, until he created it for himself. 「Samsara Pill」, unlike what it suggests, it doesn't grant you repeated reincarnation. Instead, it helps you forget a certain amount of memories, like cutting out a part of your life. Creating requires a large amount of mana, to the point that Secor sacrificed several kingdoms within our realm. With the pill created and Secor out of mana, the struggle for the pill began. Five personalities fought over the body, including me. With 「???」 charming me to sleep, I woke up with the other personalities knocked out. Secor and Akai were fighting to the bone. Both of them fell to the floor panting, unable to move but able to talk.

I slowly walked forward and slowly picked up the pill in the physical world. I was in control of the body now.

"Don't do it!" Akai screamed. "Please! I just wanted us to have separate bodies! I just wanted a good life with you guys!"

"He's lying!" Secor yelled. Both of their messages echoed in my head, as I slump down to the floor. "He would kill us without hesitation!Eat the pill! Just do it!"

But why? Weren't we a family?

I tried to bring up happy memories, but I couldn't find any. I tried to remember what 「???」looked like, but I couldn't.

"Were you... lying?" I asked Akai. He lowered his head, as tears dripped down from his face to the bottom of our subconscious.

"Did you... really love us?" Again, no response.

With dead and blank eyes pouring our tears, I put the pill into my mouth. "It's goodbye, then"

Secor gave me a grin. "Have a good life, ya jerk"


Memories resurfaced as I held Akai.

"But, we've finally close to your dream, no?"

Akai looked up with tear filled eyes. But, there was no response.

"I wasn't lying." He whispered. Tears continued pouring out. "I wanted us to be a family."

"But now I can't even remember their names. What kind of family am I?"

I held him tighter. "This time, we will. This time, we'll all be happy. I promise."

This went on for hours until Akai finally pulled away with a blush.

"I'm fine now."

He walked up to the barrier and knocked.

"I promise to not try and kill you anymore, so let me out alright?"

"Of course." The captain snapped his fingers as the barrier disappeared.

Boreas was the first to greet me. First it was a face of understanding. Like he knew my problems because he dealt with them first hand.

Then it immediately snapped back to anger.

"I told you little brats to train! Not having a therapy session for three hours!"

"If this is what happens when you two train together, then you two will be assigned different partners!"

I shot Boreas a look of thanks. After what just happened, we'll need time away from each other.


Another three hours later, I completely regret thanking that stinking old man. Spars after spars after spars. I could feel myself getting better, but the constant waves of exhaustion hinder their effects in the next fight.

"Alright! You guys are dismissed!" I collapsed to the floor.

The 「Low Teir God Orb」 isn't worth this right?


Sorry for not updating yesterday! The internet went completely out even though it was fixed a day ago... I’ll try to double upload to make up for it! This episode was made short to capture the feels. It would completely ruin the moment if I continued with it.

Godly_UwUcreators' thoughts
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